One part of the problem in US

This country is like a stubborn old man that doesn't want to change for the betterment of future generations.

Especially when the people in charge continue to make large amounts of money. 

Rich American: "I'm still rich so I see no problems here"

Only way to even try and stay afloat is forget public outcries and movements for change and just do what u need to do for u and urs
Sorry, can't do anything. Too busy playing Call of Duty, and if I get involved in political and social reform I won't have time to keep up with my **** reality TV shows
Another anti-American and anti-college thread on NT. What's new?

You can't compare Nordic countries to the United States of America. Their situation is even unlike that of the rest of Western Europe in that its an overwhelmingly homogenous society where one race of people share the same cultural background and identity. That alone makes their way of running things different because they have a common interest. I'm also willing to bet that their college entrance system is much more rigorous than it is here in the States where even a student that averaged a D can go to school.

If you can't afford to go to a certain college, go to one you can afford. That's a big reason that there is so much student loan debt. Go to community college for two years and then transfer. How about saving for your kids college instead of scrambling for loans and taking out another mortgage on your home. $100/wk in an account for 18 years = 93,600. This is what I plan on doing with my wife should I have children. If you really want the price of college to go down, the government needs to stop subsidizing it.
This right here is the solution. Take responsibility for yourself. Stop depending on the government to protect you and send you to school. Over the past 40 years, our legislative leaders on both state and national levels have proven that despite saying that everything they do is for the kids, the statistics show otherwise. The standards are dumbed down and the cost is more. Even $100/mo. in a decent (not even good) investment account should easily yield you over $100,000 over the 18 years of your child's life. Factor in that they are able to work while in school and can fairly easily get some kind of grant and there isn't a reason for government to be involved in insuring student loans. Let's throw it back to private companies to make the investment and reinstate laws that allow people to default on them so they'll be more rigerous in handing out money instead of just checking a student's pulse like we did during the mortgage boom last decade.
Thankful I graduated with a job in the Defense Industry and relatively low college debt.

Just waiting on everyone else to wake the hell up.

This. Let me know when you guys decide to be about that action.

Still waiting to take to the streets and Spartan kick all these corrupt *** polictians off their high horses.
Yeh but you will need a hell of an army to do it in that fashion. The citizens of this country have no unity, especially across classes. It is frustrating as hell that "we the people" can't get **** done.

Dathbgboy said it right when he said your best chance is to worry about you and yours. I have had that mentality for the past few years, but it does frustrate me seeing children from homes that have less than my parents and cant go to school.

Does anyone know what would happen if we stopped voting? Would the person in office remain in that seat? I ask that because I feel like if we stopped voting these figureheads in we may have a chance to voice our opinion on how the structure of government should look and work. I understand we have alliances, but we must take care of home first IMO.

True, we all must be accountable for our actions. There are some people who have no one to blame but themselves for their situation. But why shouldn't they get a second chance? Why should children be forced to live miserably because of the mistakes of their parents?

I'm done voting. I'm thankful for the generation before me fighting for that right. I have used it since I was 18. But now I'm to the point I just it all as bull and don't want to contribute to another two face getting into office and making more money than those they "represent." I know that one vote will not change any elections, but its the only thing I can do as my family doesn't "own" any politicians.
My cousin went to itt tech and Phoenix he has a pretty good job and stable too with sharp hospital. . He is asian too so don't say he's white and privileged. .. I think in the end it is self confidence and determination and experience from moving from the bottom to da top
I just read the whole Rolling Stone article and I have nothing to do but :smh:

Seriously, the student loan debt is a serious dilemma. I have been saving up money since I was 17 (26 now) to get a house. I recently went to my local bank to see if I could get pre-approved. The banker told me that they would send me something in the mail as to why I could not get approved.

I got the letter yesterday and it stated that I was in serious delinquency. I remember defaulting on my student loans in 2009-2010 and it has hindered me from doing anything to this day! I still live at home with my parents because of this! I have no place to go because I can't even get approved for a mortgage because Sallie F'N Mae is the main problem to my debt to income ratio!

I seriously would not have gone to the first college I went to. I would've went to the community college route and then do what I do now and go to a state school.

Take it from someone who has defaulted, it should not and does not matter if you go to a community college anymore than Harvard. It is all the same. What matters is how you're going to pay off this debt you are going to face. I am facing it right now.

The funny part is Sallie Mae always calls me when I'm 3 months overdue! I'm still in school as well! It is like they specifically do that to me just so they can mess up my credit score.

Student loan debt is no joke. Be careful out there.
Not happening unless the US implements some form of socialism or its policies, the best we can hope for is some sort of education reform and a change in student loan policies. Don't see it happening for my generation, but maybe for my kids.

If it helps, US universities are the best in the world.

