Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

She looked like %+%# in Mean Girls tho. 

Best she ever looked, imo, was Red Eye.


Nos, she is beautiful, no doubt about it, but in Mean Girls she looked horrible.  Which was ironic as the supposed "hottest" chick there was. 

She came in 3rd for me. Seyfried just looked weird imo.

No doubt that was her highest point. Red Eye and Wedding Crashers in the same summer was awesome
Anyone going to see The Avengers tonight? I can't remember last time I went to a midnight screening, but I'll be there @ 12:01.

I am going to a 3D showing, which I am kind of meh about, but whatever. That's okay. I don't expect it to be a great 3D film, but that's what my boy pre-ordered.

Expecting 142 minutes of awesome.
Are you going to wear a costume, too?

A few people I know went to an all-day Marvel marathon leading up to the premier at one of our local theaters. Nerds.
Originally Posted by Kevin Cleveland

Are you going to wear a costume, too?

A few people I know went to an all-day Marvel marathon leading up to the premier at one of our local theaters. Nerds.

Yeah, I'll be in my Doo Be Do Spurs onesy.

Nah, I ain't on that level.

I've only seen Incredible Hulk once, Thor and Captain maybe twice each, and Iron Man probably 3-4 times. I enjoy them, but not a die-hard fan or anything.

I'm moreso just drained from my last set of midterms I'll ever take and want to get away for a few hours.
I heard about that Marvel marathon, sounds cool, but I don't got 12 hours to waste. 

I wish I could see midnight, but I'm taking my daughter, so gotta wait til Saturday I think.  Everyone chill on the posts til next week.  Monday we can post that, and more than likely, we'll need spoilers.  I haven't gone in the General thread in weeks, nor will I til I see this masterpiece. 

 costume.  In 06 I took my daughter to Superman, she had a Superman cape and she wanted to wear it to the theatre, so I let her.  She was pretty popular that day. 
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Anyone going to see The Avengers tonight? I can't remember last time I went to a midnight screening, but I'll be there @ 12:01.

I am going to a 3D showing, which I am kind of meh about, but whatever. That's okay. I don't expect it to be a great 3D film, but that's what my boy pre-ordered.

Expecting 142 minutes of awesome.

Going tonight and tomorrow night 8PM

You gotta roll up like this crew:


Originally Posted by Proshares

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Anyone going to see The Avengers tonight? I can't remember last time I went to a midnight screening, but I'll be there @ 12:01.

I am going to a 3D showing, which I am kind of meh about, but whatever. That's okay. I don't expect it to be a great 3D film, but that's what my boy pre-ordered.

Expecting 142 minutes of awesome.

Going tonight and tomorrow night 8PM

You gotta roll up like this crew:



Mark Ruffalo signed a SIX film deal to reprise his role as The Hulk...


Jesus Christ! They really plan on milking this.

I wonder how many of those will be solo-Hulk films, and how many of them will be Avengers films.
Not necessarily milking it. They've had three Hulk's in 10 years. Probably just wanted stability if they're going to keep going with Avengers, intertwining series and possibly go the route of either the Civil War or Hulk Versus.
I'm not going to type up a long %*# post at 3:45 in the morning, I got class at 11.

But goddamn I loved The Avengers. Absolutely loved it. It's exactly what we want from a superhero mishmash.

I have absolutely no complaints, no qualms, no nitpicking.

And, The Avengers 2?

I can't wait.

It's made me more excited for it than any of the others made me excited for this one, and it was amazing.

Ruffalo did an amazing job with Hulk. Best part of the film to me.

Will go on further tomorrow, getting into spoilers too.

I am going to sleep a happy man.
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