One of the most emotional scenes in A video game

this man Ryu had no life.

But yeah, I knew it was going to be FFVII. I wasn't even sad. Now, the actual movie Advent Children, at the end of that movie was kinda of a happy teartype of scene.
Originally Posted by KB8sandiego


That's the first thing that came to my mind.

I knew it before I opened the thread. Don't even play games like that anymore but I would definitely give this one a crack again.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

metal gear solid has a grip easy.
Right. They put a lot of work into their games
. MGS2 blew my mind with all the twist a turns. Vamp was a trippy dude
. Oh and when the Colonel was spazzing I thought I was playing it too long for real because I was at it for over 9 hours
. I didn't have a memory card at the time

I was like "what the eff is goin on?! I need to go to sleepman...."
I thought FF-X ending was pretty sad when Tidus died...... game was siiiiiiick music, gameplay, everything!
I came in here to post that Aeris clip, it was the first thing I thought of and I'm not even a FF fan like that.
Arrgh. I just had to chime in.

Youtube, MGS 4 Ending - Naked Son (watch all parts).
No video, but the scene where Millenia dies in Grandia II for DC was pretty sad. The whole game was
though. The voice acting, to me, was perfect.
I remember when I became the Pokemon League Champion, I threw up the greatest 2-armed fist pump ever in victory.
Originally Posted by Physicx

some mgs moments popped into my head when i saw the thread title
Word, most notably the entire outcome of made all my adolescent/teenage memories come back with a vengeance and it summed everything upin the craziest way. I almost wanted to cry when Snake threw the pistol in his mouth and I heard the gunshot.
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