Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Call me crazy, but I kind of like the layout.

Now we can tell how many times someone has posted in one thread...

....CP, damn man you got a lot of time. :lol:
How do you tell? And really these days I post in about 4 threads total, this one, NBA, Lakers, and a random here and there. In the past month I haven't posted all that much, but today is rather special, with the new digs and all. :smokin
I see it, click on the number of replies before you enter the thread, it gives you a breakdown of every post. :wow:
You could've done that on yuku. All you had to do was click the arrow (or the thermometer) all the way to the left before the thread title and it'd take you to the last post you read in the thread.
Oh damn, I just realized this thread got hacked in half. I was slowly reading through it from the beginning :smh: Hope it all comes back.

Damn I wish I knew that before :lol:
I see it, click on the number of replies before you enter the thread, it gives you a breakdown of every post. :wow:

Yeah, it's a pretty common feature that I was shocked NT ever had, I always wanted to see how much I posted on a particular thread.. :lol:

It's a nifty feature.

So, back to business as normal.

What day are yall going to see TDKR?
6pm Batman trilogy for me, which means the midnight IMAX for TDKR.

Hopefully the marathon scares off a lot of people and the theater isn't sold out or that crowded.
I'll try to see an early afternoon showing on Friday.

Was thinking about going on Saturday, but don't want to deal with the potential crowds. :x
Trilogy tomorrow for me too... Tryin to decide how early to get there. Want to make sure I have good seats and I'm not pinned to the screen for 9 hours.
Picked up a few more Blu Rays from Best Buy so I decided to take a pic of what I have so far :pimp:

Good stuff, jrp... I hate those damn Blockbuster cases. :lol: I had to scour the earth to find cheap BD cases and get them off my shelf. :lol:

Did my any update?
just got batman tickets for early Friday morning. soooo hyped. the theater by me is opening at 9:30 AM!!!! too long for a midnight showing for me
Good stuff, jrp... I hate those damn Blockbuster cases. :lol: I had to scour the earth to find cheap BD cases and get them off my shelf. :lol:
Did my any update?

Yeah me too. I bought a pack of blank ones a while back, but my gf bought those other 5 and I haven't bought cases for those yet.
Seeing TDKR tomorrow at 12:01 AM... Or I guess today?

Already re-watched Batman Begins and The Dark Knight in the past week, so my body's ready! Tip: I heard they make more references to Batman Begins than they do to The Dark Knight... so make sure you're fresh on that before you make the trip to the theater.

How early do you guys think I should get there for a midnight showing? Haha, I'm going to call the theater, but still, I don't want to trust a punk 16-year old.
I... spend way too much time in here :lol:

Seeing Batman tomorrow at 12:10 AM. CANT WAIT. Gonna swing by the theater after work tomorrow and gauge how early I should show up. Probably 9:30 or something close to that.
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Everything is a bit cluttered on my iPad. Feels like we should get rid of the avy's and stretch the whole page. but I like it for the most part. If it doesn't collapse over and over like yuku then I don't care if it's a bit cluttered

But we neeeeed to get these pages back. Most threads don't matter. But this thread I would actually read over.
Yeah, I'm hoping and praying that all the pages show up soon. What I don't get tho is the page #'s are the same, but the content isn't. That makes no sense to me, but hopefully they're still pulling stuff over.

I still have access to the old site thru the RSS so I can see the missing stuff, but not sure if I could do anything with it if it doesn't get pulled over.

Damn guys.......we're here. Most of our lives will be complete tonight. :wow:

On the Wire, I am only 3 ep into season 3, and I already love the flow of this one. It's starting out much better than season 2, we'll see where it leads tho. Love McNulty figuring out that D was killed and not a suicide, all on his own time.
It all gets better after season 2. 3 is many peoples favorites. Most action.

But 4 is the best.
Yeah I'm trying to convince my brother we need to be at our theater by 3 for the 6:00 trilogy... He thinks 4:30 and he's out of his damn mind.

I'll be damned if I'm spending 9 hours glued to the screen on the first row.
I'm just trying to be logical here... I'm not sitting on the front row. LOL I'll sit and read a book in the theater for a couple hours. I've got nothing else to do today anyways as this day has been marked on the calendar for weeks now...

For those of you that haven't bought tickets yet and contribute in here often, it got lost in the transfer but I've got some movie cash coupons for $5 off a TDKR ticket. Shoot me a PM and I'll send you one.
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