Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Oh, we talking bout Watchmen? Spoilers.

I'm looking at the movie as only a movie. I loved Rorshach. They really made Dr. Manhattan work after the trailers made him look dumb. The Comedian was good, Nite Owl was perfect and (if you've seen the extended cut) that scene with the old man Nite Owl fighting those punks was so well done. Plus that part when Manhattan has to kill Rorshach was right on point. And I loved that Bob Dylan intro and the whole birth of Dr. Manhattan montage. Loved it.

But...it's a murder mystery, right? So why would you cast this thin dude as the murderer and then show his silhouette while he's killing the guy in the very first scene, making it so completely obvious...that no one else has this body type, so it's gotta be him. And then the hit him with the guyliner, and everything about Ozymandias' character screamed bad guy, from the second he said his first words. It defeats the purpose of the story.

It's supposed to be this big twist, when the 'goodest' guy there is behind all this. And the emotional core of this movie, the glue that holds all the important characters together is Laurie Jupiter. But Malin Akerman isn't good at all. Easily the worst acting of the whole cast. Which sucks, because she has all the emotional pivots of the story, except the scene when Doc gets mad at his cancer ex and when Comedian tries to take her mom's yambs.

So when we find out what Ozy's been up to...doesn't really hit, because they set the character up poorly, and Matthew Goode was probably miscast. And when Doc realizes humanity's worth saving on Mars...it doesn't hit, because Malin did such a weak job.

And then on top of that, it felt wrong that a movie tried to take such a serious approach to how the world would react to a real superperson and the ripples it'd cause through history, but then they have this cartoony 300/Blade style of fighting. Winter Soldier's fighting was more grounded. I mean, it looked cool, but it undermined the kinda story they're trying to tell. They have these huge, realistic themes and consequences, but then suddenly this 100lb chick is on her Alice from RE, and suddenly they've taken death off the table. Such a life and death story, and you're saying these normal people are practically superheroes anyways.

And to really nitpick...just on a scene for scene level. A lot of times it felt like they'd start somewhere interesting and then just walk around in circles in scenes. The whole narrative was stagnant and sorta went through the paces. It was like they were putting on a play. When you trip on Ozymandias (the murder mystery for Rorschach and Comedian) and the Laurie (emotional glue for Doc Manhattan and Nite Owl), what are you left with? Some interesting, ambitious ideas, dialogue and characters, and some loose scenes that look really cool and sometimes work.

I like that there's nothing like it. And it is trying to be so much more than 95% of comic book movies. And I love the idea of Doc Manhattan that they made real. And Rorshach went hard. And Patrick Wilson went up in my book cuz of this. It's just...it's not really a movie. It doesn't move. Look at V for Vendetta. Just as ambitious and thoughtful as this one, but that movie moved, and it wasn't perfect, but it worked.


:smh: :lol: Cliffs: Malin Akerman and Matthew Goode weren't good in this movie, and it sucks, because they were the 2 most important characters. A lof of things worked, but since they didn't the movie didn't imo.
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"Nothing like it", and "Didn't really move" are on point.

First description is exactly why I like it, second one is exactly why I don't love it.
The Watchmen film is a piece of gabage.

Taking a comic books and going frame by frame for a film is one the most idiotic practices popularized by that dolt Zach Synder. If you plan on bringing nothing to an adaption, no level of interpretation, then what exactly is the point?

Its like Gus Van Sants Psycho remake. Pointless and ******.

Zach Snyder is completey devoid of creativity and does not have an a single ounce of insight into the characters he adapts for screen. Man of Steel is another textbook case of his surface level misreadings of source material.

he sucks.

Man of Steal is an abortion and Watchman is just run of the mill garbage.


Malin Ackerman delivered one of the worst performance I have ever seen, she alone makes it unwatchable.
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Agree 100% with MrONegative and just wanted to add the sex scene with Hallelujah playing is one of the worst things I've ever seen.
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The should of cast Tom Welling as superman 4 years ago.

I don't care if he's not an A lister.
He WAS Superman.
10 years of paying his dues with a great portrayal and he couldn't even get an audition :smh:

I still can't see anyone else as Supes after Smallville.

We never got to see him in action in the suit :smh:
People need to get off this. :smh:

I may have put too fine a point on it

let me clarify.

If you don't know anything about superman its probably a replacement level random garbage action movie.

If you know anything about superman it's an complete abortion and like watching a slow motion rape of a great character, Zach Snyder and his movie making sensibilities are a cancerous pressence in Warner Brother portfolio of characters, and why Batman vs. Superman already has the whiff of disaster.

and what happens to Zod at supermans hands, Zach Snyder should have been let out in hand cuffs after filliming that.
Yeah, not for me man. Man of Steel was the best Superman adaption we've ever seen.

It made the previous 5 efforts look like high school films.

And what happened to Zod was the same as what happened to Zod in 1981, only without only being implied. Zod died in both films. Only one showed it, because it's 2013. And the pain he felt in that moment was real as hell. It broke him, but he had to choose between Zod, or an innocent family.

