Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

only one on the list i agree with (and have seen) is space jam

last action hero should be at least a 76%, love that movie 

Going to have to disagree. I like Space Jam. The only films on that list that I do have a problem with are Rob Zombie's Halloween and Butterfly Effect. Both those flicks really do suck. Butterfly Effect is the only movie that I asked the theater for my money back.
only one on the list i agree with (and have seen) is space jam

last action hero should be at least a 76%, love that movie 
Going to have to disagree. I like Space Jam. The only films on that list that I do have a problem with are Rob Zombie's Halloween and Butterfly Effect. Both those flicks really do suck. Butterfly Effect is the only movie that I asked the theater for my money back.
i mean i agree that its ranked too low

still need to watch 80% of the movies on that lsit 
I feel like RT is most reliable for movies that came out when the site existed.

Did the site exist when Last Action Hero, Hook, and Space Jam came out? I don't think so. When it comes to ratings in that situation it's ppl rating off nostaligia and a bunch of millennials that don't know any better. Either that or the ppl that know these movies are great or classics (can't believe the score for Home Alone) aren't on the site giving it the deserved rating.

So yeah, any 80s and 90s movies I hold in high regard won't change cuz RT wasn't around to rate it appropriately at the time and now they just getting stupid with it.

:rollin @ taking up for The Butterfly Effect though. That movie was straight trash. Talking about this was the movie that showed us Kutcher could play a serious role :lol That movie and the performances was worse than Jim Carrey's 23.
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 at rocky 4 being 38%

if you hate that movie you hate america 
star wars ep 2 is 67% when it should be 4%

I wouldn't even give it 4. I never thought Phantom Menace was actually thaaaaaaat bad. It's watchable for me, but AofC is an absolute disgrace to the franchise. I lost respect for RT when I saw Good Burger at 32%...so disrespectful
PM is not the worst purely because of the final lightsaber fight and the naboo fighter design

duel of fates 
Can someone explain Meet Joe Black to me? I'm confused
:lol I'm going off strictly off memory

Brad Pitt was death taking a human forum. Anthony Hopkins (I think it was him) was going to die. Death comes for him but falls in love with Hopkins daughter during the course of events. Death didn't immediately just take old dude in his sleep. Something had him stalling.

Somehow Death actually becomes a human being and stays with the girl as Hopkins' character eventually dies?

I don't even remember how that movie ended :lol My bad for even trying.
Can someone explain Meet Joe Black to me? I'm confused

Pitts character is the Grim Reaper who has come to take Hopkin's to the after life. Upon his arrival to take Hopkins he decided he wants to live life as a human so he makes a deal with Hopkins to give him more time living if Hopkins will be his guide to living as a human.

In the beginning of the movie when (Pitt) was at the diner talking to Hopkin's daughter, He was human and alive and not the same (Pitt) we see for the rest of the film beside Hopkins.

The Grim reaper had already planned to walk amongst the living but he needed a body. So the Pitt we see in the diner at the beginning of the film is not the same Pitt we see along side Hopkin's for the rest of the film,.

The Pitt beside Hopkin's is the Grim Reaper who only assumed the body of Pitt from the diner after he was struck by the car after he was done talking with Hopkin's daughter to start the film. This is why she recognized him in her fathers house but he did not know her.
When they walk off (Hopkin's and Pitt) together in the end, Hopkin's died and the Grim reaper went back to the afterlife with him.
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I love RT but people still misunderstand it. It's not averaging critics' ratings on a 0-100 scale, it's simply the number of positive vs negative reviews.

And just because we liked some older movies, doesn't mean they're actually good.. like Rush Hour 
 Or we have trouble thinking critically about our favorite movies from when we were younger.
PM is not the worst purely because of the final lightsaber fight and the naboo fighter design

duel of fates :hat

Agree. PM gets picked on the most because of Jar Jar and Young Anakin (and rightfully so), but its a more enjoyable film to watch than AoTC. Large stretches of AoTC are just boring and the Anakin-Amidala courtship scenes are cringeworthy. And like sea manup said, the final lightsaber battle in PM is better than anything in AoTC by far.
I feel like RT is most reliable for movies that came out when the site existed.

Did the site exist when Last Action Hero, Hook, and Space Jam came out? I don't think so. When it comes to ratings in that situation it's ppl rating off nostaligia and a bunch of millennials that don't know any better. Either that or the ppl that know these movies are great or classics (can't believe the score for Home Alone) aren't on the site giving it the deserved rating.

So yeah, any 80s and 90s movies I hold in high regard won't change cuz RT wasn't around to rate it appropriately at the time and now they just getting stupid with it.

:rollin @ taking up for The Butterfly Effect though. That movie was straight trash. Talking about this was the movie that showed us Kutcher could play a serious role :lol That movie and the performances was worse than Jim Carrey's 23.

That's inaccurate. Take a look at the majority of the reviews from those films look at the date of publication. Most were at the time of release.
Watched the most recent fantastic four movie..

I wonder where ya boy would have went if not for the 'one year later'.. Not the fantastic four movi I want to see, but could have been an interesting sci fi movie
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