Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

You kind of have to go into it expecting the unexpected lol, if that makes sense. Kind of like with Napoleon Dynamite how there's not really a central plot. It can be very quirky at times but does have its serious moments too. I thoroughly enjoyed it and going to catch it again soon now that a good quality stream is out.
I cant and won't ever sit through this movie again. There's no point in this movie. One of the most unnecessary movies I've ever seen, and this is coming from a Pootie Tang fan 😂🤷🏾‍♂️
I liked these for 2021 also

I know I'm mad late on Ozark, but does anyone remember season 1? Just watched episode 6, and I was confused on something. Why does buddy and his little operation need the preacher to stay on the water? Why can't he have the preacher in a building, on land?

I know I'm mad late on Ozark, but does anyone remember season 1? Just watched episode 6, and I was confused on something. Why does buddy and his little operation need the preacher to stay on the water? Why can't he have the preacher in a building, on land?

That was a. Plot hole tbh. They wanted him to sell on the lake because it was "safer" from authorities compared to doing anything on land but at the same time the Snell's had some kind of deal with authorities and threatened to do far worse **** on turf 😂
15 minutes into Red Rocket trying to give it a chance but not really feeling it and I don't think I'ma be able to do the whole 2 hours. I'm still pissed off at Licorice Pizza think I need to cleanse my pallet with a documentary or something. Might check out the Boeing doc instead. 😂🤷🏾‍♂️
That was a. Plot hole tbh. They wanted him to sell on the lake because it was "safer" from authorities compared to doing anything on land but at the same time the Snell's had some kind of deal with authorities and threatened to do far worse **** on turf 😂
Ok, thank you. He explained it to Marty and I was like...

King's Man 6/8

As a lover of history I completely dug how Vaughn juiced up the beginnings of World War I. Pretty well done and better than a few other movies that have done it to other historical events.

The use of well known figures as secret agents of the Shepherd really good. The bad guy being Scottish also just foreshadows other future events based on other conflicts and long standing feuds. So I loved all that.

Rhys Iran's was AMAZING as Rasputin. Not only was it a transformation but that stunt double had him looking like a whole other person when it came to the action scenes. Ayo @ licking Oxford's leg and healing him.

Good to see Aaron Taylor-Johnson again in a Vaughn movie.

That boy Conrad got exactly what he asked for.

Ralph was acting acting his *** off for no reason.

The twist wad good. Off rip I was suspecting Goode of being an agent not the Shepherd. I thought ATJ before he was introduced was the Shepherd.

Movie dragged after Conrad died but it picked up once it was time to confront the Shepherd.

Don't know what there wasn't to like with this movie. I actually hope they stay in the past and actually cover World War II, involve more Statesman and then do a Statesman movie for the Korean War, Vietnam and Cold War.
King's Man 6/8

As a lover of history I completely dug how Vaughn juiced up the beginnings of World War I. Pretty well done and better than a few other movies that have done it to other historical events.

The use of well known figures as secret agents of the Shepherd really good. The bad guy being Scottish also just foreshadows other future events based on other conflicts and long standing feuds. So I loved all that.

Rhys Iran's was AMAZING as Rasputin. Not only was it a transformation but that stunt double had him looking like a whole other person when it came to the action scenes. Ayo @ licking Oxford's leg and healing him.

Good to see Aaron Taylor-Johnson again in a Vaughn movie.

That boy Conrad got exactly what he asked for.

Ralph was acting acting his *** off for no reason.

The twist wad good. Off rip I was suspecting Goode of being an agent not the Shepherd. I thought ATJ before he was introduced was the Shepherd.

Movie dragged after Conrad died but it picked up once it was time to confront the Shepherd.

Don't know what there wasn't to like with this movie. I actually hope they stay in the past and actually cover World War II, involve more Statesman and then do a Statesman movie for the Korean War, Vietnam and Cold War.

Damnit zik I wasn’t gonna watch this, now you got me wanting to check it out
The Zik Zag! — many were saying they were underwhelmed so maybe you went in set up to be impressed, I liked Rhys as Rasputin he was good, I just don’t like ultimately how that character was handled at the end. I liked why he was there and all that like you said, but they could’ve stayed with history in terms of it being even more exciting than what they did with the pool (everyone knows you drain the pool in the winter to not ruin the lining).
The Zik Zag! — many were saying they were underwhelmed so maybe you went in set up to be impressed, I liked Rhys as Rasputin he was good, I just don’t like ultimately how that character was handled at the end. I liked why he was there and all that like you said, but they could’ve stayed with history in terms of it being even more exciting than what they did with the pool (everyone knows you drain the pool in the winter to not ruin the lining).
I was hyped for this movie when it was announced. Then the pandemic happened and it delayed everything. I forgot about it. So much so I missed when it was theaters.

Basically watched on Max blind so I wasn't expecting anything.

I was checking who was playing who as I watched. From memory, this movie didn't really match my 3 year old impression but at the same time my expectations weren't that high when I think about the Kingsman franchise as a whole given the sequels made it lost their steam.
I’m with jpzx jpzx adding the historical aspect to things and real life people to the equation actually made some of the shh even more disappointing

like maybe the movie should have just focused on rasputin and the impact his death had on the significance of things.. and the growth of the overall network since you see the larger pieces at play

rogue one is a perfect example of focusing on the smaller story within the overarching story
I’m with jpzx jpzx adding the historical aspect to things and real life people to the equation actually made some of the shh even more disappointing

like maybe the movie should have just focused on rasputin and the impact his death had on the significance of things.. and the growth of the overall network since you see the larger pieces at play

rogue one is a perfect example of focusing on the smaller story within the overarching story

That's cuz Rogue One is based off something that was in the summary crawl of Star Wars. It happens before not during. Its literally not a part of the overarching trilogy and the story that is told.

