On average, how long do you workout at the gym?

60 min because I usually go in the middle of the day when it is completely empty, so I have access to everything.
Originally Posted by 651akathePaul

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by Vancity74

90. 10 minutes warm-up, 60 minutes lifting, 20 minutes cardio.

great answer
you do cardio right after lifting? thats bad i think, you gotta at least take a breather and have a shake or something or else youre not gonna get as much muscle growth

It ain't bad at all. Cardio subsequent to good weight training is when your fat is prime to be shed.
um ok but i was talking about muscle growth not fat loss
Depends, if I don't have my iPod with me, then it could be alittle more than 1 hour. But if I have my iPod, then 2 hours
... I end up day dreaming or getting pumped up for something completelydifferent.
As quick as possible.. i hate mucking around at the gym.

Just want to do my programme and get out of there - correct form of course etc..
After blowing out my back very badly at 18 from over-training and generally overdoing it I no longer rush in the gym.

10 mins cardio warmup
20 mins stretching full body
60-80 mins weights
10-15 mins warm down
Sometimes a 30 minute swim and steam room to

It may sound very slow to alot of u guys but once uve been hurt like I have u learn that takeing your time is the key especialy with warming up down andstretching.

Not many of u guys mentioned warming down and thats as important if not more important than warming up is to get rid of all that lactic acid.

I also I never do cardio on weights days,cardio on seperate days for a full hard cardio workout aswell as abdominals after.

about 35 mins to lift
25 mins of cardio including cool down
7 min ab routine

this is a little more than an hour and I do this 3-4 times per week (pretty much every other day)
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