Oh wow...my gf broke up w/me bc her grand parents don't approve of interracial relationships.

Originally Posted by UnkleTomCruze

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

i refuse to believe this thread is about that girl in the picture tho...nope i wont believe it 
OP said he's from West Virginia tho...been out there before, seems par for the course.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

i refuse to believe this thread is about that girl in the picture tho...nope i wont believe it 
OP said he's from West Virginia tho...been out there before, seems par for the course.
^Nah son, your pokedex is off this time.

OP = ellamate = danextgrate = eye see soles, and so on and so forth...

So you know what he looks like, Mayor.
^Nah son, your pokedex is off this time.

OP = ellamate = danextgrate = eye see soles, and so on and so forth...

So you know what he looks like, Mayor.
Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

^Nah son, your pokedex is off this time.

OP = ellamate = danextgrate = eye see soles, and so on and so forth...

So you know what he looks like, Mayor.
Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

^Nah son, your pokedex is off this time.

OP = ellamate = danextgrate = eye see soles, and so on and so forth...

So you know what he looks like, Mayor.
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