Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Random movies during lunch on netflix:

Pain and Gain really stinks. I'm not going to be able to finish watching it. My cot it's horrible.

Prison Break cot damn long series they should have just ended it but it kept stretching it out. I just couldn't watch it anymore. I was invested too. Damn.

Mud decent movie.

House of Cards rise to presidency was just too quick. I would have rather one more season for him to get there. But still Awesome show.

I turned off Pain and Gain after 30 minutes. Unwatchable
Far from it. Plus I like Wahlberg and the Rock (loved his addition to the FF series)

The movie was just bad
Totally agree. I think the Big Hit was a better Wahlberg movie than Pain and Gain. I actually finished watching that movie. But gotta admit that was a horrible movie too. I was a lot younger at the time and probably couldn't even tell if it was good or bad. 
Whoa. :lol:

Son said younger and then listed Chiewtel. I was like da ****??!! :rofl:

Aight. I kinda get it cuz last year was when he kinda broke out in the mainstream.
I just remember when Dirty Pretty Things got indie hype and I thought...can't wait to see this guy get put on. :nerd: :smh: Only took 10 years. :lol:

I loved The Contender... Jeff Bridges as the Prez & Sam Elliott sans mustache too? Oldman & that perm he had was hilarious but he become Senator Runyon...

Wait, what? That's real. The Dude was president. :lol: I'm not sure I'm ready to see Sam Elliot without a stache, though.

I gotta get a better Oldman education, I see. After Superman and PSH.
Sam Elliott sans the stache is still bad a**. Dudes a man's man. Only reason why Roadhouse was a decent movie amigo...
Sam Elliott sans the stache is still bad a**. Dudes a man's man. Only reason why Roadhouse was a decent movie amigo...

Not true...It's because the Swayze can rip out throats like McGruber.
I don't think I respect another human being the way I respect Gary Oldman.

As radically impressive as The Great Ones (the silly little name I have given the "Fab Five" listed below) physical transformations are, something speaks to me about the energy they emits that goes beyond words.

I believe Oldman has that energy.

Damn son, you're well read. Not I. :lol:

But yeah, that energy, I just call it the spark. A lot of actors have that magnetism in the eyes and the face, but the spark brings it alive to me. It's when they shake that magnetism. You try to peg where they're coming from and what they're trying to do, but it keeps moving and you can't find the strings or the actor. I mean every moment of DDL in There Will Be Blood was that to me. Hardy in Bronson, Phoenix in The Master...and hell Depp in Scissorhands. It's like they suffocate you with their truth.

And..yeah it's more than just method acting or carrying on their character offscreen. Because then why doesn't everybody? And not everyone good who does it gets those results.. I don't understand addiction like that. And like obviously there's a throughline between some of these guys. PSH's addiction was a surprise to me when he went into rehab, but I remember hearing about how Hardy came up. And wasn't DeNiro like that too? But that intensity. I don't know what inspires it. But I've always kinda looked at actors through the lens of sports. It's the relentless ones with talent who rise above.

DDL I take off the table, because he's an alien to me. It's one thing to do it, it's another to practically turn it into a religion. You don't see the other guys fully turn down the attention or the profit. (Yeah Joaquin says **** you to the awards circuit, but he's still constantly working and a part of it all...and uh I'm Still Here :smh:) Cuz if you ever get someone boycotting the Oscars or w/e, it just draws more attention. DDL climbs out of hibernation for his work, graciously does the bits of press he has to, and then goes away again.

But the others...is it just refining the form that brings them there, that fuels that need? They get attention and fame and challenge themselves, and find they're able to get somewhere a lot of other people can't? Or maybe it is that need to escape yourself. Cuz not everyone's addict, and not everyone needs to take it home, or even keep it alive between takes and scenes to rise to that level. I think remember an interview with Dustin Hoffman where he went all in to take his character home and to live that truth and that other person to get to that next level. And then he shows up on set and Laurence Olivier's just chillin as himself, gets up does his scene, kills it, goes back to chillin. And he's like...what gives...I did all this to get where you got. And Olivier just says...well yeah, it's called acting. :lol:

