Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Mulholland Drive is Lynch's "entry-level" film -- the introductory film you watch to "understand" Lynch's style, storytelling, etc.

I still maintain that his best work is Twin Peaks + Lost Highway + Blue Velvet
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Twin peaks is great. Mulholand drive was shot
To be the "sequel" series to that one. Nothing to really understand about that film except it was an unfinished jumbled mess. Not done for artistic purposes, but because he wanted to stick it to the production company by releasing what they didn't want him to. I have no doubt that it would have been great, I do love his style, but I'll never give him credit for making a great movie :rofl:
Well he did something right if the movie ended up #1 on people's lists. It sounds like turning ingredients you planned to make something else with into a random meal that people liked.
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Looking through some of the ballots that were submitted and this my favorite so far

Steven Gaydos – Variety (US)

1. Ex Machina (Alex Garland, 2015)
2. Inside Out (Pete Docter, 2015)
3. Animal Kingdom (David Michôd, 2010)
4. Apocalypto (Mel Gibson, 2006)
5. Three Monkeys (Nuri Bilge Ceylan, 2008)
6. WALL-E (Andrew Stanton, 2008)
7. Listen to Me Marlon (Stevan Riley, 2015)
8. 4 Months, 3 Weeks & 2 Days (Cristian Mungiu, 2007)
9. Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby (Adam McKay, 2006)
10. Centochiodi (Ermanno Olmi, 2007)

Talladega Nights :pimp:
my favourite of all time was ranked 13, Children Of Men.

I like Boyhood. Think it's a great movie for what it accomplished and set to do but I just don't see it at #5 at all. #85 I'm fine with but meh...
Hell, I would have The Town way up there, and still keep it behind Gone Baby, Gone Girl, and Argo. :lol:

I thought I saw Dallas Buyers tho, no?
For those who haven't..

You need to get on stranger things, just finished season 1.. Awesome.. Esepcially if you were alive at any point in the 80s

Netflix is doing the damn thing
No Gone Baby Gone on the list? :smh:
That's a travesty, considering some films that are on the list. Critics did only list 10 films each, and I can't exactly argue for it to be top 10, but you'd think with some of the titles on there, at least 1 critic would have thought about this. Ditto for Kill Bill.
Also I waited way too long to watch hateful eight for a second time.. Watching a kinda bad bootleg copy on the internet kinda made me not go and see it in theaters

Knew it was a dumb mistake.. Much better on second viewing on a way better actual good version of the film.. Should have known to stick with the see anything QT no matter what, dude always delivers 7-7.5/8
No Gone Baby Gone on the list? :smh:
That's a travesty, considering some films that are on the list. Critics did only list 10 films each, and I can't exactly argue for it to be top 10, but you'd think with some of the titles on there, at least 1 critic would have thought about this. Ditto for Kill Bill.

Top 10 only? So someone put Spring Breakers in their Top 10? What a **** head.
Stranger Things 7.6/8

Great show. Loved the music. Who would have thought Winona would have had me engaged like this? I loved all her scenes. Pleasant surprise. Kids was :pimp:

Also love how Lucas (the black kid) was always skeptic as hell. Also Jon just reminds me of Edward Furlong every time I see him
i really like mulholland drive, no country for old man, and david fincher films. a lot of foreign films on their lists i havent watched or heard

in the mood for love i just couldnt get in to.

no mention of satoshi kon's paprika. thats a great film, though its animation
So, I was listening to the radio this morning and the show I had on was asking listeners if its ok to quote lines from movies you've never seen. My mind was completely blown by the concept. I would never quote a movie I haven't seen (and its kind of a non-issue for me anyway since I see so many movies - but still). Apparently, there's a whole generation of people out there running around saying "Bye, Felicia" who have never seen Friday. That just seems wrong.
^ the biggest example of that was Kevin hart thinking wooderson was quoting him when he said "alright, alright, alright" during his acceptance speech
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