Okay Niketalk lawyers and Legal Experts I need help

Originally Posted by spsfinest212

Originally Posted by infamousod

Originally Posted by Nktran001

Originally Posted by Billy Hoyle

if you smokin that green and he smells it then he can search.

What if you deny of smelling it yourself?

then its your nose against his in court.
False he can smell all he wants he can't search unless he see's a roach, bong etc. The most important thing is to not admit to anything, though. The cops will try to grill you so you better be on your toes.

that's plain-view, smell is considered probable cause. there might be some sort of restriction on it, like the office might need to be a certified D.R.E. or something but smell can definitely be used as probable cause for a search.
Originally Posted by LUIS BALLER 88

The police officer can pull you over for the turn signals. He can search your car if you give him consent to OR if he has probable cause that something illegal is in the vehicle (ex. gun in plain sight or K-9 alerts to possible drugs). He cannot search your car with only reasonable suspicion. If he does and ends up finding something in your car, the case can be thrown out due to violation of your 4th amendment rights (unreasonable search and seizure).

this is by the book correct.......
nublee wrote:
good lookin out

Originally Posted by LUIS BALLER 88

The police officer can pull you over for the turn signals. He can search your car if you give him consent to OR if he has probable cause that something illegal is in the vehicle (ex. gun in plain sight or K-9 alerts to possible drugs). He cannot search your car with only reasonable suspicion. If he does and ends up finding something in your car, the case can be thrown out due to violation of your 4th amendment rights (unreasonable search and seizure).
Cops are so crooked that they can say you didnt deny a search. We gotta start carry video cameras just for proof
Originally Posted by Tfromthe617

they can ASK.. you don't have to let them.

they can search if they have probable cause.. i dont think that traffic infraction warrants a search.
The turning signal thing was the probable cause for the stop.  You have a lesser expectation of privacy in a car.  They can ask to search your car.  The question is did you say "yes."  If so, and they found something, your ___ is grass.

Originally Posted by LUIS BALLER 88

The police officer can pull you over for the turn signals. He can search your car if you give him consent to OR if he has probable cause that something illegal is in the vehicle (ex. gun in plain sight or K-9 alerts to possible drugs). He cannot search your car with only reasonable suspicion. If he does and ends up finding something in your car, the case can be thrown out due to violation of your 4th amendment rights (unreasonable search and seizure).
This man knows what's up...
Originally Posted by Nktran001

Originally Posted by Billy Hoyle

if you smokin that green and he smells it then he can search.

What if you deny of smelling it yourself?

Your being in denial is not going to matter when he comes away from your car with said "green" in his hand.

This reminds me of a girl I prosecuted.  She, 29, and a younger guy were parked in a public park and had marijuana.  They saw the cops drive by, and the girl yelled out, "Oh S___!"  The cops heard her and went right over to their car.  She had the marijuana and rolling papers in her lap. 

When she got to court, I slapped her with an almost $1,000 fine.  She was trying talk to me like I was her friend, like I should understand that it's "only pot."  She was like, "All of that for pot?"  As if this was not an illegal substance, and as if I'd ever smoked or even SEEN that stuff before.  She was trying to gain sympathy from the wrong one.  I liked her in person than I did when I was reading the police report, but she still had to pay the fine. 
he needs to see a roach or something or in your car to search it, why do you think when they pull you over most of the time cops come from BOTH sides with flashlights all over the place, they looking for that one pill, that one roach.

but if your car is just drenched in weed smell then your just asking for it, who hotboxing in their car anyway? I dont want my whip to smell like %*$! 24-7
Originally Posted by treewing

What is your occupation SShanique?
I have my JD but have not looked for a job yet.  I'm studying for the MPRE and the bar exam at the moment.  What I described above happened during my time in the criminal prosecution clinic, where I served as a deputy prosecutor.  I liked it, so I am looking into prosecution work.

Originally Posted by SShanique

Originally Posted by treewing

What is your occupation SShanique?
I have my JD but have not looked for a job yet.  I'm studying for the MPRE and the bar exam at the moment.  What I described above happened during my time in the criminal prosecution clinic, where I served as a deputy prosecutor.  I liked it, so I am looking into prosecution work.

That's so cool, NT professional
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