Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Not reading any reviews. Haven't even seen the trailer. Not a diehard fan but have seen the others. Just going in to have a good time and enjoy the show :pimp:
Perfect. 🔥🔥🔥🔥
This is typically how I watch a movie, even from franchises I've invested hundreds of hours & dollars in.
Just going to have a good time.
Emotional stakes........of two 40 year olds wearing red and yellow spandex, traveling to different Earths and voids of space?

Really dude? :smh:

If you sat in your seat opening night to view your Oscar level expectations of emotional stakes for a COMIC BOOK 3rd iteration I don't know what to tell you.

The REAL emotional stakes were seeing the "real" Wolverine on screen with Deadpool (the real Wade Wilson, not the Fox version absolutely destroyed years ago), two huge friends, worked thru numerous contract/legal issues to actually put those two characters on screen together. Something people have dreamt about for decades. Something THEY probably dreamt about for decades. On top of that they brought in characters galore that had each of the three theaters I've been too this weekend gasping and cheering as they appeared on screen.

But sure, the PLOT lacked "emotional stakes" :lol:

Very sorry the comic series featuring time travel, mutants, immediate regenerative healing, multi universe, floating heads, space voids, brain fingering, unlimited ammo, and cocaine jokes didn't live up to your emotional expectations.

$439 million dollars worldwide in 3 days tho, so you have time to look forward to Deadpool 4 and your expectations for The Godfather cinematic quality emotional tones. :rolleyes
Yeah I disagree that you can't have emotional stakes because they're in spandex. Shed a thug tear in Endgame. If Deadpool appears in Avengers, there will be emotional stakes. But for his own movies, it's just his pure lunacy.
Emotional stakes........of two 40 year olds wearing red and yellow spandex, traveling to different Earths and voids of space?

Really dude? :smh:

If you sat in your seat opening night to view your Oscar level expectations of emotional stakes for a COMIC BOOK 3rd iteration I don't know what to tell you.

The REAL emotional stakes were seeing the "real" Wolverine on screen with Deadpool (the real Wade Wilson, not the Fox version absolutely destroyed years ago), two huge friends, worked thru numerous contract/legal issues to actually put those two characters on screen together. Something people have dreamt about for decades. Something THEY probably dreamt about for decades. On top of that they brought in characters galore that had each of the three theaters I've been too this weekend gasping and cheering as they appeared on screen.

But sure, the PLOT lacked "emotional stakes" :lol:

Very sorry the comic series featuring time travel, mutants, immediate regenerative healing, multi universe, floating heads, space voids, brain fingering, unlimited ammo, and cocaine jokes didn't live up to your emotional expectations.

$439 million dollars worldwide in 3 days tho, so you have time to look forward to Deadpool 4 and your expectations for The Godfather cinematic quality emotional tones. :rolleyes
The Godfather 🤣🤣😂
Imagine buying a ticket, settling in, seeing the emotional attempt in the very opening scene... and then forgetting these are COMIC BOOK CHARACTERS and expecting to be emotionally moved.
By *censored* Deadpool.

Maybe you guys don't read comics, or have no respect for the medium.
but im here to inform you that COMIC BOOKS have emotional stakes. COMEDIES also have emotional stakes.

Emotional stakes are literally the driving force of ALL narrative fiction.
How will the events of the stories impact the characters emotions and how do they change in response to that impact?


from comic books to comedies, to dramas ALL OF IT, attempts to create the emotional stakes. So if im going to critique ANY story, part of that critique is going to fall on how believable do i find those emotions to be.

The deadpool movies understand this, that's why they have the Vanessa story, and his whole crew of people with the polaroid. Why do they do it?
because the creators of the movies know that even if it's a comedy there has to be A STORY for people to care.

Obviously a comedy is going to have different emotional stakes than a drama but the BEST comedies have real and believable emotional stakes.

The stuff in deadpool 4 is not believable and thus makes the movie less compelling.
The best Deadpool stories have believable emotional stakes.

This idea that just because it's a comedy, you don't need to have a story is ridiculous.

go watch stand up or sketch comedy if you don't need a story. but if you make a movie, i'm going to expect a believable and compelling story.

and if it's not compelling i will critique that.
Yeah I disagree that you can't have emotional stakes because they're in spandex. Shed a thug tear in Endgame. If Deadpool appears in Avengers, there will be emotional stakes. But for his own movies, it's just his pure lunacy.