Maybe it's just a higher understanding. And some people can be of two minds, where others need total silence and withdrawal and to focus and build and 'let the character take life.' Maybe they need to lie to themselves completely, and other people are good enough that all they need only to do is lie to us. For me, I don't think too much about how they do it, cuz I just need results....or at least to feel that potential, that if things come together around them, something undeniable can come out of it. Cuz Adrien Brody method acts, and he went all the way in for The Pianist. I remember being excited for The Jacket...reading articles about how he prepared and halfway through the movie realizing...maybe it doesn't matter how they got there, if they only ever get so far. I'd put Benicio Del Toro in that category too. I let myself get too excited for Che. :smh:

But what separates that uh...Fab Five :lol: from the other actors is the variety of their truth. It's that I trust their decisions and I trust them to hide the seams. I don't wanna be thinking about the strange choices you're making between takes. I want you to make me forget there are takes. Cuz that's the thing...I couldn't say it's a higher power or ascended minds or anything. Pretty sure QT called it The God's Antenna. I don't know that it's that, because on the flip side, you see the one's who don't have to go through all of that and can still achieve that greatness. They all find a way to internalize the character and to stick their hands out to the sky, but not everyone has to cut the grounding wire. It probably does make it easier to let go for addicts, but I don't wanna think that's the golden truth or that all of these guys were that way before they fully tapped into whatever gifts they've got.

The obsession, though. Yeah. The desperation, that has to be there. And whatever inspires it, I respect that they find places inside of them, that I don't understand. But I just think, a movie's not made in a day or a week. And it does have a script and a shotlist and a crew and multiple takes. And I gotta accept there's a knowing focus behind it all it. What drives them might come from a similar place, but outside of the lens. This is a person who's memorized a script and blocked a scene and probably has to do many takes. As incredible as the effect they can have on us is, and where they have to go to keep that focus or that truth, I accept that...yeah, there's some dolphin smiles in there.

I think of method acting as a choice they make to get the result they want. And how far they're willing to go, is no promise of a result. It's kinda just monday morning mythbuilding to me. Some of them repeat their lines a million times til they're embedded in their subconscious. Some of them just create a web of relateable things and feelings that they know to give over to their charcter and that performance, like when they just think of something sad to cry.

As much as it might be a spiritual, transcendent experience becoming this other person to them. I see them as very intelligent technicians.

They build. They conquer inside of themselves. They recreate and they think. These are magnificent thinkers and students of behavior and manner, who's superpower (assisted by directors and editors) is hiding the seams. Building something complicated, but making it seem simple and natural and obvious. Their body language and their voices and just building these personalities. They hide the seams. But as much you say they go and give themselves over to this other thing, through a door that, the way they are or the things they've been through has opened in them, I feel like they calculate these things, and practice and refine them, and then make it a natural part of their game.

The crazy thing to me is that they're willing do all of that work and get all of those results and then they throw almost all of it away and start from scratch on the next thing. That's the insanity and ambition of the...great ones :lol: skill to me. And that they can pick their next roles well, when there's no promise of how their process will shake out. So many calculated risks and just an incredible amount of self-awareness and projection and trust. That's what it means to me when I say I trust this or that actor.

I just think there's no shortage of addicts who are idiots. And that more than anything is the common thread. These guys are emotional geniuses to me, before they might be people who've been touched by addiction or trauma in their lives. And it's weird alchemy of their acting teachers and creative partners and what they find on the screen that they've been able to do with what they've got. And after that, I do think a decent amount of it is dolphin smiles. Dolphins don't smile. They just naturally look that way. And that's why we love looking at them. The illusion they were born with. These guys master their own illusion.
Calikev and MrO talkin in here. :pimp:

Onnnnnnnn the other side, did my man say he ain't seen True Romance? :nerd:

What, in, the, ****????? Zik, fix that, immediately.

Immediate, ly. :smh:
Holy crap, there is so much white font from ONeg's post that it's messing with my eyes... :x :lol:

Feel like I'm looking at an optical illusion...


Feel like I'm getting ready to read one of John Doe's journal entries (from Seven)... :lol:
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In my mind, Gary Oldman and Philip Seymour Hoffman are one in the same.
Screen time be damned, they've commandeered entire movies with one scene (like Punch Drunk Love... OMFG. Wow. I can't.)
See, I would've said they're in the same vein, but PSH was easily ahead of dude, but that's with the wild blindspots I've got.

I'm obsessed with True Romance.
Even though QT distanced himself from the flick, and his script was heavily edited, you can still feel his influence and to me it's a great movie.

