Old washed Supreme Thread vol. LOCK IT UP!!!

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Doubt the houston galleria will deal with a line. Most likely a raffle but if its a line yall can have that its too humid to be huddled around
Wondering the same thing. If people show up Thursday, I doubt they'll let them camp overnight. So raffle sounds about right. 
Thought Houston would be one of the less-popular destinations on the list. From reading the last page... I thought wrong 
I wish all LV info went to an LV thread... I hope all this dies down when the previews and teasers come out. would hate for key info to get lost in the shuffle...

plus I enjoy off season trades/steals etc. 8)
Have a plug on the Black jordan coach jacket from 2 seasons back. I've always been eh on it but always felt like I could do it justice. Thoughts? If anyone has one, how's the fit? Never owned any Sup coach jackets.
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