Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

There is a Documentary on EPIX called Deep Web. :pimp:

I didn't realize that they had caught the guy responsible for setting up the Silk Road and it was just months ago AND he was in the US, Austin TX to be exact.

Pretty interesting watch
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Newest Star Trek was aiiright, everyone can just wait til it hits the web or HBO or whatever other movie channel or source..

I like the actors they have playing the characters, but movie felt just meh.. Like even the life and death stuff didn't feel like those guys were under legit threats, like you never felt the full weight of what was happening.. Had a spectre feel to it

I'll go 4.5 maybe 5 out of 8, just because I like the actors playing the characters and got some laughs out of it

As far as recently released trailers.. Im all the way in on skull island and dr strange..

I wish DC was better organized with their properties and started with the individual films so you're invested in the characters come JL time.. WW looks good, but they gotta explain her chillin for almost 100 years after whatever goes down in it (ain't like she was frozen like captain America)

Aquaman looks good in the JL trailer and I like affleck as batman.. Not sure on the looks for flash and cyborg.. And wish they would change up batman's look so it could at least look like dude could move his neck (word to bale's bats)
Help me decide tonight....Star Trek Beyond or Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates? Kinda leaning towards Beyond just because they'll still have showings with the comfy reclining seats [emoji]128514[/emoji]

Nvm. Apparently Mike and Dave not even showing at my usual theater anymore so it's decided for me lol
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watched star trek into darkness for the first time in a while. this movie was very good. the visuals, the story, the feelz all well done. that kirk x spock chamber scene |I . cucumber killed it and so did spock.
I've actually been rewatching the last two Star Treks in anticipation of the newest one.. I definitely like them more than I remembered. I was never a Trek fan, but they're well done.
I'm a fan of the 2009 Star Trek movie, but I didn't like Into Darkness much. I need to re-watch it again to refresh my memory.
So I just finished watching Star Trek Beyond. It was cool. I wish they could've sped up the start where the crew was split up and made the big battle longer. The villains were pretty bad. I didn't understand their motivations mostly. They could've used way more development.

The very big positive was the girl who played Jaylah. Wow. My eyes gravitated to her in every scene.

Not a bad movie. But the 2009 reboot is still way better. I don't think this movie is as good as Into Darkness either.
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I like both but since I've seen all it's hard not to call Into Darkness just an updated rehash with some roles reversed.

Something I realize JJ just likes to do and thinks is good enough.

Both movies are enjoyable enough though.
Beyond is definitely below the first 2.. Liked jaylah.. And pegg was good as always
Sofia Boutella is the name of the chick who played Jaylah. I'm shocked that she's older than me. Also shocked that I've seen her in a movie before.
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Beyond is definitely below the first 2.. Liked jaylah.. And pegg was good as always
Pegg wrote (or co-wrote) Beyond.

I was never confident in that. Not that he doesn't excel in other areas of screenwriting certain movies.

Guess I'll have to go see for myself later this week.
Think I'm passing on Café Society. Only lukewarm on Woody Allen to begin with. Find Jesse Eisgenberg annoying at the best of times and, well, Kristen Stewart . . . LOL.
Beyond is definitely below the first 2.. Liked jaylah.. And pegg was good as always
Pegg wrote (or co-wrote) Beyond.

I was never confident in that. Not that he doesn't excel in other areas of screenwriting certain movies.

Guess I'll have to go see for myself later this week.

His role was bigger.. Did have some laughs

Story just felt meh.. Likeable characters carried it
Sofia Boutella was the name of the chick who played Jaylah. I'm shocked that she's older than me. Also shocked that I've seen her in a movie before.

Would not have realized she was the same chick from kingsman :wow:

I see it now
Think I'm passing on Café Society. Only lukewarm on Woody Allen to begin with. Find Jesse Eisgenberg annoying at the best of times and, well, Kristen Stewart . . . LOL.
That talentless wench is STILL landing roles!?

It's that sicko woody allen's movie. No one pays attention to the stuff he releases recently anyway.
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