Yeah...yup. My thing is, I remember watching a version where they re-edited the film to follow the structure of the og script (Reservoir/Pulp style) and I think I even read the original script and couldn't help but think...I like what Tony did better. It was supposed to be a darker film, but there's something beautiful about the lightness in the face of the ugly **** that happens in the movie. I don't think I would've appreciated the movie the same if QT would've made the movie he wanted to make.

Tony turned it into a fairy tale with Oldman being big bad wolf...(and uh...heavily borrowed from Badlands) and that quality is what brings me back to TR so many more times than RD or PF.

And I actually remember listening to the DVD commentary when they explained Oldman kinda said...those are some nice ideas for the character...I'm gonna go ahead and not do that, cuz I got what I want this to be already in my head. :lol: :smokin

And I liked him in HP. Guess that's the 1 good thing about me not reading much. :nerd:
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Checking out Non -Stop right now. Didn't even realize Juianne Moore was in this. I'm low key kind of excited. Will report back.
22 Jump Street was funny. :smokin They did a really great job of not giving away jokes in the trailer.

Channing plays dumb so good. :smh: "**** you, brain." :lol: And Ice Cube had me dying. Stole the show for me.

1st one's still better, but not by a lot. And Neighbors went deeper with similar stuff, but this was a lot funnier. And they really had fun with the idea that this is a sequel. It never felt like the same movie all over again, and there were so many great visual gags, that you can tell...this is by the guys who did Lego Movie..

8.5/10 And if you go see it, make sure to stay to the very end cuz there's something else.


And it's weird, but this made me understand how no one watched Community. Normal punchlines and gags...everyone's laughing. Clever meta jokes about it being a sequel...a few people...everyone else waits for the normal jokes to come back. >D Now I get it. Community never stood a chance. 5 seasons was a miracle. :lol:

And she the one

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8.5/10 And if you go see it, make sure to stay to the very end cuz there's something else.

Damnit, can you spoiler what it was?

I agree with what you said about it. It was pretty good and good for a laugh a minute.

It has a ton of self-aware/meta humor, which is a major reason why it doesn't feel like a rehash or pointless sequel. It gives the movie its own unique, fun feeling. The end title sequence was genius :lol:

Everyone is spot on in their roles. Jonah and especially Tatum are more comfortable. Cube of Ice was hilarious.

Cons: some bits had potential but felt lazy. A few generic sequences. The frat scenes doesn't feel fleshed out after seeing Neighbors. There was more Cube in this, but could've used more Offerman too.
Yea please spoiler what was after the credits because I didn't stay to watch.

The movie was funny though. Very good sequel. And yes Cube stole the show. Wish I knew how to spoiler on my phone so I could talk about it.

But he had the funniest scene in the movie. :rofl:
Damnit, can you spoiler what it was?

Yea please spoiler what was after the credits because I didn't stay to watch.

All of the sudden you see Dave Franco and Rob Riggle in their prison bunk, up close spooning each other. And Rob's like, hey babe...I got something to tell you.........I'm late. :smh: :lol:

Cons: some bits had potential but felt lazy. A few generic sequences. The frat scenes doesn't feel fleshed out after seeing Neighbors. There was more Cube in this, but could've used more Offerman too.

Pretty much agree. Especially the Offerman and frat scene parts. There was def some college stuff Neighbors did a lot better. And yeah some of the jokes and gags were kinda beneath them, but the movie came through in so many ways I didn't expect. :lol:

"You actually high fived him for ******* your daughter." :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Channing just killed me so hard in the cube of ice, when he found out.*ding* Cube ******* that buffet up. >D :lol: Just standing in his office with a gun in his hand. :lol: :lol: HIS FACE at the dinner. :x My god. Nothing this year or last year outside of Wolf was funnier than that whole situation.


And just reread that thesis I wrote and man I wish I wasn't in a rush to leave and see 22. Ramble, son, ramble. :smh: :lol:
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Glad the personal reviews for 22 Jump Street are so good.. I'll probably check it out tomorrow.

And Amber Stevens was probably the best part of Greek on ABC Family :lol: Although that show had it's moments.
Summer's been super solid so far. What else y'all looking out for? My Short List ...The Signal, Deliver Us from Evil, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, Lucy, Guardians of the Galaxy, Let's Be Cops.
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