Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Just started this show Peaky Blinders. Where does it rank? Top 10? Top 50? Unranked?

Right now I have:

1. Sopranos
2. Breaking Bad
3. The Wire
4. Chernobyl
5. Thrones*
30-50 range. Gotta remember the attention spans of average viewers, the latest show is the greatest show to them. IMDB has rick n morty ranked #16 of all time:lol:
I just realized I've never seen Blackhawk Down. I thought I had, but reading the description, nope.
As a standing principle, I have a very real problem with any movie based on either of the following 2 narratives:
1. American soldiers had every right to massacre whatever non-Americans are in that particular the movie. #AmericaTheVictim
2. #AmericaTheSavior.
Not only do I oppose the American depiction that America is the good guy in war movies, but I find it gross.
We're not.
Man this gets more disgusting as I mature, too.
I’ve finally realized it’s only going to get worse and much.

Just yesterday I got stuck in a conversation and after letting her go on for some time I finally couldn’t stay silent and instead I attempted to poured it on that poor lady.

The conversation started with a 50yo White Woman being completely dumbfounded on why her grandkids school had banned the Pledge Of Allegiance. After hearing her outcries for way too long something inside me took over and I was possessed by words.

I asked her how she felt about a time when I was her grandkids age and I remember having to or GETTING to say the Pledge of Allegiance one morning. This particular day stood out because Astronaut John Glenn was a speaking guest at my Grade School where he praised AMERICA followed by a mock Land Run where yes, we(us kids)reenacted the Land Run where the entire school went out to the Baseball and Kickball slash Track and Field slash 15acres of open land and we took out flags and ran out and staked our claim to our new land before the Highschool students showed up with their Sooner Schooners that they built in woodshop and we all had a party to celebrate the land we just staked……to celebrate the day we stole lands from and butchered the then current Creek and Seminole residents that we labeled “original squatters” instead of actual residents or owners and we ran them from their homes by murder or, WAR. We celebrated that **** in 1988 and every year after, in school. I asked her how she felt about that……and if it should be banned as well……
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Watched for the first time. JK Simmons was spectacular.

Comes out tomorrow. This seemed mildly interesting when I first saw the trailer:

C CP1708 I fully understand your reasoning for giving Death Proof high rankings (even though it might be QT’s worst film).

I think in summary, it’s pretty damn impressive killing off your well established lead characters midway through the film and starting over fresh. That’s impressive to me also.


Sort of piggybacking off that, I give Jackie Brown heaps of praise because of how difficult of a film that was to pull off. A neo-noir LOVE story featuring the GOAT blacksploitation actress well past her prime. I was completely unfamiliar with Pam Grier before this. Those films were before my time and Hollywood was decades away from giving black actresses their flowers. Small side note: Tarantino’s film editor Sally Menke did all of his movies until her death in 2010. Jackie Brown doesn’t happen without her, and if you have time, read a bit about her. Gone too soon 😢
Was Cate Blanchett the actual voice of that character in Borderlands?

I haven't played it in years but I'm pretty sure that sounds exactly like her :lol:
Went to see Madame Web after seeing it get roasted everywhere and finding out about the writers' track record. These are the people who made Gods of Egypt and Morbius.
Edit: Accidentally wrote directors instead of writers.

I don't even know how to begin to describe it. Literally everything about this movie is absolute dog****.
Even as a horrible movie enthusiast, I can't recommend this. Unlike the holy grail of dog**** movies, Moonfall, this isn't a wild ride on that fine line of 'so bad it's good.'
Instead, it's just straight *** from start to finish in the most boring way possible.
There's occasional moments where it's so bad (almost all dialogue related) you just have to laugh but generally it can't even reach that bar. Genuinely a 0/10.
I saw it today knowing it was going to be bad. There really isn't one good part of this movie. Besides, maybe one or two lines of dialogue, one or two moments from like two of the actors and it was Sydney Sweeney and not the skateboarder. I forget her name anyway.... Is CGI was so so bad. So many Quick cuts and things flash in front of the screen like I was getting motion sickness. The dialogue for the villain was so awful and clearly dubbed in afterwards. We literally never get any motivation from him or why anything is happening. Just every single thing about it wasn't good. Dakota Johnson is a truly awful actor. The writing was so beyond terrible. The CGI was bad. The acting was atrocious. The direction was dizzying and made me want to vomit and at the end of the day the story didn't make any sense nor was it interesting and the only possible part that could have been entertaining. It was watching three spider women beat people up and kick butt but it was literally 65 seconds worth of the movie. It's insane

It's one of the worst movies I've ever seen with zero redeeming qualities. It'll be one thing if it was uninteresting or boring or bland or paid by numbers, but just every opportunity they make a bad decision or performance. It's impressive
“Even as a horrible movie enthusiast, I can't recommend this.” - Belgium Belgium

This might be the most damning condemnation of all time. With Morbius and Madame Web, and memes, we’ve reached a place of the self aware bad big-budget movie. No I want Battefield Earth or John Carter, where they truly are trying and thinking they’re making something great. It seems like from the quotes the actors have made, especially Dakota Johnson, they think of themselves “in on the joke”. You made a colossal piece of **** and you don’t get to be ironic about it.
I won't even review Madame Web, I'll just tell my fav part......

