Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Alright, so check this out: I set my DVR to record Shaun of the Dead, I think based on something Chester had said last week in a reply in here. Pretty sure he referred to the movie as… well, I don't remember, but gave it some sort of high praise; like REALLY high. I remember thinking "Well hell, if someone's going to talk about a movie like THAT, eff it, I'll give it a watch." I've done the same with a bunch of movies that a bunch of you dudes have complimented, like Kev and the movie Triangle.

So I guess it came on last night, and I had it scheduled to record. So I'm sitting here watching it, and I see it opens with this:


Not going to lie, kind of freaked me out for a second, then I started cracking up a little and said "Oh, sh_ _!", almost like… like a hilarious epiphone.
So are all of your gifs of this twerp from this movie?

Had to run to NT, per protocol. Now back to the movie.
Ahhh I still have not checked out Shaun of the Dead.

Finished the X-Men Trilogy...

I know everyone rated X-Men: The Last Stand the least heralded of the three... but I almost liked it the most to be truthful. My reasons for liking it more than the first two had to do with the characters mostly.

I loved Kelsey Grammer as Hank/The Beast, Ben Foster as Angel, Ellen Page as Shadowcat, etc. Yeah, a lot of the dialogue was beyond corny (like when Juggernaut is chasing Ellen Page who's going after the boy, he screams out "Don't you know who I am??!? I'm the Juggernaut, %@#*#!" Like c'mon.
Completely forced, elicits laughs more than anything. Jean ending up being alive 
. The end of the movie pretty much sucked, Magneto moving the chess piece
thought they could have concluded a trilogy with something far more final and groundbreaking than that.

As a whole, I didn't enjoy the trilogy that much, think I might trade it in (bought the pack on Blu-Ray). The comic book movie craze didn't totally return until 2008 when Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk, and The Dark Knight came out, so maybe this trilogy just was placed in the wrong time period? I'm not really positive, but I probably won't watch again.
X-Men the Last Stand
See...that was a part of what made X3 so disgusting.
It had, by far, the best characters and ideas of the 3 films (the Danger Room with Sentinels, the cure, the real mutant war).
The biggest scope, the most expectations, the best casting and fights (from the trailer)...
It just didn't amount to +@!% is all.

Angel? They stuck him in every single commercial. That character was on screen for all of 3 minutes at the beginning and 3 minutes at the end.
Shadowkat...the ice skating, %%$@@.
Pyro vs. Iceman ...
5 seconds later, I'm like...are you #%+#%+# serious? That's it? They hyped that fight up like Voldemort vs. Dumbledore/Darth Maul vs. Jedis/end of the world +@!%, every damn commercial. And that was it...
The Juggernaut. Right from the get you could feel they ruined dude. Wait so he's not Xavier's brother anymore? That's as brolic as he gets? You gonna ham up everything? "I'm the Juggernaut, #%@@%," was just some dumb internet chit, like Snakes on a Plane, until went all in with it in the movie.
Young Xavier and Magneto. That cgi young face.
Yall were better off casting other people.
Turns out it was just a warning of what's to come.

And last but not least Phoenix. How do you %#+% that up? How? It's like they asked her to stop acting a *%$*@%*%#@$!+ sap. In 2 seconds she threw her set down lost her damn mind and just walked around monotone disintegrating stuff. And don't get me wrong, that was illest part of the movie, the effect of her going ape-+@!%. But %#+% the movie for that. It's not the film they made that gets me. It's the characters and ideas they wasted. You can make a crap movie, sure...just leave room for the next one to pretend like you don't exist, like Friday Night Lights season 2. But this didn't. This used every bit of what we were hoping for against us.

The 1-2 punch of this and Spider-man 3 had me done with comic book movies completely until TDK and Iron Man.

I blame Bryan Singer for leaving to do Superman Returns and taking Cyclops with him. (that's why dude was only there for 5 minutes)

X2 was my favorite comic book movie after Spider-man 2, but I get not liking the trilogy.
X1 was ehhh, X3 sucked to me and even X2 feels dated and a little cornball next to TDK.
MrO, you by far give the absolute best reviews in this thread. 

I'm just gonna start namin movies and havin you type that stuff out for me. 

Couldn't agree more with X3, even Wolf knew it was over and just mailed it in.  1 and 2 were so good, and were perfect together, X3 felt like a completely different franchise.  They got rid of every character except for Jackman and Storm
 and even Magneto wasn't as interesting as before.  I didn't understood why they were still introducing all these new characters, if this was the close of the story.  They should have matched up, maybe hustled one or two faces in for the finale, and gone from there.  The final fight had Wolfie and windy @#$%^ and that was it.  Magento and the Phoenix on the other side. 
  Why would you build 3 movies, and close it with half the cast gone?  That was my biggest complaint. 

