Okay so the ISS Marketplace is free again?!?!!?!

@ all the people paying.
I think it was an April Fools joke but when he found out people knew what he was aiming for he just said F it
eeibaby , it wasn't a April Fools joke because hundreds of people sent money in .

But those dudes should thank me , I made $teve lock the 1st thread , he couldn't take the pressure .

How are you supposed to be the "owner" but can't answer a couple questions about statistics ?
Hey listen i didn't start this thread too give appreciation or condone what Steve has done, but more so from a business perspective because I knowtheir's a bunch of people here on NT that use that place to make some bread and you can't be mad at that, I just wanted to give a shout out to peoplewho wouldn't know otherwise.

I mean when I read that eastbay is gonna foot the charge I was like

but then I was like
because of all those people who paid.
$teve can go jump off a cliff
but thats great news, now I can continue to have these preteen hypebeast borrow their mommys credit card to buy my overpriced products!
Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

$teve can go jump off a cliff
but thats great news, now I can continue to have these preteen hypebeast borrow their mommys credit card to buy my overpriced products!
PS wait, do I get my money back now?

lol some guy on ISS said


because steve took back the fee
Funny thing is he's trying to claim that those who paid with paypal will be hit with paypals fee when he refunds but if he were to do a simple refund theywouldn't be. Let's see how he decides to go about returning money.
What I posted .
$teve you're a joke , just speak the truth on why you changed your mind .

Too much pressure ? We knew what you were doing ?

& for the dude that said the people that were trying to expose $teve , why would we feel stupid ?

THE DUDE LIFTED THE FEE . Are you guys this damn gullible & so quick to jump at everything this dude says ?

You really believe the reason he just gave ? REALLY ?

Oh , so he suddenly "looked through his contacts"?




No , he got exposed & he thought twice about the situation .
Now I see this :

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$teve ain't %!%+ , he can't handle it .
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