Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

I cried watching Fruitvale ain't even been able to watch it agin :smh:

Masterpiece in my opinion, amazing performance from MBJ, pivotal debut from Coogler.

Agree on Gravity, to me it was just so stunning visually that it didn't matter to me that the story/character development was **** :lol:

Dave O is my guy but I just wasn't feeling the overall storyline/writing in American Hustle
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Funny you say that

"According to Christian Bale much of the movie was improvised. So, during the shooting of the film he noted to David O. Russell, "You realize that this is going to change the plot greatly down track." To which the director replied, "Christian, I hate plots. I am all about characters, that's it.""

Damn. And that's exactly what it was. The dialogue was amazing (because a lot of it was natural) but the plotline was like wtf
Considering all the imrpov I have a whole new respect for Bradley Cooper he was so ****** funny
His delivery was trippin me out and i was like "no way that was written in the script" (like when he had Amy Adams in the holding cell)
Cooper/Adams was so great, it makes a lot of sense now why everyone loved the acting but not the story
IDK I though the the Plot worked pretty well. A small time hustler gets caught up by a small time agent, agent pushes him on to bigger things, ultimately biting off more than he can chew. J.Law as the wife, proverbial complication; Amy as the true love. Nail Polish as a plot device, Son as a reason to "stay."  IDK, what didn't you guys like about the story?
Sexual assault in movies


Your thoughts?

Personally, it's weird, so many of boy-girl interactions are veiled in sex, movies reflect that...I understand that we shouldn't condone it, but I can't imagine a world where there is no "sexual harassment" like, has anyone thought about what that world would actually be like? Not to say everyone is overly sensitive, but damn a dude putting his arm around a girl = sexual harassment...this convo always makes me feel like a perv.
"Jules (Emma Stone) and Shirley (Laura Seay) ask Seth (Jonah Hill) if he can get alcohol for them. Jules say that if he scratches their backs, they’ll scratch his. “Well, Jules, the funny thing about my back is, is that it’s located on my cock,” he says. He laughs. Jules laughs nervously; Shirley gives a disgusted smile.
What we’re laughing at: In a public place, a man invites two women to pay him for his help in sexual favors. They are uncomfortable."

Oh **** offfffffff
After the first ****** example, idk why I kept reading
It's an argument you can make, but i think that article didn't do a good job of doing so
I guess they decided to ignore Horrible Bosses as it goes against two of their points - movies brushing it off and it always being male on female
Awww man, I just read that Hal Douglas died. A lot of people thought a lot of his work was Don LaFontaine (who passed away years ago). RIP... Love me some movie trailers. The best piece of marketing ever created...

Man I've been reading through this thread with caution. Currently reading a book that's been brought up within the last few pages... :smh:
With that said,

Anybody excited about FARGO? I hope it's as good as the movie.
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American Hustle was a perfect movie, amazing acting, writing, directing, story, and a perfect blend of humor and drama. To all the people that hate on it in this thread, I'm not sure what you look for in movies, but to me this represented the joy and magic of cinema as a whole. Hands down the most entertaining movie of the year. 
I've been watching Star Wars: Clone Wars on Netflix......

the bounty hunter in the season finale of Season 1 'Cad Bane' sounds almost identical to Bane from TDKR 
LOTR is like GOT with less style and flavor but with way more gravitas, majesty, and grandiose in scale (so far). With that said I can't remember watching all of them beginning to end.

Same goes for me getting through all/any of the Harry Potter movies.

They're really movies you have to be in a mood in and I just haven't been on some okay I'm ready to undertake this journey of fantasy and folklore and all of that WOW/D&D stuff.

oh lawd. Antidope taking his talents the the movie thread
I used to love Tom Hanks, but there was nooooo way I was going to watch that flick & quite frankly I lost a lot of respect for Hanks for even bothering to do the film. I didn't see it but I skimmed through the script which was available online to see if it justified my concerns & sure enough no way was I going to watch it.

The old "someone is making me do it" from someone that tries to be one of NT's revolutionaries... :rolleyes :wink: :tongue:
I would've preferred if he did a Captain Sully Sullenberg movie instead.
It's so funny, if you like a movie youre a sheep, if you don't like a movie youre a troll lol . Very wierd world this "interwebz" is.

Are you even reading the words being written or are you just skimming thru them?
:lol: :nthat:
My twin is making me watch that movie, its the only way he will watch the greatness that is the Hunger Games. Gotta take one for the team sometimes.

does prodope like LOTR and sleeveless jerseys :nerd:

Is there really a twin? I couldn't imagine if he was just like Anti :lol:
But I have said the Hunger Games is awesome. Probably the best movie series running right now that Batman has ended. Only the Amazing Spider-Man can surpass it.
Man :smh: I can't even......
Funny you say that

"According to Christian Bale much of the movie was improvised. So, during the shooting of the film he noted to David O. Russell, "You realize that this is going to change the plot greatly down track." To which the director replied, "Christian, I hate plots. I am all about characters, that's it.""

Damn. And that's exactly what it was. The dialogue was amazing (because a lot of it was natural) but the plotline was like wtf
Considering all the imrpov I have a whole new respect for Bradley Cooper he was so ****** funny
His delivery was trippin me out and i was like "no way that was written in the script" (like when he had Amy Adams in the holding cell)
This makes SOOOOOOO much more ******* sense now. Makes me appreciate Cooper, Adams, and Bale even more for their performances and dislike O. Russell a bit more as a director.

I love me some great character development, it's vital to most great movies but I also love a great plot. Despite the performances the movie always does just feel sub par.
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the LOTR banter hurt my soul

looking back at the Oscars I'm glad that Michael B Jordan was there just for him to get a feel for the limelight. Watching him closely as he matures as an actor, he has the path set for him.

remember him on the cover of some magazine probably esquire among McQueen and Oprah plus other about the "new black takeover" of Hollywood. those weren't the exact words but you know what I mean.
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Hanks should have never played Robert Langdon.. As much as I love hanks, I can't bring myself to watch either of those movies

Read the books and enjoyed them.. The only casting choices that made sense to me were the main protagonist in both films and audrey tautou
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I can watch the LOTR films on a nice display practically anytime, anywhere. It is so gorgeous, and it's not like it's a horrid story either.
American Hustle was a perfect movie, amazing acting, writing, directing, story, and a perfect blend of humor and drama. To all the people that hate on it in this thread, I'm not sure what you look for in movies, but to me this represented the joy and magic of cinema as a whole. Hands down the most entertaining movie of the year. 

Movie was a pile of ****.

Plot was painful, movie was extremely dry, too many forced jokes that weren't funny and my favorite, it was a straight up copy of other crime/mob films. Felt like I was watching a kid shoot a movie after watching a couple Scorcese films. I like Russell too but this was a disaster. Like someone else said, I was happy as hell that it didn't win any awards
Awesome comedy bit Hal Douglas did. Damn with him & Don LaFontaine having passed away, are there good movie trailer voice guys?
First Jackie Robinson & how James Brown. Chadwick Boseman becoming the go to actor for biopics... Not sure how I feel about this. James Brown is an icon... I hope they don't mess this up... He's one of the very few truly trans-formative musically pioneers of the last century. He totally changed the musical landscape once he came on the scene & also was an astute businessman/entrepreneur.
^^^If the movie can convey what you said to generations that aren't familiar with James, then the movie will have done its job. But you're right - no guarantees. That said musician biopics produced recently have turned out pretty good - Ray, Walk the Line, etc
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