Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

No way in hell is Casino Royale overrated. I mean I could see people jocking Goldeneye and From Russia With Love over it, but that's it and just barely. Only knock on it, is that Quantum of Solace was half garbage, from the title on down.

And that '09 sequel, was the first F&F that had me hyped, only real sequel imo. I'm know I'm gonna end up seeing it.
No way in hell is Casino Royale overrated. I mean I could see people jocking Goldeneye and From Russia With Love over it, but that's it and just barely. Only knock on it, is that Quantum of Solace was half garbage, from the title on down.

And that '09 sequel, was the first F&F that had me hyped, only real sequel imo. I'm know I'm gonna end up seeing it.
Fast and the Furious is one of my favorite guilty pleasure movies of all-time

I'm seeing the new one opening night
Fast and the Furious is one of my favorite guilty pleasure movies of all-time

I'm seeing the new one opening night
Yeah, I'm not breaking down all the teams like I did last time.
Just my top 5; not all 14.

rank: name
+ strength
- weakness

#1: Venom
+ Cinderella Man, A Beautiful Mind, The Hangover, Saw, Blow, The Book of Eli, The Dark Knight, 40 Year Old Virgin
Jesus H. Christ, what a lineup!! 40 Year Old Virgin was the funniest movie of the decade for me... until The Hangover came out. You have both. Well done. A Beautiful Mind is one of my top 5 movies of all time, and The Book of Eli is freaking brilliant. Sure, the Saw saga might be watered down and played out at this point, but when that first one came out, it was an instant cult classic. Throw in some very real life struggles in Cinderella Man and Blow, and the action of Dark Knight, and you've got one hell of a roster of movies here.

#2: Shaun
+ The Wrestler, Knocked Up, Buried, Gangs of New York, I Am Legend, Cast Away, Up
MAN!!! The similar struggle of 3 of the characters in your lineup!!! FIRST 3 movies I saw in your list were Cast Away, Buried, and I Am Legend. Cast Away and Buried were certainly not the first times that we see a character on his own as he fights through complete abandonment, but the two movies pulled that struggle off wonderfully, and in completely different fashions. Love both of these movies. And although Will wasn't completely alone in Legend, he wasn't far from it as he fought through life as he knew it. Gangs of New York was the first DiCaprio movie I thoroughly enjoyed (used to call him DiCrapio
), The Wrestler is now included in my MUST WATCH sports movie conversations, and Knocked Up is effing great.
Even though Up goes way over the heads of the members of it's target audience, I think that's genius: it's just a fun cartoon to the kids it's intended for, but provides a thought-provoking storyline to the adults taking those kids.

#3: JRP
+ The Fighter, Wedding Crashers, V for Vendetta, Training Day, District 9, Gladiator
MAJOR PROPS on opening the draft with Gladiator.
A worthy #1 pick. You've got action and fighting for the typical male audience, a love story for the female audience, and intense character struggle for people who fiend for that sort of thing (present company included). Freaking LOOOVE this movie. V for Vendetta is an explicitly wonderful political movie, and District 9 is more implicit in it's criticism. Training Day gave us all a different Denzel than we were used to (and gave Jada the line "Why's Denzel have to be crooked before he took it?"
) and Wedding Crashers was hilarious... even with Owen Wilson. :/ I love movies based on true stories, because truth is much stranger than fiction, and that's where my appreciation for The Fighter comes from. Nice lineup.