Easy choice, but not so easy.

That's a helluva lot deeper than taking away the man's powers, making him a normal human, crushing his hand, and throwing him into the abyss while he's weak, no?
The should of cast Tom Welling as superman 4 years ago.

I don't care if he's not an A lister.
He WAS Superman.
10 years of paying his dues with a great portrayal and he couldn't even get an audition :smh:

I still can't see anyone else as Supes after Smallville.

We never got to see him in action in the suit :smh:
While he was on the show he specifically said you'd never see him in the costume and the way I read and heard it sounded like he was fed up at that point and didn't want to look silly in underwear and a cape.
Wait a sec......

Hold up, Smallville, NEVER, shows Clark Kent, as Superman?????? Is this true????
^Yeah, didn't the show go for 10 seasons? What did they do for the last 7 or 8? :lol:

It made the previous 5 efforts look like high school films.

See, I don't get that. Imo, there's only 2 real Superman movies on the table. Superman Returns (|I) and MoS.

Aren't the others retro campy Flash Gordon type movies? Not that they're bad, but it'd be like comparing Jerry West to Russell Westbrook.

Cgi changed everything. And even then dudes separate em from Blade/X-Men/SM2 era to TDK to Avengers.

Gonna watch MoS again, soon. :lol: Wanted to check Returns and first 2 OGs first. Aint seen em since HS. Same deal with Trek. Sooner or later :lol:
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Yeah, Ima hold my breath while you get to MOS........ :lol:

Returns never happened. I was hyped, but it let me down, major. MAJOR, letdown.

78 and 81 were the best we had. And they were good, for their time. (as you noted)

THIS MOS, gave us everything we needed. (as we've discussed already) Cuz here's my thing, take away the action. Take away the flying, and imagery, etc. 78 and 81 can do the dialogue portion, they can match that.

Kevin Costner as Jonathan Kent compared to 78 is about as close as MJ to JR Smith. Costner freaking NAILED that damn character so well, it's absurd. The other old guy fixed his tire and dropped dead. :smh: He had like one comment to Clark that was about patience, and not showing off, and who he wanted to be, then dead.

Then you have Brando v Crowe. Much closer argument of course, but Brando still had his hands tied compared to what Crowe was able to do. Crowe at the very worst, matched whatever credit you want to give Crowe.

Now, if you prefer the bumbling idiot that was Reeve's portrayal, that's fine. 2013 went with strong and silent Clark, a regular American from Kansas. He drinks beer washing the dishes, he has a beard, he helps people quietly, doing honest mans work.

To me, he had Costner and then Crowe teach and guide him along, with how to be who he would become. I mean, Costner telling a 10 year old boy, yeah, maybe you should have let that bus full of kids drown, just to protect his secret, that scene is >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ANYTHING in 78-81.

The scene of the Kent's at the end, watching their young boy run around with his dog, with a cape in his shirt. His mom having to calm him down in the closet, when his powers started to develop. They truly MADE him, who he would become.

None of that needed CGI, it was just REAL. It was far better than anything they did in 78-81. My God, he gave up his powers for some old yams in 81. Jesus Christ. I wish they could CGI that out of my head. **** :lol:
Smallville seasons 1-6 were great. :smokin
Lana :pimp: :pimp:

Seasons 7-9 were meh... But I watched through it loyally.

They finished it nicely with season 10 so it was worth the patience.

The very last scene of the show is Clark ripping open his shirt which shows the costume underneath...


But that was it :frown:

10 seasons leading up to that small yet significant moment. Bittersweet.

I knew early on it wouldn't happen Zik, but it was still sad that they didnt at least give us him flying with the costume :lol:

By the way, Micheal Rosenbaum KILLED the role of Lex Luthor. :smokin He made Kevin spacey look like a joke, and Spacey is one of my fav actors. Full of lulz with his arrogance and whitty one liners. :lol:

Rosenbaum and Welling will always be Clark and Lex to me. They just fit the roles too perfectly.


Smallville heads, Reps to whoever remember what song was playing in that very dance scene. :nerd: I remember it. Just seeing who else was a Smallville geek :pimp:

One of my favorite episodes from the early seasons.
Could someone give examples of "good editing" and "bad editing"?
YouTube clips for each

Someone else in this thread was saying that they dnt have the film knowledge that others do (even if you guys want to be humble about it, I feel the same way)
I think his SN had ai in it- like aimac3 or something

But yeah editing is the most abstract one for me
I don even know were to begin with it
Cheers brahs





Editing has been called "the invisible art" because you don't always notice great editing or when the editor is doing his job. It's also hard to say "here's where it's great editing" rather than great directing or cinematography or a combination of factors.

The overall pacing of the movie is also related to editing. So a movie that really builds from scene to scene, that doesn't have any fluff or unnecessary scenes, that all fits well, that's largely credited to a good editor. Obviously, they can only edit what's filmed.. and the screenplay's structure will largely influence what's being filmed by the director (although they can do whatever they want :lol:) but it's still the job of the editor to put it all together.