King's Man is not that at all. The main plot starts leading up to beginning of WWI and continues until the end of the war. It doesn't even play the background as a spy movie since one of the main characters is directly a part the actual war. Not to mention the other main character has close relations with the politics and war strategy of trying to prevent and navigate the war.

The last thing I thought King's Man was going to be was some secret war playing the background to WWI with a bunch of unknown ppl who helped win it.
But that’s the problem they try to take on way too much of what’s happening

my point with rogue one is you have this important mission happening in the background of a significantly larger story.. but it does impact that story

the war has already started when rogue one happens.. it leads into the primary story we were original told in a new hope, but when a new hope started the war was already happening

king’s man would have been better off digging deeper into aspects of the story they were telling instead of treating it like a buffet they were picking pieces from without delivering a full meal of anything

they could have treated Rasputin as the primary villain and simply built this crew up and the larger story for sequel films

this is literally the start of the king’s man world.. they have no need to really care about the subsequent other than have an agency developed by the end of however many movies since those take place over 100 years later with an established agency and a new agent being brought into that world
Antlers was marketed exceptionally well for what turned out to be kind of a basic horror movie. I was expecting something a little more…..creative/original?

I don’t really have any major knock on it. It wasn’t TRASH by any means. Looked great and all. Kept me entertained and interested in what would happen next. But at the end of the day, I won’t think about it again. The previews got me way more hyped than the actual movie.

Wendigo? We been seen that. Scary creature attacks small town. Been seen that. Would have REALLY enjoyed this on the big screen with some friends though, not gonna lie. 4.3/8
But that’s the problem they try to take on way too much of what’s happening

my point with rogue one is you have this important mission happening in the background of a significantly larger story.. but it does impact that story

the war has already started when rogue one happens.. it leads into the primary story we were original told in a new hope, but when a new hope started the war was already happening

king’s man would have been better off digging deeper into aspects of the story they were telling instead of treating it like a buffet they were picking pieces from without delivering a full meal of anything

they could have treated Rasputin as the primary villain and simply built this crew up and the larger story for sequel films

this is literally the start of the king’s man world.. they have no need to really care about the subsequent other than have an agency developed by the end of however many movies since those take place over 100 years later with an established agency and a new agent being brought into that world
I took this as the origin of the Kingsman spy agency that happened during and because of World War I so none of it is taking on too much.

Rogue One didn't happen in the background of a larger story. Its a separate story that happened before the larger story. The only thing Rogue One happened in the background of is that one mission during the larger war.

The larger story of Star War's original trilogy is about Luke, Han, Leia, Chewy, Vader, and Sidious. War or not.

I don't see why King's Man has to turn its origin movie in to multiple movies during World War I. If you're familiar with WWI its not that interesting unless you're really in to mass death. They summed it up perfectly. The assassination, the reluctance to start the war, Russia dipping out, America going in and ending it.

It seems fairly obvious the next movie would cover WWII like mid credit scene clearly hinted at. There's also no reason to stretch that out in to multiple movies when they're just mostly covering the English perspective anyway.
Her father is literally taken from his family at the beginning of the movie to complete the death star

they are rebel fighters with the goals of stealing the plans of said Death Star.. those plans end up in the hands of princess leia.. it flows directly into a new hope

the mandalorian is a separate story, existing in that world

and we’ve seen numerous movies, award winning movies, made of subject matter which we once thought before seeing the films was uninteresting

a significant point made in the first film is the work they are doing behind the scenes to prevent catastrophic events from happening.. the events themselves don’t need to be that interesting, as Galahad pointed out while they were saving the world to everyone else the headlines were soccer scores
Her father is literally taken from his family at the beginning of the movie to complete the death star

they are rebel fighters with the goals of stealing the plans of said Death Star.. those plans end up in the hands of princess leia.. it flows directly into a new hope
Again all of that happened before A New Hope. It was not in the background of a ANH.

Episode 4 literally starts with the short blurb in the info crawl at the beginning summing up Rogue One.

There's nothing to dispute here. I never said one movie doesn't happen after the other so you saying it flows in to the next is the same thing I said.

Flowing in to the next movie is not the same thing as happening in the background of another movie.
the mandalorian is a separate story, existing in that world
So what?

That's not what we're talking about.

Rogue One is also a story that exists in the same "world" as other Star War stories but that's not the same thing as it happening in the background of another story.

And to my main point there is no reason to stretch the Kingsman origin and WWI over multiple movies.
and we’ve seen numerous movies, award winning movies, made of subject matter which we once thought before seeing the films was uninteresting
Yeah and I feel that was done again with King's Man. Given the alternate history and this made up spy agency they managed to stay much more grounded than previous Kingsman movies set in the modern day.

With that said, you're talking about making multiple movies out of WWI. What award winning movies with boring subject matter were stretched out over multiple movies? :nerd:

Sure you can take what many may think is a boring topic and make a great movie but how many boring topics have great trilogies or franchises? :nerd:
a significant point made in the first film is the work they are doing behind the scenes to prevent catastrophic events from happening.. the events themselves don’t need to be that interesting, as Galahad pointed out while they were saving the world to everyone else the headlines were soccer scores
Yeah but this is not that.

This was an origin movie.

The catastrophic event has already happened. Millions have already died 2 years in.

That's the difference when you make a fictional story out of a historical event. Its the reason this wasn't called Kingsman: WWII but titled differently and wasn't the same as previous Kingsman movies. Marvel did the same thing with Captain America: First Avenger and largely failed with it but the reason that didn't work wasn't cuz they didn't do an entire trilogy set in WWII
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