On average, how long do you workout at the gym?

A good 90mins [12mins cardio, weights for 70mins and then 8min cooldown on treadmill.]

2 hours if I slacked off the workout before
about an hour because i don't do cardio in the gym, i run 40 minutes to hour every day in the morning so about 10 mins on the treadmill to warm up then 50mins weights, one day upper body, next day lower, and core on both days
Between an hour and a half to two hours.

Warming up
More of a quality over quantity person. If I feel like I had a good workout and it took my 30 minutes I am gone. If I feel like I am having a !$*%#* workoutand I am only 20 minutes in, I am gone. I do all of my cardio outside in the Spring/Summer.
45 minutes to an hour. I like to be in and out. I may shoot hoops for a little while on top of lifting, but that's about it.
About the same as most about a hour but including playing ball, spinning, swimming, etc I could be there for hours without really noticing.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by Vancity74

90. 10 minutes warm-up, 60 minutes lifting, 20 minutes cardio.

great answer
you do cardio right after lifting? thats bad i think, you gotta at least take a breather and have a shake or something or else youre not gonna getas much muscle growth
u dont really need to spend more than an hour working out - including weights and cardio

some of u must be taking too long to rest IMO

only time i'm working out more than an hr is if i am hoopin
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by Vancity74

90. 10 minutes warm-up, 60 minutes lifting, 20 minutes cardio.

great answer
you do cardio right after lifting? thats bad i think, you gotta at least take a breather and have a shake or something or else youre not gonna get as much muscle growth

It ain't bad at all. Cardio subsequent to good weight training is when your fat is prime to be shed.
Originally Posted by Super T1ght

u dont really need to spend more than an hour working out - including weights and cardio

some of u must be taking too long to rest IMO

only time i'm working out more than an hr is if i am hoopin

whole lotta waiting around for %%#! at my gym or i would be done in an hour
Usually about an hour and a half. 2 hours if I run into too many people tho.
20-30 minutes, about 2-4 minutes of rest between sets

It ain't bad at all. Cardio subsequent to good weight training is when your fat is prime to be shed

close but no cigar.

fat is best shed why your glycogen levels are at it's lowest, typically after you wake up
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