Madame is just learning about her powers but still not understanding them......huge fire, lot of activity, she "sees" her boss jump into an ambulance and drive off only to get t-boned by a dump truck.

She comes back to real time (unsure of what she saw) and her boss is heading for the same ambulance. Once again, he hits the gas, maybe 50 feet, boom, t-boned by a dump truck.

Sad, right?

But then the best part.......after the collision, switch to aerial shot, big fire, firefighters hosing down the building, and in the bottom corner, the ambulance and the dump truck........about 5 or 10 feet from........A RIVER.

A whole *** river. Where in the blue **** was that dump truck driving too? :rofl: :lol:
Hitting that ambulance kept him from driving his dump truck into a river and I could not stop laughing when I saw it.
I won't even review Madame Web, I'll just tell my fav part......

Madame is just learning about her powers but still not understanding them......huge fire, lot of activity, she "sees" her boss jump into an ambulance and drive off only to get t-boned by a dump truck.

She comes back to real time (unsure of what she saw) and her boss is heading for the same ambulance. Once again, he hits the gas, maybe 50 feet, boom, t-boned by a dump truck.

Sad, right?

But then the best part.......after the collision, switch to aerial shot, big fire, firefighters hosing down the building, and in the bottom corner, the ambulance and the dump truck........about 5 or 10 feet from........A RIVER.

A whole *** river. Where in the blue **** was that dump truck driving too? :rofl: :lol:
Hitting that ambulance kept him from driving his dump truck into a river and I could not stop laughing when I saw it.
they should just stop with the female/all female lead cast as well. it has been a monumental failure for most of the movies which came out with that sort of a movie. obviously, they couldn't make an interesting film with it rather than force it. except maybe casting Taylor Swift in the lead role and probably they could get more viewership out of it.
I saw it today knowing it was going to be bad. There really isn't one good part of this movie. Besides, maybe one or two lines of dialogue, one or two moments from like two of the actors and it was Sydney Sweeney and not the skateboarder. I forget her name anyway.... Is CGI was so so bad. So many Quick cuts and things flash in front of the screen like I was getting motion sickness. The dialogue for the villain was so awful and clearly dubbed in afterwards. We literally never get any motivation from him or why anything is happening. Just every single thing about it wasn't good. Dakota Johnson is a truly awful actor. The writing was so beyond terrible. The CGI was bad. The acting was atrocious. The direction was dizzying and made me want to vomit and at the end of the day the story didn't make any sense nor was it interesting and the only possible part that could have been entertaining. It was watching three spider women beat people up and kick butt but it was literally 65 seconds worth of the movie. It's insane

It's one of the worst movies I've ever seen with zero redeeming qualities. It'll be one thing if it was uninteresting or boring or bland or paid by numbers, but just every opportunity they make a bad decision or performance. It's impressive
Yeah it was genuinely mindblowing how bad this movie was in every single aspect. This abomination makes Morbius look like a masterpiece.
The villain and his motivation especially. Dude had a dream that these random women were going to attack him one day and that's his motivation? Seriously? Horrendous plot, awful CGI and camera work, but the dialogue in particular is what truly drops this to a 0/10.
If you're gonna make a bad movie, just go all out and don't make it dreadfully boring. The worst mistake this movie makes is to not just have bad dialogue, but uninteresting dialogue.

I'll compare this to another series of awful movies I thoroughly enjoyed, which is the Twilight series. I think those movies are a great example of dialogue that is also beyond awful but I'd call it anything but boring. I found it consistently hilarious because damn near every conversation was completely ridiculous and baffling, especially considering the context that those movies are supposed to be 'romantic' in some way.

I won't even review Madame Web, I'll just tell my fav part......

Madame is just learning about her powers but still not understanding them......huge fire, lot of activity, she "sees" her boss jump into an ambulance and drive off only to get t-boned by a dump truck.

She comes back to real time (unsure of what she saw) and her boss is heading for the same ambulance. Once again, he hits the gas, maybe 50 feet, boom, t-boned by a dump truck.