I just read the whole Rolling Stone article and I have nothing to do but :smh:

Seriously, the student loan debt is a serious dilemma. I have been saving up money since I was 17 (26 now) to get a house. I recently went to my local bank to see if I could get pre-approved. The banker told me that they would send me something in the mail as to why I could not get approved.

I got the letter yesterday and it stated that I was in serious delinquency. I remember defaulting on my student loans in 2009-2010 and it has hindered me from doing anything to this day! I still live at home with my parents because of this! I have no place to go because I can't even get approved for a mortgage because Sallie F'N Mae is the main problem to my debt to income ratio!

I seriously would not have gone to the first college I went to. I would've went to the community college route and then do what I do now and go to a state school.

Take it from someone who has defaulted, it should not and does not matter if you go to a community college anymore than Harvard. It is all the same. What matters is how you're going to pay off this debt you are going to face. I am facing it right now.

The funny part is Sallie Mae always calls me when I'm 3 months overdue! I'm still in school as well! It is like they specifically do that to me just so they can mess up my credit score.

Student loan debt is no joke. Be careful out there.

eh... it kind of does.
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Newmoanyuh, please explain how it does. Is it because Harvard is prestigious and your local community college is nothing. I just think its a piece of paper. Do explain your side of the story?
Newmoanyuh, please explain how it does. Is it because Harvard is prestigious and your local community college is nothing. I just think its a piece of paper. Do explain your side of the story?
Nothing wrong with community college, but if you graduate from the #1 university in the world and can't find a job, you might not be looking hard enough or you need to start looking outside of your field. The name alone can get you places, especially abroad, an american? with a degree from Harvard? You're already in the door.

People will pay you good money to help their son/daughter get into Harvard. Source: I have friends at Harvard and MIT
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Nothing wrong with community college, but if you graduate from the #1 university in the world and can't find a job, you might not be looking hard enough or you need to start looking outside of your field. The name alone can get you places, especially abroad, an american? with a degree from Harvard? You're already in the door.

People will pay you good money to help their son/daughter get into Harvard. Source: I have friends at Harvard and MIT
Are your friends at Harvard and MIT the ones that are getting paid good money to help get the sons/daughters of others into their respective college? Or, did your friends (at Harvard and MIT) parents pay good money to someone to help them get into their respective college? I have more questions pending your response to this one.
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Are your friends at Harvard and MIT the ones that are getting paid good money to help get the sons/daughters of others into their respective college? Or, did your friends (at Harvard and MIT) parents pay good money to someone to help them get into their respective college? I have more questions pending your response to this one.

My friends have gotten offers to help people get into their schools, I don't know if they actually went through with it (most likely not).
:lol: As an American... I gotta say after reading that I am just laughing because of how valid it truly is.

ESPECIALLY this part...
meanwhile, your rich OWN most of your politicians, and fool many of your citizens into fighting to keep it that way.

View media item 548257
How much was spent by Obama to win that election in 12? $985 million
My friends have gotten offers to help people get into their schools, I don't know if they actually went through with it (most likely not).
So how much money qualifies as "good money" in these offers you speak of? And, what strings would a current student or recent alumni even be able to pull in regards to helping a perspective student? I'm just trying to understand why you even mentioned this at all. In your prior statement you said, "especially abroad, an american? with a degree from Harvard? You're already in the door." Were your friends essentially bribed with a job abroad to get their foot "in the door" as long as they made some effort to get their employers son/daughter into Harvard? What was their end of the deal, or the "help" they would give to the perspective student? I'm just trying to understand these "offers to help" you speak of because I don't see how a young adult could have any pull in admissions especially off of a bribe unless they were giving that money back to the university, especially with the amount of competitive entrants applying for Harvard. Wouldn't it make more sense to just bribe the university directly?
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Yeh but you will need a hell of an army to do it in that fashion. The citizens of this country have no unity, especially across classes. It is frustrating as hell that "we the people" can't get **** done.

Dathbgboy said it right when he said your best chance is to worry about you and yours. I have had that mentality for the past few years, but it does frustrate me seeing children from homes that have less than my parents and cant go to school.

Does anyone know what would happen if we stopped voting? Would the person in office remain in that seat? I ask that because I feel like if we stopped voting these figureheads in we may have a chance to voice our opinion on how the structure of government should look and work. I understand we have alliances, but we must take care of home first IMO.

True, we all must be accountable for our actions. There are some people who have no one to blame but themselves for their situation. But why shouldn't they get a second chance? Why should children be forced to live miserably because of the mistakes of their parents?

