Okay so the ISS Marketplace is free again?!?!!?!

$teve wrote:

I love posts like this. Where do you think the money is going to? I stated CLEARLY it was going to help cover some of the costs to keep this site running and growing. What - do you want an itemized list of server memory / disk space / bandwidth? And do you know why it was always free? Because I paid for it. I could have bought a Ferrari - a new one - with the money I've spent on this place - but I didn't. I know the haters would like to look past that - but it is the truth. I've always kept this place going because I like the community. I'm one of the few people who have met 1,000s of sneakerheads worldwide - and all of them that I have met in person I've dug.

And for those that paid the $5 - they should feel good that they did the right thing. Those who cried like you should feel like a tool. In fact - it would be great for people like you who use this site for free and complain / cry / *%+%+ in between adjusting your tampon should split the costs with me so we can see how much you really support the community. I'll give you my bank details.
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