One of the many dangers of Cosigning on someone else's loans

Nov 16, 2001
I'm a big advocate of not co-signing on someone's loans and this is another sad tale of the dangers to the co-signer for guaranteeing someone elses loans even with the best of intentions.
[h1]Mom Wants Dead Son's Loans Forgiven[/h1]By Erin McLaughlin | ABC News Blogs  – Thu, Nov 29, 2012 6:00 AM EST

  • Mom Wants Dead Son's Loans Forgiven (ABC News)

Three years after her son's death, a 61-year-old Michigan woman is still on the hook for his student loans - and a petition she started now has nearly 200,000 signatures demanding the companies forgive the loans and change their policies.

Jermaine Edwards went to college to study music production, and his mother, Ella, agreed to cosign his student loans to help him attend school. However, Jermaine died of natural causes in 2009 at age 24, leaving his mother responsible for the loans.

"That's when American Education Services (AES) and National Collegiate Trust (NCT) turned my son's dream into a nightmare for me and the two year old son he left behind," Edwards wrote in the petition.

Edwards had three student loans when he died, two federal and one private. The two federal government loans were forgiven within a month of his death. However, the private loan company is refusing to forgive the loan.

"He was paying the loan bills when he died, but the balance is still over $10,000, and if I'm ever a couple days late on a payment, the calls keep coming until I pay," Edwards told ABC News.

Edwards wrote in the petition that she was so depressed after her son's death that she could barely get out of bed, and has since been under doctors' care. She requested an early retirement, but is now back working. The money is still not enough to cover the bills.

"I am 61 years old and I have been trying to work to make Jermaine's loan payments…but I simply don't have the money," Edwards wrote. "To make matters worse, Jermaine left behind a young son whose mother doesn't have many resources. Therefore, she relies on me to help support Jermaine's son."

The petition directed to the institutions includes a letter calling for forgiveness of the loan.

"I'm horrified at your institution's practice of hounding a dead student's family for repayment of student loans he'll never get a chance to use," to letter reads. "I'm calling on you to do the only humane thing - let this still-grieving mother mourn the loss of her only son in peace. I stand with the Ella Edwards family and decent people everywhere in demanding that you discharge Jermaine Edwards' student loan debt today."

Edwards told ABC she decided to start the petition to demand a change in the laws surrounding student loans, and to warn other parents what they might be getting into if they take out a private loan.

"I suffer every day, and I started the petition because I don't want any other mom to suffer like I am," Edwards said, through tears. "People need to be aware these private loan people will come after you like a shark. I would advise people never to get a private loan until the law changes."

The loan companies have not returned calls for comment from ABC News.
Seen that on yahoo too

These people are the biggest pimps in America.  They want that money no matter what.  Ice Cold.
that's the way co-signing a loan works for just about any type of loan, you're held equally responsible for repaying the debt regardless of what happens to the primary borrower. very unfortunate situation but it's the terms of the loan.
Personally, I'm never co-signing a loan for anyone.  Not even my kids.  I've just seen it go awry far too often, even with family.  Actually, I should say ESPECIALLY with family.  And I'm not talking death, either.    

The closest I'll get to co-signing is getting a parent loan to go towards one of my kid's college education.  
^ Im curious as to what could possibly be a natural cause of death for a 24yo ? Did he have cancer or some other disease ? I just think the author of the article should have phrased that differently, because I know I cant be the only one who found it odd.

People just die sometimes. I know that sounds harsh, but it happens.
Wow thats rough. I would cosign a loan for people that I trust, espeically my children. That is my responisbility as a parent, to provide things for my kids that they could not get themselves. Within reason of course.
^ Im curious as to what could possibly be a natural cause of death for a 24yo ? Did he have cancer or some other disease ? I just think the author of the article should have phrased that differently, because I know I cant be the only one who found it odd.

You can't be serious.
It's totally fair to question natural causes. There's no such thing for a 24 year old - they would be expected to live considerably longer. I guess they're trying to say that he wasn't murdered or a drug addict or something - but they failed.

Natural causes would be a 75 year old just dieing in their sleep. In a 24 year old that would automatically trigger investigation because it doesn't imply natural.
 not enough resources for the kids mom, means she doesnt want to do any of the jobs available for her...instead grandma has to bust her behind, to support her and the kid, thats just sad.

ughh i could only imagine the hoodboogers yo son, his kid, he was supposed to make the money..
^ Im curious as to what could possibly be a natural cause of death for a 24yo ? Did he have cancer or some other disease ? I just think the author of the article should have phrased that differently, because I know I cant be the only one who found it odd.

Probably had a heart attack or something. See young college athletes and even professionals drop dead in the middle of practice from a heart attack. Could have been several other reasons but it's definitely possible.
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Well when you cosign a loan your agreeing to pay the loan if that person can not. If people that clause was not there then no one would get loans. The bank is supposed to eat $10 + gs because the person died
^ Im curious as to what could possibly be a natural cause of death for a 24yo ? Did he have cancer or some other disease ? I just think the author of the article should have phrased that differently, because I know I cant be the only one who found it odd.
Probably had a heart attack or something. See young college athletes drop dead in the middle of practice from a heart attack. Could have been several other reasons but it's definitely possible.
Most notably Hank Gathers.

It always gets me when they show the clip of Bo Kimball shooting left handed in the NCAA Tournament in his honor.

Wow thats rough. I would cosign a loan for people that I trust, espeically my children. That is my responisbility as a parent, to provide things for my kids that they could not get themselves. Within reason of course.
Cosigning is not just about trust though. It's about financial responsibility. If the bank believed that they would be able to pay back the loan themselves, they would not require someone else to put their financial health on the line for that person. That's why 3 our of 4 cosigners end up paying the balance of the loan.
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It's totally fair to question natural causes. There's no such thing for a 24 year old - they would be expected to live considerably longer. I guess they're trying to say that he wasn't murdered or a drug addict or something - but they failed.
Natural causes would be a 75 year old just dieing in their sleep. In a 24 year old that would automatically trigger investigation because it doesn't imply natural.

This is just false. I see there's a misconception as to what death by natural cause is.

Death by natural cause is any death caused by illness or biological failure.

Death by natural cause is not reserved for the elderly.

Sadly, perfectly healthy young people die from natural causes everyday.
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RIP, but isn't that what co-signing is for? You both take responsibility of the loan.
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