Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Baldwin's scene is iconic but I also enjoy Pacino's blowup at the end.

"Who taught you your ******* craft?"

"Who told you that you could work WITH MEN??"
Thanks, I hate it. 😂
OMMFN God man.
Not the gods Speilberg and Lucas.
I mean, I knew Polanski had to jump the country and never return so that he could dodge that 50yr Prison Sentence but how do Speilberg and Lucas stay out of my line of sight for all of these years?
This some alternate timeline shift or something, these some creepy dudes man.

I mean, Julia Roberts, Crispin.....the little girl that starred in JURASSIC Park literally quitting HOLLYWOOD because of Speilberg, Thandie Newton- all of these folks just dumping on lack of praise and heaps of creepiness in regard to these PDF's

HOLLYWOOD really taking a beating this year, Man.

Speilberg and Lucas though, Jesus Christ

Man, for the past decade, I've been getting to the point where I just don't trust any prominent, straight, white, male in a position of Hollywood authority/direction.
Man, for the past decade, I've been getting to the point where I just don't trust any prominent, straight, white, male in a position of Hollywood authority/direction.
It’s so disappointing.
I don’t have kids, just nieces and nephews.
Could you imagine little Ska coming home from school and telling you he has joined the Drama Club and aspires to be an actor with dreams of going to Hollywood? I mean damn, any of my nieces/nephews into music or acting and I’m going to be sick to my stomach a little bit. I mean ****, I just can’t imagine being an actor or artist trying to break into the business with these sicko gatekeepers-Specifically the kids and women, they are low key set up for failure or prostitution, probably both. Sick to my stomach just thinking about it, I’d go to jail for committing murder not attempting.
I rewatched this in anticipation of the new one coming out and I forgot how good it was man... So many actors in it. Special effects for the time were pretty good. I might flip it on one more time just to get hyped up

I got some time off from work and while I'll be playing NCAA football, I'll also try to catch up on some movies I've missed in theaters.
It is 10x the story people remember I’d guess, and yeah PSH is unbelievable, then Cary Elwes, Alan Ruck, etc

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