#4: Prime
+ Friday Night Lights, The Social Network, Iron Man, Kill Bill Vol 1, O Brother Where Art Thou?, Unbreakable
- Tropic Thunder, Superbad
I've already told you guys I haven't seen Kill Bill, but I can definitely appreciate it's contribution as another cult classic. Other than that, looking at your list, I get a strong 'underrated' theme. Even though you have Kill Bill, something everyone is familiar with, Unbreakable has an underrated 'superhero' movie feel to it, O Brother is a HIGHLY underrated comedy (LOOOVE this movie!), Iron Man sets in the shadows of Batman Begins and Dark Knight, and I think The Social Network is going to be one of the most underrated movies of the decade, I can already tell.
From what I've read, it took some liberties that didn't exist in the actual story of FB's creation and whatever-that-guy's-name-is, but those liberties work. And Friday Night Lights is yet another powerful story based on real life. I love how Ebert points out that this movie shows that we have moved from "It's not how you win or lose, but how you play the game" to "Winning isn't everything; it's the only thing." And I have to say that you would have been higher were it not for Tropic Thunder and Superbad. I hate both of those.
I know everyone else loves them, especially Superbad, but this is my vote. I think there a lot of terrible comedies in the decade, and in my opinion, these were 2 of them.

#5: CP
+ The Blind Side, Inglourious Basterds, Inception, Crash, Batman Begins
- Borat, Signs
CRASSSHH!!!! THANK YOU!!! I was hoping someone would pick that!!!!!
And I think Batman Begins is better than The Dark Knight, but TDK gained a ton of hype from the Ledger death. Still great, but your pick, Batman Begins, is the better of the 2. I've mentioned in recent discussions that I think Inglourious is INGENIOUS. The Blind Side has it all; it's a fun family movie, has an intense character struggle, is a REAL LIFE STORY... of a guy who is currently playing in the NFL and a family that is currently living in Memphis... and we've got a strong female star to root for, a rarity in movies. I haven't seen Inception yet, but I really wanted to from the trailer, and I've heard nothing but good things from folks I rely on for movie picks. SOLID lineup right there... and then you have freaking Borat and freaking Signs. I liked Signs... until it ended. That last like 10 minutes was failtastic.
And Borat? I just... I don't get it, apparently. This might be my pick for the most overrated comedy of the decade; this or Napolean.

Only movie I was looking for and didn't see: Babel. No one liked Babel? I love it. And I thought the rosters were going to be listed anonymously?
Yeah, I'm not breaking down all the teams like I did last time.
Just my top 5; not all 14.

rank: name
+ strength
- weakness

#1: Venom
+ Cinderella Man, A Beautiful Mind, The Hangover, Saw, Blow, The Book of Eli, The Dark Knight, 40 Year Old Virgin
Jesus H. Christ, what a lineup!! 40 Year Old Virgin was the funniest movie of the decade for me... until The Hangover came out. You have both. Well done. A Beautiful Mind is one of my top 5 movies of all time, and The Book of Eli is freaking brilliant. Sure, the Saw saga might be watered down and played out at this point, but when that first one came out, it was an instant cult classic. Throw in some very real life struggles in Cinderella Man and Blow, and the action of Dark Knight, and you've got one hell of a roster of movies here.

#2: Shaun
+ The Wrestler, Knocked Up, Buried, Gangs of New York, I Am Legend, Cast Away, Up
MAN!!! The similar struggle of 3 of the characters in your lineup!!! FIRST 3 movies I saw in your list were Cast Away, Buried, and I Am Legend. Cast Away and Buried were certainly not the first times that we see a character on his own as he fights through complete abandonment, but the two movies pulled that struggle off wonderfully, and in completely different fashions. Love both of these movies. And although Will wasn't completely alone in Legend, he wasn't far from it as he fought through life as he knew it. Gangs of New York was the first DiCaprio movie I thoroughly enjoyed (used to call him DiCrapio
), The Wrestler is now included in my MUST WATCH sports movie conversations, and Knocked Up is effing great.
Even though Up goes way over the heads of the members of it's target audience, I think that's genius: it's just a fun cartoon to the kids it's intended for, but provides a thought-provoking storyline to the adults taking those kids.