Sad, right?

But then the best part.......after the collision, switch to aerial shot, big fire, firefighters hosing down the building, and in the bottom corner, the ambulance and the dump truck........about 5 or 10 feet from........A RIVER.

A whole *** river. Where in the blue **** was that dump truck driving too? :rofl: :lol:
Hitting that ambulance kept him from driving his dump truck into a river and I could not stop laughing when I saw it.
Lmaooo to be fair the movie does have some moments like this where you just have to laugh at the audacity of its stupidity, but unfortunately far too few of those.

“Even as a horrible movie enthusiast, I can't recommend this.” - Belgium Belgium

This might be the most damning condemnation of all time. With Morbius and Madame Web, and memes, we’ve reached a place of the self aware bad big-budget movie. No I want Battefield Earth or John Carter, where they truly are trying and thinking they’re making something great. It seems like from the quotes the actors have made, especially Dakota Johnson, they think of themselves “in on the joke”. You made a colossal piece of **** and you don’t get to be ironic about it.
Tbh I didn't get the impression at all that this was a self aware bad movie. If anything, the worst part is that I do think the writers were trying. Unfortunately these are the people who came up with Gods of Egypt and Morbius. So their "trying" is not exactly top of the shelf.
This movie somehow got an $80m budget, which blows my mind given their track record. Why on earth would you pay those two after the disaster of Morbius? The only reason Morbius didn't flop even harder is because it edged significantly closer to the 'so bad it's good' line than this attempt.
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Yeah it was genuinely mindblowing how bad this movie was in every single aspect. This abomination makes Morbius look like a masterpiece.
The villain and his motivation especially. Dude had a dream that these random women were going to attack him one day and that's his motivation? Seriously? Horrendous plot, awful CGI and camera work, but the dialogue in particular is what truly drops this to a 0/10.
If you're gonna make a bad movie, just go all out and don't make it dreadfully boring. The worst mistake this movie makes is to not just have bad dialogue, but uninteresting dialogue.

I'll compare this to another series of awful movies I thoroughly enjoyed, which is the Twilight series. I think those movies are a great example of dialogue that is also beyond awful but I'd call it anything but boring. I found it consistently hilarious because damn near every conversation was completely ridiculous and baffling, especially considering the context that those movies are supposed to be 'romantic' in some way.

Lmaooo to be fair the movie does have some moments like this where you just have to laugh at the audacity of its stupidity, but unfortunately far too few of those.

Tbh I didn't get the impression at all that this was a self aware bad movie. If anything, the worst part is that I do think the writers were trying. Unfortunately these are the people who came up with Gods of Egypt and Morbius. So their "trying" is not exactly top of the shelf.
This movie somehow got an $80m budget, which blows my mind given their track record. Why on earth would you pay those two after the disaster of Morbius? The only reason Morbius didn't flop even harder is because it edged significantly closer to the 'so bad it's good' line than this attempt.
I actually enjoyed Morbius and Gods of Egypt. both movies though felt lame but still they were entertaining. between the two, Morbius had a better plot direction than Gods of Egypt.
I just realized I've never seen Blackhawk Down. I thought I had, but reading the description, nope.
As a standing principle, I have a very real problem with any movie based on either of the following 2 narratives:
1. American soldiers had every right to massacre whatever non-Americans are in that particular the movie. #AmericaTheVictim
2. #AmericaTheSavior.
Not only do I oppose the American depiction that America is the good guy in war movies, but I find it gross.
We're not.
Man this gets more disgusting as I mature, too.
I’ve finally realized it’s only going to get worse and much.

Just yesterday I got stuck in a conversation(that I couldn’t completely remain exempt from even though I tried)

It started with a 50yo White Woman being completely dumbfounded on why her grandkids school had banned the Pledge Of Allegiance. After hearing her outcries for way too long something inside me took over and I was possessed by words.

I asked her how she felt about a time I remember having to or GETTING to say the Pledge of Allegiance the morning of Astronaut John Glenn being a speaking guest at my Grade School followed by a mock Land Run where yes, we(us kids)reenacted the Land Run where the entire school went out to the Baseball and Kickball slash Track and Field slash 15acres of open land and we took out flags and ran out and staked our claim to our new land before the Highschool students showed up with their Sooner Schooners that they built in woodshop and we all had a party to celebrate rate the land we just acquired to celebrate the day we stole lands from and butchered the current residents and ran them from their homes.
Bruh I can't hear anything more crazy than this.....false....
Soon I will hear or see a story that makes this look like SUNDAY SChool.
Never surprised.
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