OK...lets talk about the age of consent. What is considered, "underaged?"

Originally Posted by Swag Odie

Originally Posted by cap1229

Anybody seen the The Dancing Boys Of Afghanistan documentary? It's like a present day Rome with the Men and young boys. Sad.

Looks like you don't know what Rome was like.

Are you special fam?
Originally Posted by cap1229

Originally Posted by Swag Odie

Originally Posted by cap1229

Anybody seen the The Dancing Boys Of Afghanistan documentary? It's like a present day Rome with the Men and young boys. Sad.

Looks like you don't know what Rome was like.

Are you special fam?
You better believe I am.  Humor me; what did you mean by your second sentence?
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

 Stat. rape is such a sticky situation.
Disclaimer, I have never dated younger than me.

Ever ponder that "Age" or "Age of Consent" is nothing more than man-instituted thing by society. If they all were saying the age of consent for relationships were 15, or 16 from Jump, then it wouldn't be so "Pervertish." My point here is, what makes the magic number of 18 be the age of consent? How stupid is that when you think about it? It's really just a number thrown out there. Why not 17? Why not 19? The base for people actually picking an age for age of consent is...confusing to say the least, imo.

What does age really mean? With a clean unbiased mind, If a 22 year old, or a 24 year old, (age irrelevant here) dates a 16 year old, (age again, irrelevant) and they fall in love with each other, and treat each other with the utmost respect, etc. who are we as a society, to get in the way of that all because of a miniscule thing like age? Really?

I've heard that when people date down they can manipulate the younger person in the relationship but that can happen dating someone your own age, and older, so age isn't the culprit here?

Just a little food for thought.

and much like you all I know of someone who got hit with a charge because he was a yr older than his girlfriend, got her pregnant when he was 18 and she was 17.

There was also a dude who said he was peeing outside, a kid saw him, told her/his mom, she called the cops and mentioned to the cops her son/daughter is the one who saw it; indecent exposure to a minor
Originally Posted by shoeking2101

Disclaimer, I have never dated younger than me.

Ever ponder that "Age" or "Age of Consent" is nothing more than man-instituted thing by society. If they all were saying the age of consent for relationships were 15, or 16 from Jump, then it wouldn't be so "Pervertish." My point here is, what makes the magic number of 18 be the age of consent? How stupid is that when you think about it? It's really just a number thrown out there. Why not 17? Why not 19? The base for people actually picking an age for age of consent is...confusing to say the least, imo.

What does age really mean? With a clean unbiased mind, If a 22 year old, or a 24 year old, (age irrelevant here) dates a 16 year old, (age again, irrelevant) and they fall in love with each other, and treat each other with the utmost respect, etc. who are we as a society, to get in the way of that all because of a miniscule thing like age? Really?

I've heard that when people date down they can manipulate the younger person in the relationship but that can happen dating someone your own age, and older, so age isn't the culprit here?

Just a little food for thought.
I've traveled a bit and this is generally an American thing. If I smashed a 16 year old back home no one would even think twice about it.

Actually one time when I was 18 overseas I was rappin to this 18 year old and my cousins told me to give her to my older brother and take her younger sister who was 16.
Man i was at this party last weekend, drank way too much. A lot of Henney, Ciroc and beer. So i am on that cool guy steez chatting girls up. I see this one chick and i walk over to her and try to spit game. Hit her with the damn why are you not dancing. She was like o i wasnt feeling it so i hit her with the 
 well tell me when the right song comes on.
. So some song comes on and she finds me and we dance and she was a DOPE. So the song was over and i start the small chat, I'm like yeah so its crazy i am about to graduate this year i am a senior in college. She hits me with the whole what's my ambitions and goals and at this point i was ready to B.A.N in my jeans.
but to keep convo going i was like what about you? She was like o I am also a senior, i was like word got any jobs lined up. She said her summer job before she left high school.
Boner went away like walking in on your mom naked. Hit her with the man i will catch you later and walked away in shame.
Originally Posted by INS

Man i was at this party last weekend, drank way too much. A lot of Henney, Ciroc and beer. So i am on that cool guy steez chatting girls up. I see this one chick and i walk over to her and try to spit game. Hit her with the damn why are you not dancing. She was like o i wasnt feeling it so i hit her with the 
 well tell me when the right song comes on.
. So some song comes on and she finds me and we dance and she was a DOPE. So the song was over and i start the small chat, I'm like yeah so its crazy i am about to graduate this year i am a senior in college. She hits me with the whole what's my ambitions and goals and at this point i was ready to B.A.N in my jeans.
but to keep convo going i was like what about you? She was like o I am also a senior, i was like word got any jobs lined up. She said her summer job before she left high school.
Boner went away like walking in on your mom naked. Hit her with the man i will catch you later and walked away in shame.

