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Sugar - 2008

This is probably one of my top 3 subtitled movies. Granted I haven't seen a whole lot of foreign films but I was still surprised at how good it was from beginning to end. The writing and acting was phenomenal. It flowed naturally as if I was watching a real life documentary in movie form. At a certain point I forgot I was reading and it felt like I was just watching the movie which to me is a sign of a good foreign film. The trailers don't do it justice and they threw in all the English/American scenes.
Like many young men in the Dominican Republic, 19-year-old Miguel "Sugar" Santos (Algenis Perez Soto) dreams of winning a slot on an American baseball team. Indeed, his talents as a pitcher eventually land him a slot on a single-A team in Iowa, but culture shock, racism and other curveballs threaten to turn Sugar's dream sour. - RT

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Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter :lol:

Man this movie should not have taken itself so seriously.

Like on one hand this is just an ok vampire hunter movie but the addition of Abe Lincoln :lol: So absurd.

Then they really juxtapose slavery, slave owners, abolishment with vampires, vampires wanting a place in the world, vampires orchestrating the business of the slave trade and running the south, ******* vampires killed Abe's son :rofl:

The action was okay.

The caliber of actors in this is kinda crazy. Got Winstead actually acting in this, dude playing Lincoln acting like he want to win an award, Mackie in this being the black sidekick again, etc.

Fast and the Furious 6.
That’s one of the Greatest Intros to a Film, ever.
Not many Films get this wrong, but not many films get it right either.
D. Craigs Casino Royale is APEX intro.
Those guys get it right often.
Infinite ****ed up.

I love sci-fi so I put aside a principle of watching anything with Wahlberg in it cuz of the premise and my other fav actors being in it.

Lame *** racist *** Marky Mark shouldn't have been the lead. If it had to be a white guy make it the first white guy, Dylan O'Brien.

My boy Chiwetel was acting ACTING in this. Played a great villain. Hope he brings all this energy when he returns as Mordo in the MCU.

Toby Jones in this for no reason :lol:


By the numbers action. Could've done a lot mire with the concept. Especially with the additional concepts they were introducing in the middle and climax of the movie. Ending seemed a bit rushed where they wanted to just get the main conflict over with but if done right could easily get a trilogy out of this.
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