This site has a lot of great examples and explanations. You can look at Academy Award nominees and winners but it's not a surprise if the "best edited" movies are also nominees or best picture winners.
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I just remember thinking this was the best edited thing I'd seen, when I first saw it.

A different spoken language, but visual language was so pure. :smokin

To me editing is about tempo and drive. It's about orientation and shot selection. The movie is dancing all the time and spinning plates. You never wanna feel like the movie's fighting against the audience's sensibility. We're scared right now, a funny shot shouldn't pop up. We're headed left, a shot where we're headed right shouldn't be shoved in there.

Shots shouldn't be drawing attention away from the story. Yeah, we notice the big moments and their editing, but it's the simpler ones. They're flowing forward and not confusing the audience. They're vibing with the music and the tone of the moment. They shots aren't outstaying their welcome and telling their own story visually, on top of the plot and kinda, with it too. It's when a film feels shorter than it really is, that you know it was well edited.

It's like invisible strings. It pushes the story forward without it ever feeling clunky. You give the audience the bits of info and feeling they need right on time. I dunno, it's hard to explain and I'm not expert or anything. But I think of it like this, the movie's a song, and you know when you hear wrong notes, even if you've never heard the song before.

I just know they always say a movie gets made 3 times. When it's written, when it's shot and then when it's edited. And I'm assuming when you ask about editing, you don't just mean cutting scenes out or leaving them in. You mean he looks at her, she looks at him, we see the ticking bomb under the chair, pan over to the clock.

I remember watching this and it opened my mind:

I guess I'd say, if something wasn't visually alive and it felt like it dragged, then it wasn't well edited?
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City of God is a great example of incredible editing.

On an unrelated note.. Sepinwall is writing another book.http://www.hitfix.com/whats-alan-watching/buy-our-book-in-2-years-sepinwall-seitz-teaming-up-again

"The Revolution Was Televised" is a must-read for anyone who is a fan of modern TV.. so I'm looking forward to his new one.
As we explained to Dave Itzkoff at The New York Times, the book (we are still figuring out a title), to be published by Grand Central Publishing, will be a series of essays on the best and most important American TV shows in the medium's history: "I Love Lucy" to "30 Rock," or "Playhouse 90" to "Breaking Bad." If you're a film buff, you can think of it as a TV take on "The New Biographical Dictionary of Film." If you're a sports nerd, it's us doing the TV take on "The Bill James Historical Baseball Abstract" or Bill Simmons' "The Book of Basketball."

I actually read that. Really good book. It got me tracking down a few eps of Hill Street Blues. :lol:

It's crazy, but as old as that show is, it's still alive, y'know. In a way a lot of new shows aren't.

And you can so plainly see how that show pushed TV forward, cuz the whole thing looks like Columbo, but there's little strains of The Shield and The Wire in there, it's crazy.

Somewhere I have a note that says: Track Down St. Elsewhere, Homicide and Twin Peaks. :lol:
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Meant to respond before, didn't know we had Smallville fans in here like that. Mannnnnn...I was real into that show when it first started. Kristin Kreuk :wow: It was real. :lol:

Heroes before Heroes. FNL before FNL. The Joss show Joss didn't make. Chloe, Pete, Pa/Ma Kent, the Luthors....that show was stacked.

10 seasons leading up to that small yet significant moment. Bittersweet.

See, I fell off around season 2 or 3? I know it was before Lois showed up. And I think it was when I realized...this is a prequel. They got a set in stone place to get to, and they're just gonna stall, spin wheels, and color inside the lines for...pshhh...years, ain't they? Chloe and him vibed in their scenes a lot better than Lana, but if that cartoon I saw was right, Chloe ain't the one. And hell it's all just warmup for ain't even here Lois, right? :nerd: And I don't remember seeing Pete or Lionel, so tick tock, huh?

It just got this feeling like the bigger story is already locked in and on autopilot, so the characters and show aren't ever gonna really change or be unpredictable.

I just remember every week someone had mutant powers cuz of Kryptonite, and weird cave drawings and prophecies, and Jor-El trolling, and they started doing funky stuff with Lex's pops and Pa Kent and Chloe. It was just hard to stay invested in the craziness, cuz I knew at the end of the day, It's gonna be Clark with glasses at the Daily Planet with Lois. So none of the relationships, bad guys, struggles, powers or any of that are gonna matter.

And didn't it happen where Clark got all his Superman powers and then, psych he can't keep em? >D

Yeah...nah, that did it for me. :lol:

Smallville heads, Reps to whoever remember what song was playing in that very dance scene.

Feel like I would've remembered this if I saw it, so it was after my time?

I just remember thinking dude's setup above the barn was the most pimp spot in America, and one time Lana was ready, and he was like...go back to your boyfriend. :smh: Unforgivable. :lol:
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