See, what's the big deal here? Why walk away in shame? Why because of her age did you lose your boner (NH)

You obviously were feeling her, and something as little as her AGE turned you off of her completely? It would be no difference if she told you she was 24 as opposed to 17.
im surprised there's some serious replies in here.  no way it should be lowered...don't think it should be raised.  18 seems fine.  as a 23 year old, id feel like a huge scrub if i had to smash girls under 20.  maybe because my little brother is 20, maybe cuz i have way too high of standards. i dunno
Anybody remember BabiiCece? She's a WorldstarHiphop girl now.
Her video is serious business
come a long way from booty shaking in a youtube contest for no prize in front of sponge bob and Chris Brown posters. No pedo.

But to take this argument in a different direction. I am looking at you more sideways if you find this female of even body type attractive.

She is well over 18 so therefore legal, but that's a preteen, non developed body. If you are attracted to that, you would be attracted to "normal developed" 10 yr olds, not to mention they play up that angle in the videos with the whole school girl, and in some case even baby talk motif.

Now take your proverbial "she developed too early" 17 yr old. If she looks like a grown woman, I wouldn't look at you any type of way for being physically attracted to her. Your penis doesn't know or care. It isn't until you are told the age, even as in dude's anecdote above, that you begin to care and change your thoughts.

If not for the societal emphasis on the age of 18, it would be a non issue. But it's understandable, as the prospect of registering as a sex offender and potentially years in prison will kill a boner quick
My mom had 4 children by the age of 16.

Me personally, it's all about maturity. This kind of means nothing below 22
I'm 25.

However, it's all circumstantial. In other cultures, the age of 12 is widely accepted. Who am I to judge that?

In Illinois, the legal age is 17 I believe. Meh.

When I was 18/19 I was dating a 15/16 year old on and off. It worked fine until I hit 20, almost 21. Completely different ball park then.

When I was a teenager, I always saw 15/16 yr olds dating guys in there 20's. There has to be something about that besides easy p. I'm willing to bet that is when they are discovering their sexuality, and to be honest a teenage boy is not going to give them their best "education".

I don't really care. I don't judge too many people. Yall do what yall wan't unless it involves my family.

Speaking of which, when my sister was 16 she was trying to date this ex-teacher who was 24. This dude
Ex=teacher huh...
Originally Posted by Sleaze Jar Omens

pretty sure I'm an ephebophile. +#%* it.

I just googled that, and I'm kind of like that too *shrug* but then again I'm barely 18.

But back to the thread title. I think 17 should be the national age of consent. I mean teens that age know how to make their own decisions, maybe not always the best ones but they know what's right and what's wrong. As far as being "socially acceptable" I think a 16 year old with an 18 is okay but 16 with a 19 year old is kind of wack on the 19 year olds end.  Same goes with a 17 yr old and a 20. 18 and above and it's whatever to me.
Originally Posted by shoeking2101

Disclaimer, I have never dated younger than me.

Ever ponder that "Age" or "Age of Consent" is nothing more than man-instituted thing by society. If they all were saying the age of consent for relationships were 15, or 16 from Jump, then it wouldn't be so "Pervertish." My point here is, what makes the magic number of 18 be the age of consent? How stupid is that when you think about it? It's really just a number thrown out there. Why not 17? Why not 19? The base for people actually picking an age for age of consent is...confusing to say the least, imo.

What does age really mean? With a clean unbiased mind, If a 22 year old, or a 24 year old, (age irrelevant here) dates a 16 year old, (age again, irrelevant) and they fall in love with each other, and treat each other with the utmost respect, etc. who are we as a society, to get in the way of that all because of a miniscule thing like age? Really?

I've heard that when people date down they can manipulate the younger person in the relationship but that can happen dating someone your own age, and older, so age isn't the culprit here?

Just a little food for thought.
I somewhat agree, but Im more than sure aged perverted men would use this as an excuse to get wit a 16 year old chick with the old bull**** excuse of "Age is just a number when you think about it" to justify whatever intentions or motives they have.

It is hard to draw the line where the age of consent would be, but its done like this based on generalization that when you are 18, you are capable of making your own decisions(but we all know it depends on the person) correct me if im wrong.
In 7th grade I knew a girl who messed with a college Freshman.

"If her age is on the clock she is to young for the %$$#."
Originally Posted by bigsid

In 7th grade I knew a girl who messed with a college Freshman.

"If her age is on the clock she is to young for the $#*!."

not cool

law def should be modified tho, guys who get caught with girls who lied about their age shouldn't be jailed or labeled as a s/o. the girl instead should go to jail. nowadays, like mouse said, girls can have a beyonce body but can barely get into a pg13 movie. just on that note, theres no way a dude can tell physically if a girl is underage, and if the ID is the only way and its fake, then what can a dude do? its def unfair, and these little freaks are playin with peoples lives as mouse said, just for the sake of being able to go out.

also i feel there should be some flexibility to people in the whole high school sr/sophomore thing. stuff like that shouldnt be criminal imo. if you are a freshman in college with a sophomore in hs then yes that fits the law; there are too many horny freshman biddies to stay messin with 16 yr olds.
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