One less lonely [slur deleted] - Justin Bieber. Vol Sterling part 2.

My counter was find the documents of Minorities doing the same to whites. You can't they don't exist. Everything I posted is White people doing things to minorities.

More Documentation for you

well see you can't counter when I didn't make the ludicrous statement; since you can't back up what you say you keep deflecting

well see you can't counter when I didn't make the ludicrous statement; since you can't back up what you say you keep deflecting


Are the people in everything I provided not White? lol not my problem you're in denial, nothing ludicrous about what I said. You're trying to insinuate I`m saying All White people are Racist which is false, I said all Racist in American History are White, two VERY different Statements.

Find me documentation of Minorities performing these same racist acts, I`m waiting. Don't post no bull crap name calling by ignorant people either.
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Not eem mad dude is posting this stuff. Maybe some people need to understand that killing N words joining the KKK ain't something to joke and giggle about.

They ask for documentation.

the document asked for was the one to back up where you said "it's a fact only white people are racists in America"

Well in order to be racist you have to be in a position of power. What race of people are in most of those position's in this country? Anybody can be prejudice, but their is a big difference between the 2.
Bruh chill.

chill mane

Chill for what? What happened in those photos and videos really happened, it's not some made up ****. It's like as soon as people get a dose of reality nowadays they wanna start acting like *******. People wanna avoid the truth about the history of this country, and the ramifications that this countries' history still has today, by any means possible. It's pathetic man. **** chillin. These are issues that require discussion.

We know. I asked why he was posting them randomly, like I would ask anyone who suddenly posted pictures of dead people with no warning and not in a spoiler.

I'm black, I know the history of this country.

**** I wanna see some dead people for when I'm eating lunch?

The worst part is being so beligerant about it.
We know. I asked why he was posting them randomly, like I would ask anyone who suddenly posted pictures of dead people with no warning and not in a spoiler.

I'm black, I know the history of this country.

**** I wanna see some dead people for when I'm eating lunch?

The worst part is being so beligerant about it.

Whats there to spoil? We all know how those times went about and ended, you claim to know your history so this shouldn't be shocking to you.
Are the people in everything I provided not White? lol not my problem you're in denial, nothing ludicrous about what I said. You're trying to insinuate I`m saying All White people are Racist which is false, I said all Racist in American History are White, two VERY different Statements.

Find me documentation of Minorities performing these same racist acts, I`m waiting. Don't post no bull crap name calling by ignorant people either.

so let me get this straight; you are only racist if you commit murders to a different race? you are delusional

your statement "but it is documented fact all racist in America are white."
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The pictures and videos being posted are a factual history lesson for some people in here or those that might be viewing this thread. 
Originally Posted by Methodical Management  

Really, this is EXPECTED behavior from a 14 year old child now?  
That's the crazy part! I mean, damn.

These Bieber apologists are something else!

"I mean, uh, no one was an angel at 14. Lets give Bieber a pass. I mean, he was joking, right?"
lol @ being shocked.

Nah yall got it. Gon head drop dat history.

nah, I mean I guess my bad for not giving warning, but when you're researching and learning about this stuff you become desensitized because you see so much of it. If you ask me high schoolers and middle schoolers need to see these things and not just some bull crap that slavery was just people picking cotton, or Jim Crow was just blacks not being able to get an education, that miseducation is why you have all these clowns in here thinking so lightly of this Bieber situation in the first place. Like I said that chainsaw joke can be seen as an "ignorant and silly, I was young and dumb" type deal but age 15 is a High Schoolers age so even then no excuse, and that joining the KKK and killing a black is wrong point blank, Justin Bieber was saying he wants to do the things being done in the Lynching photos, how can you find humor in that?
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bruh I came up on 4chan, I know what you mean. I just really wanted that plate and you kinda ****** me up :lol:

we good though, post more INFO and less pictures. You get an idea from the photos but when you can really read and absorb the info I feel like the point gets across better.
What's more hilarious is the "blacks can't be racist lol they don't lynch people" brigade

you have yet to provide documentation of minorities in America having lynching festival and crap where they bring out their entire family to watch a White person be mutilated. Hell find me historical documentation of Minorities denying Whites education. lol

deflection king.
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