Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T



Having a similar David Fincher moment. I just saw The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo (2011) for the first time last night and it’s all i can think about!


They should've allowed DF to finish the Millennium Series :smh:

Let me ask you something? Why don't people trust their instincts? They sense something is wrong, someone is walking too close behind them... You knew something was wrong but you came back into the house. Did I force you, did I drag you in? No. All I had to do was offer you a drink. It's hard to believe that the fear of offending can be stronger than the fear of pain. But you know what? It is. - MV

That quote always gave me the heebie-jeebies . There's something to be said for trusting your gut instinct when things feel off.
How did y'all like Twisters? It's getting rave reviews but reading the plotline it sounds like a modern take on the first movie. I'll probably end up seeing it regardless as it sounds like a good summer blockbuster and will be perfect for IMAX.
How did y'all like Twisters? It's getting rave reviews but reading the plotline it sounds like a modern take on the first movie. I'll probably end up seeing it regardless as it sounds like a good summer blockbuster and will be perfect for IMAX.
in the grand scheme nothing special

but powell somehow makes everything work with a solid cast around it

it’s a fun time at the movies that’s worth seeing on the biggest screen imo, if you have 4dx in the area might want to check that out
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