Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

First Mila and Natalie, and now Mila and Star Trek? (I forget her name, Columbiana I think, but that's a movie, but it was her, she has a name, which I don't remember, cuz, I forgot, but I would watch this movie, or I could just watch the gifs for a while............)
Zoe Saldana. Shame on you, CP. That's a name that every man in the world needs to have ingrained in their minds.

As far as 'This is the End' and 'We're the Millers,' both were hilarious. I enjoyed 'the End' more, based purely off Jonah Hill and Danny McBride. I mean the whole film was great, except for spending too much time outside Franco's house, but the first 2 acts were quality. The fight over the food; the argument over the porn mag and cumming; Jonah Hill getting possessed and subsequently the exorcism (highlight of the movie for me... "Oh, really Jay? Does it compel me >D "); the camera confessions... it was all great. The guys have great chemistry and it translated into the film. We're the Millers was great because it highlighted Jason Sudekis and his style of humor, without adding 2 other comedic actors around him that sort of reduce how much we see from each of them. The writers also managed to not screw up the secondary characters' stories, which is impressive in a comedy about smuggling weed across the border. Not to say the audience ended up caring much about any of them, but their stories helped carry the movie and develop and grow their characters. The ending didn't fall apart, though it did wrap up sort of sloppily and just too neatly (not that a comedy needs a well thought out story as long as it's funny. I mean why would Ron Swanson just let them go when he's a DEA agent? [Ancient Aliens guy] "Aliens" "Comedy" [/AA Guy]).

In the end they're 2 different kinds of movies that audiences will prefer based on their senses of humor and what style of comedy they like (gross buddy film vs. gross stoner/road trip movie).
They didn't do the novel justice IMO. But then again, I think that's one of the more difficult movies that could ever be made.
Loved it. Frame by frame from the comic. Visually beautiful. Each a for captured the characters. Huge change at the end from the comic, but still got the point across. Watch it like once a month. Then again, I've read the comic at least ten times.
Yeah, it looked fantastic and the fight scenes were some of the best I've seen (IMO what Batman should have been like - a storm of violence) but overall it didn't work for me - not sure why it just didn't keep my attention.

I'm back, CP. You win. School's out. Got through my wedding. Life is slowing back down. I'll post some comprehensive thoughts for you in here at some point today.

I'm back, CP. You win. School's out. Got through my wedding. Life is slowing back down. I'll post some comprehensive thoughts for you in here at some point today.

Bout ******* time!!!! :lol:

:pimp: welcome back brother.

Wait.......whoa, whoa, wedding? :nerd: Man, congrats. Did we have any stage five clingers at the event? Crabcakes? Balloon animals, or dancing with the kid to attract attention? :lol: :lol:
 Yeah, man... This first half of this year is as busy as I've ever been. Finally starting to slow down. This is gonna be long but I'm sitting at work today almost literally by myself because I don't want to waste a personal day on a day where I can sit and do NOTHING all day.

I’ll start off by admitting I’ve got some catching up to do. I’ve only seen the real heavy blockbuster stuff this year, and I’m so far behind on TV that I don’t even know where to begin after I catch up on Game of Thrones… I haven’t seen one second of The Americans, True Detective or a handful of other shows I’ve wanted to dive into.

Just a couple of thoughts from this last page… I will not hear any Napoleon Dynamite slander. None. It is hilarious and it holds up over multiple viewings for new hilarious tidbits to sneak up on you. That movie is pure stupidity greatness.

Watchmen – Good movie that doesn’t hold a candle to the graphic novel. I don’t know that they could’ve done anything to do the novel justice. It’s not a perfect movie, but it’s good enough IMO. But I also really kind of dig Zack Snyder’s visual style, even if it does tend to bog down the story and he does come up pretty short in other areas.

Captain America 2 is my favorite movie of the year, bar none. This is what I want when I go to a comic book movie. A political thriller with action/comic elements. It was complex. Some great commentary on our society, great action pieces and it still managed to be funny in a way that didn’t feel out of place or forced. For me, a lot of Marvel movies feel like they’re strictly made to drive the story towards the next Avengers, like TV episodes building to a big finale. This stood on its own as a great movie.

Ant-Man – Is this Marvel’s first really big **** up? All we heard about was how Edgar Wright’s vision had helped shape the current Marvel Universe as it has played out on screen, and at the last minute with the cast set and filming ready to begin, they take his script and **** all over it? I don’t understand it. I LOVE Edgar Wright’s work and I think this has potential to be Marvel’s first real bomb. Iron Man 3 kind of sucked, but people flocked to see it because it was Iron Man and Robert Downey Jr. Will people flock to see Paul Rudd in a movie directed by the guy that made a ****** Jim Carrey movie and a movie about cheerleaders?

