Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T










Anyone see the new Pet Semetary? Watched it on a Delta flight yesterday.

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I wouldn't expect anything incredible from Todd Phillips, hope I'm wrong.

Having said that, Joaquin's performance should be magical.

You ain't wrong :lol: I fully expect Joaquin to deliver. It's the movie itself I worry more about.

If anything comes of it, that's a top trailer I've seen in recent memory.
Just watched once upon a time in Hollywood

Fun enjoyable movie. Dope acting. Sort of a spoiler but there’s not plot and you don’t see movies like this all the time. I’d be down for a sequel honestly.
I don’t know often y’all watched the extended cuts of movies you have on DVD/BluRay, as opposed to the theatrical versions, but my experience doing that has made me conclude that the editors are right 90 percent of the time...:lol:

TBH, I don’t know that I’ve encounter deleted scene that made me think, “man, I can’t believe they didn’t put that in the theatrical version”...
I don’t know often y’all watched the extended cuts of movies you have on DVD/BluRay, as opposed to the theatrical versions, but my experience doing that has made me conclude that the editors are right 90 percent of the time...:lol:

TBH, I don’t know that I’ve encounter deleted scene that made me think, “man, I can’t believe they didn’t put that in the theatrical version”...

What movies off the top represent this opinion?

There’s been a lot of talk about the extended version of The Town lately, where apparently Jon Hamm’s character dates Rebecca Hall’s character. :lol:
I don’t know often y’all watched the extended cuts of movies you have on DVD/BluRay, as opposed to the theatrical versions, but my experience doing that has made me conclude that the editors are right 90 percent of the time...:lol:

TBH, I don’t know that I’ve encounter deleted scene that made me think, “man, I can’t believe they didn’t put that in the theatrical version”...
Oh for sure, Kingdom of Heaven theatrical vs directors cut is almost a completely different movie.

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Can You Ever Forgive Me 5/8

It was okay. McCarthy was serviceable. Nothing super special about the performance or movie.

Movie was somewhat interesting with the fraud. I swear ppl have found all types of ways to scam ppl. That there's even a market for correspondence letters of notable literary authors is crazy.
That's a thing I don't think directors dont take advantage of enough; director's cuts.

If I'm a director any movie I feel a certain way about that I'm directing is getting an extended more thoughtful director's cut.

It is really is the chance tell the story your way.

Now sometimes thats the theatrical cut or producers/studio let you do w/e you want and you get to put anything you want in to the final product. At that point, cut scenes are just scenes that were replaced and youre not gonna delete.
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I could see a studio refusing to let you put it out on dvd though to avoid that embarassment. Then again i'm not sure they care because they keep cutting the **** out of films based on false generalizations.
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