#3: JRP
+ The Fighter, Wedding Crashers, V for Vendetta, Training Day, District 9, Gladiator
MAJOR PROPS on opening the draft with Gladiator.
A worthy #1 pick. You've got action and fighting for the typical male audience, a love story for the female audience, and intense character struggle for people who fiend for that sort of thing (present company included). Freaking LOOOVE this movie. V for Vendetta is an explicitly wonderful political movie, and District 9 is more implicit in it's criticism. Training Day gave us all a different Denzel than we were used to (and gave Jada the line "Why's Denzel have to be crooked before he took it?"
) and Wedding Crashers was hilarious... even with Owen Wilson. :/ I love movies based on true stories, because truth is much stranger than fiction, and that's where my appreciation for The Fighter comes from. Nice lineup.

#4: Prime
+ Friday Night Lights, The Social Network, Iron Man, Kill Bill Vol 1, O Brother Where Art Thou?, Unbreakable
- Tropic Thunder, Superbad
I've already told you guys I haven't seen Kill Bill, but I can definitely appreciate it's contribution as another cult classic. Other than that, looking at your list, I get a strong 'underrated' theme. Even though you have Kill Bill, something everyone is familiar with, Unbreakable has an underrated 'superhero' movie feel to it, O Brother is a HIGHLY underrated comedy (LOOOVE this movie!), Iron Man sets in the shadows of Batman Begins and Dark Knight, and I think The Social Network is going to be one of the most underrated movies of the decade, I can already tell.
From what I've read, it took some liberties that didn't exist in the actual story of FB's creation and whatever-that-guy's-name-is, but those liberties work. And Friday Night Lights is yet another powerful story based on real life. I love how Ebert points out that this movie shows that we have moved from "It's not how you win or lose, but how you play the game" to "Winning isn't everything; it's the only thing." And I have to say that you would have been higher were it not for Tropic Thunder and Superbad. I hate both of those.
I know everyone else loves them, especially Superbad, but this is my vote. I think there a lot of terrible comedies in the decade, and in my opinion, these were 2 of them.

#5: CP
+ The Blind Side, Inglourious Basterds, Inception, Crash, Batman Begins
- Borat, Signs
CRASSSHH!!!! THANK YOU!!! I was hoping someone would pick that!!!!!
And I think Batman Begins is better than The Dark Knight, but TDK gained a ton of hype from the Ledger death. Still great, but your pick, Batman Begins, is the better of the 2. I've mentioned in recent discussions that I think Inglourious is INGENIOUS. The Blind Side has it all; it's a fun family movie, has an intense character struggle, is a REAL LIFE STORY... of a guy who is currently playing in the NFL and a family that is currently living in Memphis... and we've got a strong female star to root for, a rarity in movies. I haven't seen Inception yet, but I really wanted to from the trailer, and I've heard nothing but good things from folks I rely on for movie picks. SOLID lineup right there... and then you have freaking Borat and freaking Signs. I liked Signs... until it ended. That last like 10 minutes was failtastic.
And Borat? I just... I don't get it, apparently. This might be my pick for the most overrated comedy of the decade; this or Napolean.

Only movie I was looking for and didn't see: Babel. No one liked Babel? I love it. And I thought the rosters were going to be listed anonymously?
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

The Wrestler is now included in my MUST WATCH sports movie conversations

The scene when he is at an autographs signing with his VHS tapes for sale and looks around (there are more wrestlers than fans there) is so realistic and sad.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

The Wrestler is now included in my MUST WATCH sports movie conversations

The scene when he is at an autographs signing with his VHS tapes for sale and looks around (there are more wrestlers than fans there) is so realistic and sad.
Ska, great breakdown man.  

J, MrO, glad there are some other Furious fans out there.  #notalone 
Ska, great breakdown man.  

J, MrO, glad there are some other Furious fans out there.  #notalone 
Fast and the Furious is hilarious, I look at it as a comedy, so many funny scenes and moments.

Glad to see Scream 4 getting good reviews, I'll probably check it out on Friday
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