Old washed Supreme Thread vol. LOCK IT UP!!!

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As I stated some things are NOT meant for everyone, regardless if you're a "fan".

People who buy LV on the regular aren't in the same category as people who buy Supreme, plain and simple. It's not about being fair, but you can't be that naive enough to think this would be like a regular supreme drop when they partner up with an extreme luxury brand. This collab was really never aimed at the average fan of either brand.

And it's not about LV being afraid of the crowd but the hypebeasts and resellers that accompany Supreme are not who LV caters too so in turn they shouldn't have to be exposed to the phoockery that accompanies them or the negative press that may and will occur.

Some of you feel simply because you have seasons of supreme in your closet you're "entitled" to purchase this collab but you're really not *shrug*

Please stop posting already *praying hands emoji
Amazing that people actually think Luxury items are for everyone, and they are entitled to purchase these items, even if they can put together the money to cover the sticker price. As said many times before, everything is NOT for everyone. LVMH is actually doing many people a favor by making these items harder to get.  I'm an impulse buyer and sure I can come up with $1000 but that does not mean I should spend that on a wallet, although i REALLY wanted that LVx SUP wallet. 

I'm saying this from a 36 yo immigrant perspective who also works as a VP in a large global retail bank with access to 1000's of everyday people's real take home income information, savings  and spending habits. 

This, plus Hov's 4:44 album, should make us watch where and how we spend....
My question is, did these people just start lining up on their own,or were they told to line up by LV? It they are just lining up on their own, not in accordance with LV procedures, how can it be a legitimate line that LV will recognize and honor?
This is what happens at every release in NYC except Supreme. People form lines and do shady stuff and it's always the same resellers who end up at the front.
This is what happens at every release in NYC except Supreme. People form lines and do shady stuff and it's always the same resellers who end up at the front.
the resell prices are already known. The goons will come out and skip all those that "camped" for 5 days. Wish everything had droppped at the same time.
Kind of shows how crazy things are becoming when $500 for a t-shirt is normal and people will even pay $1500+ resale on one.

It's a white shirt.

I've conditioned myself to paying $200+ resale on a CDG tee, and we can afford it.

$500 for somebody that makes hourly seems insane to me. Especially when important bills are being weighed against said purchase.

Just my .02
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anybody else over this **** and ready for next season?
​My wife has a lot of LV purses and I have two wallets.

Honestly, I'd get her one of the leather goods over a $500 shirt, since the bags are more inline with LV normal prices. The shirt / hoodie isn't in line with Supreme pricing.

LV is funny to me as well. When my wife and I started dating, she bought herself a LV bag for ~ $600, a decent sized bag. A similar bag today is around $1,200. I've always thought of their prices being what they were back then, so I still get sticker shock when we look at their stuff. Prices are near Chanel now, used to be around 1/4 of Chanel prices.

BTW: Supreme should collab with Chanel or Hermes, then heads would explode at prices :wink:
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I know y'all hyped on the LV stuff but did we ever find out who's on the know your rights tee? I was thinking is it Ernesto Miranda with the Miranda rights? The guy who raped etc but didn't know his rights.
Amazing that people actually think Luxury items are for everyone, and they are entitled to purchase these items, even if they can put together the money to cover the sticker price. As said many times before, everything is NOT for everyone. LVMH is actually doing many people a favor by making these items harder to get.  I'm an impulse buyer and sure I can come up with $1000 but that does not mean I should spend that on a wallet, although i REALLY wanted that LVx SUP wallet. 

I'm saying this from a 36 yo immigrant perspective who also works as a VP in a large global retail bank with access to 1000's of everyday people's real take home income information, savings  and spending habits. 

This, plus Hov's 4:44 album, should make us watch where and how we spend....
last paragraph lol
I hear you.
This one time Streetwear meets Haute Couture collab is enough for my wallet. Want something for keep collection mark the occasion.
Just do a Palace collab :tongue:

I think Palace makes the nicest shirts in the niche, quality wise.
BTW: Supreme should collab with Chanel or Hermes, then heads would explode at prices :wink:
A Hermes collab would be hilarious, not only for the price but also the sheer number of hypebeasts who would have no idea what that brand is. They'd all pronounce it like it rhymes with "herpes".
the resell prices are already known. The goons will come out and skip all those that "camped" for 5 days. Wish everything had dropped at the same time.
The moment I hear "first come first served" this is what I picture. Lines in NYC are unlike lines in other cities. If a group of 5 thugs cut in line, no one is saying ****. Multiply that by many groups of friends, who all think they are entitled to get the goods first because they haven't worked a real job and need the money, and you have a disaster on your hands.
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