Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Legend(Tom Hardy & Tom Hardy) 7.5/8: Solid solid gangster flick. Hardy puts out a great performance as the twin Kray brothers. The 60's vibe was really well done, it had that classic scorcesse vibe to it.

Creed 7.9/8 : Can't really say anything that hasn't been said already other than, it really is that good. I was expecting to be entertained by the story and the fight sequences but the performances from every single cast member is what really blew me away. It's kinda the perfect movie beginning to end. And not to take anything away from this movie but it really makes me appreciate how damn good the original Rocky movie was.

Mike Epps Netflix Standup: 2.5/8 : Very mediocre, with a couple of chuckles here and there. He seemed to be trying to bite Kevin Harts style very hard. I thought his impersonations were weak (He could have brought the house down if he'd given a full Obama impersonation but couldn't muster more than 2 sentences, followed by a lame racist remark.) Show ended with a cringeworthy racially stereotyped tirade. His asian impersonation is the lame "Oh so sowwee me no-speaka engrish, hiya karate chop!" I had to turn it off with 5 minutes to go, just too distasteful and un-funny, and i'm not offended easily.

Sicario 6.4/8 : I thought the movie had so much more potential with the cinematography being so great and cast of top tier Oscar nominated actors. In the end I just learned Benicio was a bad-*** for 10 minutes. The end. I like my bad-***** to be bad-***** for the majority of the film if that's what I'm supposed to get out of it. A-la Neeson in Taken, John Wick, Leon in The Professional, basically any hitman in any movie ever made. If the premise is "Mexican cartels are bad. they did something to me. I take it personal." I would like to see some more hitman action, otherwise go full Cohen Brothers and throw in far more intellectual mumbo jumbo.
Concussion was so bland, it's the worst kind of movie because it should and could have been so much better than it was.

I don't know where it falls flat.. other than everywhere. Will Smith is a very capable and talented actor, but his performance is mailed in. There's a few times where I see him as this character, the rest is just him reading his lines.

Albert Brooks is just there.

The conflict is decent enough and they build the stakes to why it's a uphill climb and a challenge to what he's doing, but the climax is disappointing. Maybe it's just the nature of the real life story, it's an interesting idea.. a doctor discovered a disease that threatens the NFL, but it doesn't translate to good drama on screen. It's basically a great article or book that's turned into a boring movie.

The romantic subplot was boring even by the biopic standards.. it was just ehh.

It was just such a paint by numbers movie, and I guess I should have seen it coming but I was oddly enthusiastic for it.
that's a pretty high score for creed. i thought it was a little better than mediocre.
watched spotlight today. that was pretty boring despite the great talent.
i guess i'll put off watching concussion.
gonna watch the revenant tomorrow.
Ex Machina is my movie of the year. Nothing else that came out this year tops that.

I want to watch the Revenant and Sicario within the next few days but I doubt they'll be better.
I really liked Ex Machina (feels like I watched it last year though). I don't think I'd rate it above The Revenant or TH8.

Just due to that ending. Really good sci fi flick and it managed to fit in some fun moments as well.
Both movies were beautifully shot with solid performances. Ex machina was consistent with its theme and message while sicario was messy
what's the worst movie y'all watched this year?

For me its hands down Fifty Shades of Grey. I'm still mad i had to spend money to watch that trash.
I'd have to give the edge to Ex Machina over Sicario.

Calibeebee's review of the latter pretty much sums up the reasoning for Sicario being second to EM imo.

Also, who's got a helpful link that'll teach a brother about this /8 ranking system you guys use :nerd:

I've been told only heathens use /10 or /5.
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what's the worst movie y'all watched this year?

For me its hands down Fifty Shades of Grey. I'm still mad i had to spend money to watch that trash.
Off the top of my head, I'd have to agree with this.

There was no organic chemistry between the two protagonists & the acting was so damn forced.

Reminded me of the Twilight "love story."

For a movie based on such a sexually rousing novel (or so I've heard), i did not catch a chub one time.
Have yall guys watched Project Greenlight? or discussed it?

I just finished S1. I know it was back in 2000 or 2001 but a lot of that stuff towards the end was such a cluster**** :smh: :lol: Made me want to say never do a flick with children :lol:

On an unrelated note, I'll speak on what I thought of Legend soon.
Know what I totally forgot... Was Straight Outta Compton

Man that movie was awesome. Everyone played there part very well especially Cubes son and E.

Need to show that movie love.
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^^^ Damn, Carrie done gone through some hard times. Kind of pulled herself together for TFA. Looks ok for her age, just sounds like she smoked about 1 million cigs since 1983.
I didn't watch many bad movies this year. So I'd have to say Fantastic 4 was the worst piece of garbage I sat through :smh:
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