Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Skyfall is one of my favorite bond movies. It was dope. I bought the blu Ray and I've watched in at least 6 times.

But I think he made some good points. EVerytime I watch it I get annoyed at Bardem's 3rd act. He was genius for 2/3rds of the movie then acted so careless. I didn't want bond to die because obviously I want to keep seeing more bond movies, but how do you trap a man and an old lady in a house, have 30 men, a military helicopter, grenade launchers and still not succeed? I don't get how Bond with a shot gun so easily took them out. It was underwhelming, and a tad bit lazy for me when it came to the writing for that last act.

It just didn't seem Bond-esque at the end, it was more Statham Transporter 3 type action. I don't know if I'm doing a good job explaining...

But basically the first 2/3rds of the movie was beautifully shot, entertaining, whitty and classic Bond... And that last act was just a big cluster**** . But yeah, other than that... Like I said, still loved the film.

So much better than Quantum. Great come back.
I saw Best Man Holiday
  Wayyyy to EMO. If it's a comedy I don't want no depressing stuff in it. 

First one still a classic.
Oh god... Director Richard Donner says Spielberg has a story for Goonies 2... I'm seeing Kingdom of the Crystal Skull redux here... :rolleyes

Please Steve, just let it be... Come up with a new concept story... No need to rehash an old idea. :smh:
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I saw Best Man Holiday:smh:   Wayyyy to EMO. If it's a comedy I don't want no depressing stuff in it. 

First one still a classic.
I'll wait for a raining day to watch it.
Finished up its kind of Its kind of a Funny Story this morning. It was a OK movie nothing to special about thr movie just a little dry for my taste.
Oh god... Director Richard Donner says Spielberg has a story for Goonies 2... I'm seeing Kingdom of the Crystal Skull redux here... :rolleyes

Please Steve, just let it be... Come up with a new concept story... No need to rehash an old idea. :smh:

Disappointing. Indy 4 aside, Speilberg's been pretty good over his career about not milking his stories. There's plenty of movies he probably could have made sequels too, but never did. Hopefully, he'll think better of this Goonies reboot/rehash.
I like Depp's eccentric roles. Why be like the rest of the tools in Hollywood? I'm glad he embraces these quirky and loony roles. Just pick better scripts or work with better directors.
I never had a problem with his out there in costume roles either.

I haven't seen the Wonka flick though (or Lone Range if that counts). I got a Great Gatsby type vibe from it.
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Pretty sure he was talking about his movie selection
Cmon. :lol:

I like Depp's eccentric roles. Why be like the rest of the tools in Hollywood? I'm glad he embraces these quirky and loony roles. Just pick better scripts or work with better directors.

I remember an interview of his where he explained how he never watches his performances and doesn't want to be bored making his movies. That basically explained him to a t to me. I like his eccentric stuff better than his straight stuff, he just should've stopped at Sweeney Todd with Burton. Like he was really good in Dark Shadows, but the movie wasn't. And Jack Sparrow is done too. :smh:

He needs to get into a Guillermo del Toro movie or something.
Finally about to check out Home front before class
And word to it being filmed in the NOLA
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I just watched the 3 eps of Silicon Valley. This doesn't seem like a comedy at all to me. Seems way more story based with some kinda forced everyday situational humor. I laughed at a few things like sipping nothing out of a cup and saying company names during sex but overall there seems to be more dry dialogue than anything.

So eh.

I mainly watched for TJ Miller but so far the writing aint using him to his best.
Everyone's/anyone's thoughts on memento?

Watching the chronological version now
Silicon Valley is an example of modern humor, making fun of each other x awkwardness. I like the storyline so far but I will probably only watch this season...

then again I'm not a big 'serial show' type of guy. Give me three acts 1) problem 2) escalation 3) resolution, throw some long term BACKGROUND storylines, little snippets about the character reveled over the years, but in 'serial' shows characters are props for the story opposed to being focus of the stories. Stories need to end...don't insult me by stretching out a storyline when you clearly wrote the show to end three seasons ago...but that's just me.
I mean, I like what Depp does because what other actor goes out there and consistently has fun being eccentric and different. Dude plays that lane so well that in a way, it feels like those characters are portions of who he really is. He might be wasting some of his talent, I won't front, but if I have a script where I need someone unique and odd, I'm pitching it to Depp before anyone else. He could keep taking on these characters long as the script and direction is strong. It's when the dialogue is flat and the director is mediocre that you lose the impact of the zany transition he's making.

Sweeney Todd was awesome. But I'm biased, I love everything he does with Burton and Helena Bonham-Carter.

Transcendence had potential to be a captivating story with novel ideas, but from the trailers you could tell it was too thin and convoluted to actually mean anything.

Leo is gonna play Steve Jobs? Smh, c'mon man. Leo's my dude but he ain't Steve Jobs. How you gonna have Leo telling people their work is ****, two days later praise himself for their ideas and then cry to his superiors?
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Sweeney Todd was awesome. But I'm biased, I love everything he does with Burton and Helena Bonham-Carter.
Oh, it mighta came out wrong. I loved Sweeney Todd. Never expected to even like it. But that was the last time the Burton-Depp connect came through. Alice and Dark Shadows tried their best to erase all the good that came before. :smh:

And Bale was perfect casting. One of those, "well of course it'd be him," once you heard about it.

That's Jobs right there. :lol:

Fincher & Bale was a take my money. Boyle & Leo? Lemme wait til the reviews, and even then... >D
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