Once Upon A Time..vol.

he had a secret that he was afraid someone would find out about methodman and him
then he said "these responses to the 'once upon a time' thread suck"
Dirty, born from two fathers, Euripides and Socrates, lived in a time of poverty and asexuality. He lived in the city of Athens where he blessed the god ofsnakes, MethodMan. One day while traveling to meet his pen pal, Jrose, Dirty ran into a evil snake, whom he mistaken as MethodMan. The snake enticed dirty intodirty acts such as...
Originally Posted by Drunken Cow

Dirty, born from two fathers, Euripides and Socrates, lived in a time of poverty and asexuality. He lived in the city of Athens where he blessed the god of snakes, MethodMan. One day while traveling to meet his pen pal, Jrose, Dirty ran into a evil snake, whom he mistaken as MethodMan. The snake enticed dirty into dirty acts such as...
can you ride any harder?
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