On September 11th they are going to burn a Koran in NYC (serious)

Originally Posted by JayeLove

The most immature thing you could do is to burn a Koran. For what? What benefit does that give a person? He will burn in hell for this one. Let everyone live their lives. Aint no need to disrepect other people's religion.
Originally Posted by beezylocks

dude why is this such a big deal, give me a koran ill jizz on it.
stop. you're not funny. you're just coming off as really immature. go sit in a corner kid.
Originally Posted by beezylocks

dude why is this such a big deal, give me a koran ill jizz on it.
stop. you're not funny. you're just coming off as really immature. go sit in a corner kid.
Originally Posted by JayeLove

The most immature thing you could do is to burn a Koran. For what? What benefit does that give a person? He will burn in hell for this one. Let everyone live their lives. Aint no need to disrepect other people's religion.
burn the koran, for what purpose? just to try to seem intelligent and righteous when your being an intolerant belligerent idiot? -_-
burn the koran, for what purpose? just to try to seem intelligent and righteous when your being an intolerant belligerent idiot? -_-
Originally Posted by beezylocks

dude why is this such a big deal, give me a koran ill jizz on it.

the very same people that are saying they have the "right" to build a mosque near ground zero should be defending this controversial preacher's "right" to burn the quran. just because someone has the "right" to do something doesn't necessarily mean it's the right thing to do.
the very same people that are saying they have the "right" to build a mosque near ground zero should be defending this controversial preacher's "right" to burn the quran. just because someone has the "right" to do something doesn't necessarily mean it's the right thing to do.
Originally Posted by peks03

the very same people that are saying they have the "right" to build a mosque near ground zero should be defending this controversial preacher's "right" to burn the quran. just because someone has the "right" to do something doesn't necessarily mean it's the right thing to do.

i think almost all think that way. its not "cool" but he has the Right to do it. 

same wit KKK, folks still flying that confederate flag, and whatever else u can think of.
Originally Posted by peks03

the very same people that are saying they have the "right" to build a mosque near ground zero should be defending this controversial preacher's "right" to burn the quran. just because someone has the "right" to do something doesn't necessarily mean it's the right thing to do.

i think almost all think that way. its not "cool" but he has the Right to do it. 

same wit KKK, folks still flying that confederate flag, and whatever else u can think of.
I kind of had a change of heart in regards to this issue. 
Take a step back.......The guy that is striving to do this shouldn't be blamed. Yes, of course he has the right to do this. They have been burning american flags for eons in the middle east true. Two wrongs certainly don't make a right. In fact, everyone who has spoken out against this has been right as well. However, all of this creates a precarious situation which should be avoided. Instead various celebrities and especially the media is fueling the fire that is being created. The most dangerous thing is reporting this issue and blowing it out of proportion. This guy could have burned a million religious texts in his town and no one would have took notice. But the media immediately jumps on this and creates this controversy by itself. This dude could be easily working for fox news or the govt...he might not even be an independent nut that all of a sudden decided to do this. Maybe they create the stories just to have something to report or maybe they have an agenda that they are gradually unfolding before our very eyes. One just gotta look at who benefits (media, politicians, secret intelligence, celebrities) from this and its easy to figure out where this latest wave of anti-muslim sentiment has been generated from. 

Fact is, its so easy to mobilize people, to shift their views and perceptions. As some dude already said in this thread, they might be prepping for something big. It might be a tarp. Dont be swayed so easily 
I kind of had a change of heart in regards to this issue. 
Take a step back.......The guy that is striving to do this shouldn't be blamed. Yes, of course he has the right to do this. They have been burning american flags for eons in the middle east true. Two wrongs certainly don't make a right. In fact, everyone who has spoken out against this has been right as well. However, all of this creates a precarious situation which should be avoided. Instead various celebrities and especially the media is fueling the fire that is being created. The most dangerous thing is reporting this issue and blowing it out of proportion. This guy could have burned a million religious texts in his town and no one would have took notice. But the media immediately jumps on this and creates this controversy by itself. This dude could be easily working for fox news or the govt...he might not even be an independent nut that all of a sudden decided to do this. Maybe they create the stories just to have something to report or maybe they have an agenda that they are gradually unfolding before our very eyes. One just gotta look at who benefits (media, politicians, secret intelligence, celebrities) from this and its easy to figure out where this latest wave of anti-muslim sentiment has been generated from. 

Fact is, its so easy to mobilize people, to shift their views and perceptions. As some dude already said in this thread, they might be prepping for something big. It might be a tarp. Dont be swayed so easily 
Watching the pundits on these shows are making me sick. Saying that just because Lincoln, Woodrow Wilson, Roosevelt, and Truman took dictatorship positions to throw people in jail just because they thought that people that disagreed with them are a "threat to national security", now Obama should do the same? Absolutely sick.

The people that are at fault are these Corporate Media outlets glorifying this. These people are acting like its such a huge issue and a threat to the troops and yet, they are non-stop talking about the situation and constantly putting images on TV? The media is exacerbating the situation by legitimizing this pastor. This guy has a church in BFE with a congregation with less than 50 people, who cares? Ignore him, this is exactly what he wants.

The argument that "Well, they'll attack us more if they burn the Qu'rans" is just stupid. As if they already didn't have a reason to attack the troops considering we invaded and occupying their homeland, having drones drop bombs on innocent people, ect. Please...
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