Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

My English teacher in high school could find symbolism in anything. I was itting there like the Tracy Morgan gif. No no NO nope.

Nolan is similar to Kubrick at times. Kubrick heard the same criticism. Too cold. Detached.
I don't see the heavy political ties to this movie at all. Unless the the right and left are advocating literally destroying society to start over anew or letting the corrupt few lord off the powerless middle class and poor.
'Lamens', though? Your english teacher in HS would be disappointed. :lol:

But yeah...that article is reaching. TDK trilogy tackled and included very big socio-political ideas...but not well. Not as cohesively as that article is written. It's the difference between having the director explain his motivations and intentions, and watching his film.

The 'how' is just as important as the 'what,' otherwise, we could write positive, intellectual essays about the Watchmen movie or Prometheus, and hold Lost up as one of the G.O.A.T. series.
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Fear being used in a productive manner, white knight concept is pro democracy and about the "proper channels", the problem with the state having too much power shown when he destroys the tracking monitor

That was all touched on. The article is OD but he isn't totally pulling stuff out of his butt. Its not like it's a guy writing about a scene where two characters eating toast is actually commentary on the the middle east conflict.
I'll admit...I'm putting some of my biases on TDKR onto the article. Some of the time it just feels like the author's is overembracing all the shortcomings of the film. He didn't touch on that...ahh, it must serve a purpose. Forgot to include responses from these important groups of the film?...Nolan's gotta have good reason.

I like the article and think this is exactly the kind of thing I was hoping we'd be flooded with once the trilogy was done. I just wish we didn't have to skate around the lapses and issues of the third film.
yeah i agree with that part. TDKR is loaded with 99 % references, power struggle themes, Domestic Terrorism, The role of government.

but it's pretty much just glanced over. Plus my big gripe is we don't really know how much bane or Talia really cares about class warfare
I'm glad you guys enjoyed the article. It's certainly the most cohesive analysis of the trilogy I've read so far.

If I wasn't in the middle of writing my thesis (in Political Science, actually), I'd post some extended thoughts on the political undertones of Nolan's trilogy. I've already wasted enough time writing a few paragraphs about manifestations of fear in Batman over in the General TDKR thread.

I will say, though, there is a reason Nolan, et al. employed so many overtly political plot devices, like political corruption in BB, the cell phone transmitter in TDK, and a military despot (Bane) in TDKR. These suggest to me that, at least, each of Nolan's Batman films are informed by contemporary political events; at most, he is imparting a political message to the audience.
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Arrested Development began filming today :smokin

and uh...
good to hear. not really a fan of dude, honestly never watched much of his stuff, but he did an excellent job all around with the avengers and deserved to take reign of the second.
Damn DDL looks spot on. I'm really amped for that film. :pimp:

Joss back for Avengers 2... Good bull. Hopefully it means he'll have some input on the Thor and Cap sequels and some of the other stuff working through Phase 2... I think dude has a really good feel for this and how he wants his story to play out. Thanos was his baby and I can't wait to see what he does with it.

Throw in the rumor that Marvel is trying to trade Fox an extended Daredevil window for Galactus and Silver Surfer... The Thanos thread and going more cosmic would seem to be bolstered by those guys.
I'm intrigued by this rights trading the studios seem to be doing. I read last week about Rocky and Bullwinkle, and He Man and **** getting sold off to some company, so that may open doors for those projects.

Now this deal with Daredevil, Silver Surfer etc. I like it. (we still don't need a Daredevil reboot tho, we need a sequel, #$%^ you guys)

Dirk, what do you mean by Thanos bein Joss's baby? Did he have a project in mind all along for Thanos?

I wonder what a He Man reboot can do, in today's age. And really, shouldn't Thor play Adam? :nerd: :lol:
I'm actually looking forward to a new DareDevil movie.
They got the guy who directed The Grey for it and it sounds like he's got the right mentality.

It at least sounds better than the idea of another Fantastic Four movie...
I heard The Grey sucked, was I misinformed? Can you post his thoughts on the DD reboot? What makes it sound interesting, etc?
The Grey was one of the better movies of the year...one of the best before the summer season.
A lot of people got Jarhead'd though. They saw the ads and expected a hype movie, got introspective darkness and psychological stuff, and were salty there wasn't really action.

With DareDevil...I watched the R-rated director's cut of the Affleck one a few weeks ago and...there are things it does well: Bullseye, Kingpin, DareDevil vision, some of the imagery...but looking into how the movie turned out the way it did, it just felt like it was too cheesy early aughts. Affleck was a mistake as both roles. The costume looked dumb, Jennifer Garner as Elektra was the worse than Maggie Gyllenhaal in TDK. Apparently, because Spider-man 1 just blew up, FOX threw another 40 mil at the movie, told them to make it PG-13 and add cgi and Spider-man-ny stuff to catch onto the hype and money. That only made things worse. But more than anything...the tone and sets were just wrong. It didn't know if it wanted to be gritty and serious, or corny and plastic.

Joe Carnahan doesn't have that problem. He said he wanted to make the new DareDevil a "Frank Miller-esque, hardcore 70s thriller."

Now I've always heard Frank Miller killed it on DareDevil and made the character relevant back in the 70s-80s. His run on there's been on my list of things to read ever since I checked out Sin City, because people consider one of the best comic book runs. I dunno...that actually got me hyped for a new take.
Dirk, what do you mean by Thanos bein Joss's baby? Did he have a project in mind all along for Thanos?
Him and Kevin Feige did an interview after Avengers dropped and the Thanos thing came up..

I'll try to dig up the quote but basically Thanos is Whedon's favorite Avengers villain and when they were discussing the next villain, Whedon wanted Thanos almost immediately and Marvel let him run with it in the end-credits scene and they made him the guy behind Loki and everything that happened in Avengers.

But Whedon wants him, loves his story, and apparently has a vision for it. I'm 100% behind anything Whedon wants to do within the Marvel universe. I think he gets it.

And with Daredevil, if they'll let Carnahan do it his way and stay outta the way, he'll do it justice. Certainly will turn out a better movie than that garbage Affleck did.
Oh, and Whedon is the guy developing the Marvel universe series for ABC. I'm in.
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