One part of the problem in US

My bad on the scale fellas. I chose the largest option for posting, but this is all that came up. Only suggestion is to increase zoom on your browser.
I read it since I have a Mac and can pinch the screen closer. Education in this country is sad.

Guess I'll read it when I get home. 
SO what are some real solutions we could propose? I'm tired of things just staying the same as we watch this country go to hell in a hand basket. Obviously education is not for everyone, but what can be done for those that want to learn and work in a field where that knowledge is valued?

I'd be willing to pay more in taxes if it meant a college education were free. There would need to be policies in place to protect taxpayer money, but it would be for the greater good. Too many promising minds out here going to waste because they weren't born into families that can pay or get loans for their educations.

I'm especially frustrated at the money this country spends so much on the prison system yet there are thousands of former students struggling with student loan payments.

It's all BS
The fact that this country spends more on the prison system and the military industrial complex than on educating its people at all levels, tells you everything that you need to know about America.
So how do we fix this as people? We live in a democracy where we elect the people in power for them to just slap us in the face.
So how do we fix this as people? We live in a democracy where we elect the people in power for them to just slap us in the face.
We can't fix it, the collapse of modern day Rome has already began. Best advice is to leave this country. This country is too divided to ever get anything done.
Legendary, you make a good point regarding the country being stubborn. I believe they feel threatened by a generation that might gain access to the same resources they have had for years.

It so much waste in government spending. I really don't know where to start. My alderman does jack and makes good money. Times like this I wish my family had generational wealth so that I could just call one of the higher ups to originate this bill.
Rich people want more money so they trick 18 year olds onto going to college and creating thousands of dollars in debt, and tell them that's the only way to become successful.
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