Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Here I go falling in love with an M. Night idea again

M. Knight has some of the worst ideas and execution and he still stays relevant.
Reminds me of how DJ Kahled always manages to stay on top, even though he’s less than average.
I don’t know what it is about Emily Blunt.
I first saw her in Devil Wears Prada.
The character she played in The Five Year Engagement was such a want.
The Badass she played in Edge of Tomorrow/Live Die Repeat showed her versatility and a woman with chops is always appealing.
Her choice of Films is super underwhelming for my taste, considering she has 49credits I can’t really say she has more than a few films I’d give a thumbs up to or even watch, but she’s dope.
Now that I think about it her Film Catalogue leads me to believe that she’s one of the few British Actors who has crossed over to American film but still continues to pursue European Projects and possibly still lives there, instead of here in America.
Just off the top of my head…

the kitchen scene at the end of raid 2
Johnny Cage vs Scorpion in Mortal Kombat
Tommy vs Dae Han in Best of the best

I can see it now, the preview ends with a TRex chasing down the street and right on the tail of the car of Vin Diesel/Michelle Rodriguez, they clasp hands in quiet fear, and Vin kisses her hand, then focuses on the road with determination.


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Watched Misery for the first time ever the other night. I laughed way more than I probably should have :lol: almost surprised Kathy Bates won. Just didn't seem like an Oscar-worthy movie, but I guess thresholds were different in the 90's.
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