do people think comic book writers are like 12 years boys playing with action figures?
just setting up scenarios for superheroes to punch each other?
osh kosh bosh osh kosh bosh , to be clear, I don't mind the criticism "Weak plotline." That was actually the only criticism of the movie my son & I had together walking out. (He had another major criticism that I disagree with, but it would spoil the movie and I don't really want to go that direction. Let's just stay here.)
The difference is that we were thoroughly entertained by everything else; yes, because we knew we were watching comic book characters come to life.
But we did have a mutual criticism: the plot line.
See the difference?
You're reducing my take to "Criticism isn't allowed!" and your take to "he movie isn't perfect and I'm going to say that."
The problem is that that's not what I'm saying at all.
It's like having an awesome meal that was served with paper plates & plastic cups, and saying that the entire meal was average at best because of the fair criticism of paper & plastic.
I know this is your lane, though. Like I said: not a problem. Do your thing.
Yesterday, like I said.
I loved the cinematography. It felt like every scene was 2 minutes tops.
I loved that they threw Sara's prescriptions as part of America's growing drug problem.
I wouldn't call it a must watch and it's way too sensational to be taken seriously, but it was well done as a Hollywood depiction of a very real drug problem.

Unrelated: it felt like Jared Leto could have been a successful actor were it not for 30 Seconds to Mars. 👀
danger style danger style , what was funny? 👀
The we should be grateful because they didn't have to do this is an extremely wild take 🤣🤣🤣 these dudes got paid a bajillion dollars to do this **** 🤣
I mean, they don't HAVE to, though.
Every basketball player on the USA squad could, COULD, say "Nah. I'm'a chill this summer."
Saying "You HAVE TO, you millionaire!" is... I mean it's just not true.
I'm saying they did it because they got paid not because they are some great humanitarians we should be thankful for
I mean, did anyone say that they accepted these paid acting roles as an act of humanitarian philanthropy?
Or did you interpret "We should be grateful" as people thinking that they were accepting these paid acting roles as an act of humanitarian philanthropy? 👀
Yeah I disagree that you can't have emotional stakes because they're in spandex. Shed a thug tear in Endgame. If Deadpool appears in Avengers, there will be emotional stakes. But for his own movies, it's just his pure lunacy.

The emotional stakes is that they in fact did this.

THAT is the emotional stake. They don't have to have it in the plot.

The tears in Endgame weren't because the Marvel sparkles started spinning, it was because they were all there on screen together. People cheered and yelled and screamed and every person in that theater knew they'd be showing up. :lol: That wasn't some plot device of "emotional stakes"

We got the real Wade Wilson on screen with the real Wolverine. Not the Fox X-Men Wolverine Origins version. That is your emotional stakes. Not whatever plot line they were gonna write into it.
I mean, did anyone say that they accepted these paid acting roles as an act of humanitarian philanthropy?
Or did you interpret "We should be grateful" as people thinking that they were accepting these paid acting roles as an act of humanitarian philanthropy? 👀
You yourself compared it to competing in the Olympics, as opposed to being hired to do a job 🤣
The best Deadpool stories have believable emotional stakes.

This idea that just because it's a comedy, you don't need to have a story is ridiculous.

go watch stand up or sketch comedy if you don't need a story. but if you make a movie, i'm going to expect a believable and compelling story.

and if it's not compelling i will critique that.

Hey, if you didn't like the movie that's fine. You can say that. No argument from me there.

Saying it didn't have emotional stakes is just your interpretation.

It absolutely had a believable story. His entire timeline was about to be ended by a douche in a TVA suit. He went out to find the one mutant he thought would help fix the problem. And he was right. The fact you dispute that is mildly amusing. :lol:
Maybe one day you'll get there 🤷🏾‍♂️
Where? I'll get to a point where I interpret "We should be grateful" as something humanitarian?
I hope I stay mature enough to never get to that point. I hope I never lose the maturity in realizing there are many different interpretations to statements made by others, and that I should ask more questions instead of assuming that I have their meaning figured out, and then stubbornly sticking with my own assumption/interpretation.

tl,dr: "We should be grateful" does not at all imply anything humanitarian. I'm aware of that. Seems that you're struggling with realizing that.
Hey, if you didn't like the movie that's fine. You can say that. No argument from me there.

Saying it didn't have emotional stakes is just your interpretation.

It absolutely had a believable story. His entire timeline was about to be ended by a douche in a TVA suit. He went out to find the one mutant he thought would help fix the problem. And he was right. The fact you dispute that is mildly amusing. :lol:

I think we are having a misunderstanding.

i enjoyed the movie, it was reasonably funny and entertaining.
I just thought the emotional story line of deadpool wanting to be in the avengers and getting his girlfriend back were underbaked and not convincing.

by "believable" i don't mean that like it's illogical or it doesn't make sense, it makes sense. it just feels contrived and rushged.

Deadpool 1 the cancer storyline and the relationship with vanessa had much more time to breath so it felt more real.

these criticism don't mean i think the movie is bad or unenjoyable.
like i said, it's amusing, the jokes are funny.
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