Luckily, First Class brought it all back.  Now they can keep on movin forward.  And maybe, just maybe Wolverine 2 will work out.  Won't hold my breath, but hopin. 

Avengers, Dark Knight Rises, and new Spidey going to WRECK the box office next year.  Major, major work. 
3rd? Dammit
And CP where were you to finish off a Duck Bros. sweep?

Watched 'Our Idiot Brother' last night. Not as many laughs as I was hoping for, but it was a real well rounded movie, a lot more complete than I was expecting, emotionally and character depth wise. Paul Rudd made an awesome hippie and put the movie on his back with ease. Zooey and Rashida
Coincidentally my best friend met Zooey last night on the bus at like midnight. I was jelly.
Movie was buns.

Only time I laughed was the opening scene, and like I explained a couple hours ago, the chuckle had nothing to do with the movie itself.


Saw 'University of Nike' under 'Last Reply', and I knew that you would have something to say about my opinion of the movie.

That made me laugh… for the first time in the last couple hours.
Dammit, Chester got in here too quick. 

I was coming in to say "what will be funny, is Chester getting banned when he sees this post, that will be comical." 

I still haven't seen the movie all the way thru either, I seen like a clip here, a clip there, but I laughed every time.  The dude that is pretending to be a zombie by just walkin around slow and moaning, and then his phone rings and he sits down and starts talkin had me weak. 
  The other part was the two groups, and each one was dressed alike, same height, same look, all in the same order. 
  I'll sit down and catch the whole thing at some point in my life. 
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

That made me laugh… for the first time in the last couple hours.



Ches, he is a Star Wars fan, you do have to take that into consideration, go easy on him.  That and he can make you go away forever. 
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

That made me laugh… for the first time in the last couple hours.


Considering this is the same guy that said this...
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

and popular comedies I can't stand:
Napolean Dynamite
Little Miss Sunshine
any of the recent pardodies (Scary Movies, Epic Movie, Meet the Spartans, all of these types)
Scott Pilgrim vs. the World
the other one starring that idiot who did Borat
almost all Will Ferrell movies
Super Troopers
British Comedies (like the Monty Python crap)
I can't be mad.
The dude that is pretending to be a zombie by just walkin around slow and moaning, and then his phone rings and he sits down and starts talkin
the two groups, and each one was dressed alike, same height, same look, all in the same order

"I'll stop doing it when you stop laughing."

University of Nike:
Considering this is the same guy that said this...
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

and popular comedies I can't stand:
Napolean Dynamite
Little Miss Sunshine
any of the recent pardodies (Scary Movies, Epic Movie, Meet the Spartans, all of these types)
Scott Pilgrim vs. the World
the other one starring that idiot who did Borat
almost all Will Ferrell movies
Super Troopers
British Comedies (like the Monty Python crap)
I can't be mad.

My dude grave digging on me.

And I still stand by every single one of those… except Scott Pilgrim. My opinion on that one has definitely changed, completely.
There's never a time when I see that on and I don't watch it for at least 15-20 minutes, if not the rest of the way through. Love that movie.

But yeah, where did you get that reply? I need to go back and edit it, and take out Scott Pilgrim.

And add Shaun.
MrO mentioned it, but it's funny how Bryan Singer leaving to do Superman Returns (a disappointment on its own), but by doing that he left X-Men in the hands of Brett Ratner

And the problem with X3 wasn't that it's a bad movie on its own (it is), but that the expectations from the other films and the comic book stories/history made it an easy home run that they failed to deliver.

X-2 and Spiderman 2 were the best superhero movies until Batman came along and brought a darker edge to the genre, but they still hold up in my eyes.
Originally Posted by MrONegative

and CP ... didn't stop you from loving I Am Number Four
Maaaaan, enough with that movie.  I said it, it was worth the one watch, better than I expected, that's it.  Will never watch it again, or buy it or anything, ONE watch, not bad, expected worse, mild surprise.  That's it. 

You called it the worst film in the history of man kind and @#$% and Kev just said almost the same thing as me, eh, whatever, didn't kill myself, etc. 
  What more you want man?  I didn't top 40 it or anything, not tryin to get a group together to sit and watch it somewhere.  Not under my tree.  Gad damn man, let it go. It's not your fault.....it's not your fault....it's not your fault....

Alright, I Am Number Four, set to record tomorrow at 6.

Hope it's better than the last movie I watched off a NTer's thumbs up.
LOL, MrO gonna ignore this thread for a few days if ya'll really do watch it and chime in. Sorry man, I told you to let it go. lololololol
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