I went into Godzilla fully prepared to walk away disappointed. I wanted it to be something really huge and massive in scale, but I was prepared for the worst. Man I was wrong. I loved what Gareth Edwards did. Rather than turning into just a big mind-numbing blockbuster with monsters fighting, this was a movie with build-up, trajectory and anticipation. I had friends gripe about “Not enough Godzilla! I want MONSTERS!” and whatever else, but you could feel Godzilla in every minute of this movie even if he wasn’t on screen. The characters and other arcs within the movie weren’t very good, but for a Godzilla movie, I thought this was pretty close to a home run.

X-Men: DOFP – Liked it, didn’t love it like I did First Class. I felt like this didn’t have its own identity. I felt like it was constantly swinging back and forth between the old trilogy and the new. And I guess that’s kind of the point, but it just never felt like Singer put his signature on it. Like he was doing a stylistic balancing act the entire film. The prison break scene with Quicksilver may be my favorite X-Men action piece ever, though. I just walked out at the end of this feeling like it missed a beat somewhere along the line.

With Guardians of the Galaxy… I. Can. Not. Wait. I’m all in for anything Marvel that appears to go against the grain for what they usually put out. This looks different. It looks weird. And I love that.

At some point I’m going to go back a couple months through this thread and dig up some of yall’s thoughts on stuff a little further back I want to discuss like Noah and Lego Movie
Good **** Dirk.

You see Godzilla director given a Star Wars spin off film? :nerd:
Or the fact we already have TWO spin offs pipelined? :pimp:

If it wasn't for them murking my EU I would be a full 8 inches at all times.
There's no doubt I'll buy into Gareth Edwards and Josh Trank spin-offs without any reservation... 

And congrats to you too, Pro... Baseball season being over in May just gives me more time to be a model husband 
 Damn Rangers are STILL dropping like flies. It's mind-boggling.
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Totally agree w/ you on Godzilla, Captain, and Watchmen. I know literally NOTHING about the Watchmen comics, but I thought it was a good movie, by itself. And again, judging it on it's own, free from the comics, is all I get to do. Good movie. Great parts. Not terrible. Not Oscar worthy. But I liked it. Godzilla? All of what you said. Captain? Funny, because I left thinking, "THAT... was a comic book movie."

My opinion on your opinion of Napolean?

Totally agree w/ you on Godzilla, Captain, and Watchmen. 

Both teams played hard.
Watching Watchmen tonight. 

Good or bad? Didn't pay much attention to it when it came out
Don't do it. Reconsider. Read some literature on the subject.

Good visuals and that's it which is par for the course with Snyder.
They didn't do the novel justice IMO. But then again, I think that's one of the more difficult movies that could ever be made.
This is true but it's still such a bad adaption.
What exactly do ya'll mean "it didn't live up to the novel?" Outside of the ending, it was damn near word for word. They had the same storyline, same characters, they got it all in. I won't reply, just want to know what ya'll mean.
If I got a nickel for EVERYTIME I heard someone say a movie isn't "as good as the book"... I'd be a damn billionaire.

It gets frustrating that we can't just discuss movies as movies and leave comparisons of books out of it.

Was it a good movie or not? That's all that should matter :smh:

darthska darthska feels me
What exactly do ya'll mean "it didn't live up to the novel?" Outside of the ending, it was damn near word for word. They had the same storyline, same characters, they got it all in. I won't reply, just want to know what ya'll mean.
The acting was atrocious. The pacing was of course terrible.

If you think they really just copied the book on to film then that's the perfect example where not making changes or enhancements to a work for a different medium and just copying word for word scene for scene is the best way to make a below average movie.
If I got a nickel for EVERYTIME I heard someone say a movie isn't "as good as the book"... I'd be a damn billionaire.

It gets frustrating that we can't just discuss movies as movies and leave comparisons of books out of it.

Was it a good movie or not? That's all that should matter :smh:

darthska darthska feels me

Like Mortal Kombat.

The movie sucks if you don't know the game.
If I got a nickel for EVERYTIME I heard someone say a movie isn't "as good as the book"... I'd be a damn billionaire.

It gets frustrating that we can't just discuss movies as movies and leave comparisons of books out of it.

Was it a good movie or not? That's all that should matter

@DarthSka feels me
A lot of people still love the movie even though it's bad.

But it's the perfect example of bad adaptions. They rely on outside stuff and previous knowledge rather than being a good, standalone movie
At least the Street Fighter movie was decent (its got Jean-Claude VanDamme!). Otherwise the whole 90s-combat-video-game-adaptation-genre would be pretty lackluster.
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