I'm done voting. I'm thankful for the generation before me fighting for that right. I have used it since I was 18. But now I'm to the point I just it all as bull and don't want to contribute to another two face getting into office and making more money than those they "represent." I know that one vote will not change any elections, but its the only thing I can do as my family doesn't "own" any politicians.
There will always be someone that votes, hence why senior citizens have the most clout. The reason why students and young people get the short end of the straw is because they DON'T vote. Even though certain parties have the money, the representatives will always throw special programs at those that will give them the votes.

The real problem is that each district continues to reelect the same person based on party affiliation despite scandle & voting record on the sole basis that they have a D or R behind their name. Even if we don't like a certain person, it's good to get churn in politics like anything, otherwise, it becomes like a stagnant swamp and starts to smell
So how much money qualifies as "good money" in these offers you speak of? And, what strings would a current student or recent alumni even be able to pull in regards to helping a perspective student? I'm just trying to understand why you even mentioned this at all. In your prior statement you said, "especially abroad, an american? with a degree from Harvard? You're already in the door." Were your friends essentially bribed with a job abroad to get their foot "in the door" as long as they made some effort to get their employers son/daughter into Harvard? I'm just trying to understand these "offers to help" you speak of because I don't see how a young adult could have any pull in admissions especially off of a bribe unless they were giving that money back to the university, especially with the amount of competitive entrants applying for Harvard. Wouldn't it make more sense to just bribe the university directly?
It's not about pulling strings, more like sat/act prep tricks and techniques, help with essays, what extracurriculars to do, do's and don'ts, not bribes :lol:

This is not a movie :lol:

I didn't say anything about getting employers son/daughters into Harvard. In places that are developing fast and want to expand globally, Americans can be a hot commodity. Harvard, Oxford, Cambridge, MIT, some ivys, come with a lot of prestige and recognition. I've met with a lot of businessmen from other countries and if they know one American university, it's Harvard. Edit: And yes they would most likely hire them just for that
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It's not about pulling strings, more like sat/act prep tricks and techniques, help with essays, what extracurriculars to do, do's and don'ts, not bribes

This is not a movie

I didn't say anything about getting employers son/daughters into Harvard. In places that are developing fast and want to expand globally, Americans can be a hot commodity. Harvard, Oxford, Cambridge, MIT, some ivys, come with a lot of prestige and recognition. I've met with a lot of businessmen from other countries and if they know one American university, it's Harvard.
Thanks for clarifying. I guess I grouped your statements about getting the foot in the door and paying good money to help sons/daughters get in to the university together. My mind ran a little wild with that one

So you are just speaking on offers your friends have received from domestic parents to pay good money for a pre-admission tutor? Correct?
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Thanks for clarifying. I guess I grouped your statements about getting the foot in the door and paying good money to help sons/daughters get in to the university together. My mind ran a little wild with that one :lol:

So you are just speaking on offers your friends have received from domestic parents to pay good money for a pre-admission tutor? Correct?

Yes, and it's a good route to go these days. I'm a pre-med student and online and in person prep courses from big companies start at $1000, sometimes maybe a discount for $800 :smh:
I'd rather pay someone who got in $500 to help me instead.

Oh, and not saying it doesn't happen, I've heard of people pulling strings, money exchanging hands, but that's usually if you got that old money :nerd:
Yes, and it's a good route to go these days. I'm a pre-med student and online and in person prep courses from big companies start at $1000, sometimes maybe a discount for $800

I'd rather pay someone who got in $500 to help me instead.

Oh, and not saying it doesn't happen, I've heard of people pulling strings, money exchanging hands, but that's usually if you got that old money
It happens all the time. Same BS politics that are at work in the government are present in college admissions. Old money can be a factor (and it usually is the culprit) but I know first generation millionaires who have given back A LOT to their alma mater (even to the level of donating a new academic facility/building on campus) and they have new found pull and benefits. It's all dependent on how much you've given back to your alma mater and what connections you have with faculty/staff. Money and and politics...
SO what are some real solutions we could propose? I'm tired of things just staying the same as we watch this country go to hell in a hand basket. Obviously education is not for everyone, but what can be done for those that want to learn and work in a field where that knowledge is valued?

I'd be willing to pay more in taxes if it meant a college education were free. There would need to be policies in place to protect taxpayer money, but it would be for the greater good. Too many promising minds out here going to waste because they weren't born into families that can pay or get loans for their educations.

I'm especially frustrated at the money this country spends so much on the prison system yet there are thousands of former students struggling with student loan payments.

It's all BS
this will never happen.

Most of the countries where these tantalizing social experiments usually take place have low population numbers in comparison to the us. Universal education system is not sustainable, because all that will happen is that the government will start arbitrarily begin making restrictions on education (see Russia, and former soviet union)

The current system is just too far gone. But, even with that being does work, albeit not very well. The best you can hope for is cost reduction, and/or cost controls. How that will happen is anyones guess.
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