Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T


And that power got killed by a girl who "jumped" the length of a football field to kill their leader she didn't even know about 3 episodes earlier......

Brilliant writing......
That’s not writing that’s a conclusion and directive. darthska darthska Remember when The Red Woman saw Arya in the woods with the eyepatch guy Beric and the blonde long-haired dude and the Red Woman said to Arya, “This will not be the last time we meet.”

And in the episode where the White Walkers storm Winterfell, the Red Woman arrives and she and Arya have a stare off.

Fantastic writing not great.
Arya was always the prophecy, she went long and far to learn, and then took out those that wronged the Starks on the way back

We don’t ACTUALLY know far she jumped, and all she needed was that dragon glass or Valyrian steel, they learned earlier if you take out a White Walker you take out everyone else they’ve taken out. So if Night King gets one of those Valyrian or dragon glass it’s over.

It was a KO, and the ego on the Night King to ever expose himself.

And that power got killed by a girl who "jumped" the length of a football field to kill their leader she didn't even know about 3 episodes earlier......

Brilliant writing......
Of all your GoT criticisms, this one is the most shaky. 😬
We don’t ACTUALLY know far she jumped,

Except, we do. The literal scene(s) before was Theon running a marathon to attack The Night King. It was empty space between Thein/Bran and NK and his generals. No trees, no buildings, no big rocks, wagons, Starbucks or anything else.

It was literally the scene before. Had they not shown the Theon sprint you might have had a better case.
Except, we do. The literal scene(s) before was Theon running a marathon to attack The Night King. It was empty space between Thein/Bran and NK and his generals. No trees, no buildings, no big rocks, wagons, Starbucks or anything else.

It was literally the scene before. Had they not shown the Theon sprint you might have had a better case.
But nothing is known of her location immediately before killing the Night King. She could have behind behind any of those trees as Theon was attacking TNK, waiting to pounce.
But nothing is known of her location immediately before killing the Night King. She could have behind behind any of those trees as Theon was attacking TNK, waiting to pounce.

?? What trees? Bran was under the tree of life or whatever they called it, there were no others. And she came from the backside (castle side?)

There were 50 pages of folks callin her Air Arya, redesigning the Jumpman logo etc because no one could figure out where in the hell she could "jump" from. They weren't even close enough to a building for her to drop from.

The Theon run showed they were out in Dixie Chick land. (Wide open spaces). (It's getting late, what'dya want :lol: )

Red Dot is her.

She jumped from the left (of this photo) where there's nothing but Wights.

This pic is 2 seconds after she stabs him, their own aerial shot. :rofl: :rofl:


Red Dot is Theon........

To the right (in this pic) you can not even see Bran.

To the left (in this pic) you can not even see Night King.

Folks, this is THE GAME OF THRONES OWN FOOTAGE of the fight, the shots they put on screen.

Look at the distances they themselves showed us, the audience.

And the next scene Arya jumps from.........?

:lol: :rofl:

This was ATROCIOUS writing and directing. Theon has been running for 3-4 seconds before I took this screengrab. I know I'm sarcastic and reference him running a 90 yard dash, or a marathon, BUT THAT'S WHAT THE DIRECTORS SHOWED US. They filmed this trash. It wasn't close proximity AT ALL. And the next scene they had a teenage girl jump (from......somewhere?)
That does not look like the Winterfell tree :lol: is that a bonfire

I think he was lighting his arrows early in the ep from that.

Either way, these two photos kill your argument fam. I literally just Youtubed both scenes and they are devastating to your case.
The episode is great I don’t have a case, and clearly you don’t, a set of aerial shots are not anything in a 90-minute episode, not smoking guns stop making this easy
The episode is great I don’t have a case, and clearly you don’t, a set of aerial shots are not anything in a 90-minute episode, not smoking guns stop making this easy

Naw man, it was trash. And an ENORMOUS fanbase cried out in unison when it happened.

It's not some small band of people tryin to crush them, it's one of the larger audiences in history. And we all witnessed it together.

Ska literally just watched it TODAY and it hurt him. I've watched the series THREE TIMES, and it's closure devastates me.

Watch the table readings. The actors and actresses are beside themselves.
Watch the after EP dialogue from the moronic directors......"danayres sort of forgot about the navy"........the scene after her meeting about......the navy.....

It's ok to admit they ruined the closure. I loved the first whatever it was, 67 episodes or whatever, but the last 4 cratered into the side of a mountain. Tragic writing/directing and a hundred million people watching it in real time. You can't get a hundred million people to agree with anything these days, but they did in 2019. :frown:
We’re just talking about Episode 3, let’s keep it close to what we’re talking about. Episodes 4-6 suck.

1-3 should’ve been about beating Cersei. 4-6 should’ve been the White Walkers, what 1-3 were.

The last episode should’ve been this, because it was what everything actually was about.

This is timeless CP, so good



I tried not to worry about what I wanted. (Hell, I wanted The Night King to win :lol: )

I wouldn't have minded Arya killing him if they did it correctly. I woulda been good with Jon doing it. Or Dany/dragon doing it. It just had to make sense.

I didn't care who got the Throne, long as it made sense. Who died, who lived, didn't care, long as it made sense.

That's not what they did. And it saddens me.

Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul had truly beautiful writing/closures. So many themes and tones laid down over years of work. Winks and nods to everyone. Brilliant, brilliant television.

Game infuriated 90-95% of it's fanbase. Left bad taste in the actors mouths. Ruined the directors entire career's.

I will watch the show again. I know I will do another pass, just as Ska has done recently. The show was that great that it deserves those rewatches. But the closing deserves the heat it receives too. They ruined so many things for people that invested 8 years of their lives to that show. :smh:
Bran getting the throne is like Professor X but x 100 less personable just awful. Jon I wish would’ve killed the Night King, but I was cool with Arya. In my heart I wanted somehow Tyrion to get on top once Dany went headway.
The Dany turn was what I think we most agree on. Yes, she had the 50-50 coin flip because of her father, but she was trying to deflect it all series and then because her translator goes, she goes scorched Earth?!

Episode 3 was great is my point.
However CP, I think the Dany turn was emotionally charged by Jon saying they couldn’t be together.
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