Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Did a little change of pace tonight and watched "Kill" on a recommendation. It's a recent Bollywood action movie that takes place entirely on a train. It's basically John Wick on a train, but without guns. So, really, it's more like Jason Statham movie. One of the most entertaining and brutal action movies I've seen in awhile.
Deadpool wolverine was awesome for the action, humor, fan service, but he plot and story was the weakest in the trilogy.

Deadpool and Wolverine was aight. Not my cup of tea. I don’t enjoy Ryan Reynolds and his “comedy”. I thought he was funny and great in Van Wilder. But since then every movie he’s in he’s basically still Van Wilder….and it’s not for me. That fast talking sort of wit really does nothing for me.

Deadpool & Wolverine was underwhelming. I might prefer Quantumania, Multiverse of Madness and The Marvels over it. :smh:


but when i say it its a problem.

it's an amusing movie. its pretty funny.
but the plot is convoluted. the emotional stakes are not compelling.
be for real.
like yall were really locked in on the emotional stakes of

"deadpool is sad that he got rejected from the avengers, because he wants to belong or something"
yall were really like "omg im tearing up *sniff* I hope deadpool *sniff* gets back with his girlfriend who was barely in deadpool 2"

the movie has some funny penis jokes but let's not get carried away.
I’ve given these sort of movies their fair shake and i just don’t enjoy the mix of comedy and superhero the way others seem to. If i want to watch a comedy i’ll go watch a comedy movie. With superhero movies I prefer a sense of seriousness. It’s why I didn’t like the Thor Ragnarok movie either that others seem to love. I realize there’s a certain Curb your Enthusiasm and Always Sunny sort of crowd that strongly likes this sort of comedy and action blend (in my friend group). And they don’t get that others simply do not.
be for real.
like yall were really locked in on the emotional stakes of

"deadpool is sad that he got rejected from the avengers, because he wants to belong or something"
yall were really like "omg im tearing up *sniff* I hope deadpool *sniff* gets back with his girlfriend who was barely in deadpool 2"

the movie has some funny penis jokes but let's not get carried away.
No one said it's a problem. I said I expected your disapproval, and some agreed.

Not a problem. 🤙
I’ve given these sort of movies their fair shake and i just don’t enjoy the mix of comedy and superhero the way others seem to. If i want to watch a comedy i’ll go watch a comedy movie. With superhero movies I prefer a sense of seriousness. It’s why I didn’t like the Thor Ragnarok movie either that others seem to love. I realize there’s a certain Curb your Enthusiasm and Always Sunny sort of crowd that strongly likes this sort of comedy and action blend (in my friend group). And they don’t get that others simply do not.

Please don’t ever lump Always Sunny, Seinfeld, and Curb humor folks in with Marvel movie humor folks.
Watch Requiem For a Dream next…
Yesterday, like I said.
I loved the cinematography. It felt like every scene was 2 minutes tops.
I loved that they threw Sara's prescriptions as part of America's growing drug problem.
I wouldn't call it a must watch and it's way too sensational to be taken seriously, but it was well done as a Hollywood depiction of a very real drug problem.

Unrelated: it felt like Jared Leto could have been a successful actor were it not for 30 Seconds to Mars. 👀
be for real.
like yall were really locked in on the emotional stakes of

Emotional stakes........of two 40 year olds wearing red and yellow spandex, traveling to different Earths and voids of space?

Really dude? :smh:

If you sat in your seat opening night to view your Oscar level expectations of emotional stakes for a COMIC BOOK 3rd iteration I don't know what to tell you.

The REAL emotional stakes were seeing the "real" Wolverine on screen with Deadpool (the real Wade Wilson, not the Fox version absolutely destroyed years ago), two huge friends, worked thru numerous contract/legal issues to actually put those two characters on screen together. Something people have dreamt about for decades. Something THEY probably dreamt about for decades. On top of that they brought in characters galore that had each of the three theaters I've been too this weekend gasping and cheering as they appeared on screen.

But sure, the PLOT lacked "emotional stakes" :lol:

Very sorry the comic series featuring time travel, mutants, immediate regenerative healing, multi universe, floating heads, space voids, brain fingering, unlimited ammo, and cocaine jokes didn't live up to your emotional expectations.

$439 million dollars worldwide in 3 days tho, so you have time to look forward to Deadpool 4 and your expectations for The Godfather cinematic quality emotional tones. :rolleyes
I for one am grateful for what Ryan and Hugh have done.

They don't have to do any of this. We could a waited 20 more years and a "new" Wolverine coulda been cast, some first grader right now probably related to some producer, or maybe related to Taylor Swift or a Kardashian, instead Hugh agreed to put his body thru all this AGAIN and they went out there and gave audiences two hours of forgetting the real world to watch some insanely silly ****.

They made fun of themselves, of each other, of Fox and Marvel and Disney, of intimacy coordinators, and Cap and Thor and Iron Man, and fought each other as well as side by side. They brought back characters long forgotten. It was a literal comic book on the big screen.

I smiled for two hours straight and I'm not even a comic book person like that. I know a legit Deadpool fan since birth that left work early to see the 3 PM Thursday showing and dude could barely walk on Friday. :lol:

Hopefully they "do better" on DP4. :smh: :lol:
The Godfather 🤣🤣😂
Imagine buying a ticket, settling in, seeing the emotional attempt in the very opening scene... and then forgetting these are COMIC BOOK CHARACTERS and expecting to be emotionally moved.
By *censored* Deadpool.
Going to see Deadpool tonight. Haven't been to the cinema in over a year lol
If you don't mind...
What are your thoughts/expectations going in? Excited? Even keel?
Have you been spoiled by any leaks?
Are you a Marvel/Deadpool/Wolverine fan?
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