Only Count Down Packages worth coppin' are the 3/20 & 11/12

Originally Posted by mikejs210

Originally Posted by Sole Emcee92

what is so wrong about the II/XX1 countdown package

I haven't seen the colorway on them yet, I need to see the colorway.



dey aint dat bad 2 me coppin regardles the also th 20/3 12/11 and maybe the 6/17 if I go to nike town yall know how much rent money we going to putout on mike from know till September
I'm with you in thinking that the packs are very underwhelming from what we've seen so far, and that there is very, very little that's worthpursuing.

For me?

- carmine VIs (those are all I want from the pack; if I HAVE to get the pack, I'll sell the XVIIs to the first person that I know wants them)
- white/red/gray IIs (those are all I want from the pack; if I HAVE to get the pack, I'll sell the XXIs to the first person that I know wants them)
- waiting to see pics of the III + XX pack
- XI/XII pack

Those 6 pairs of shoes are all I want, and I'm waiting to see what the IIIs and XXs look like in the XX + III pack. I like the design of the XXs, but onlythe white/red mids and the black patent/white mids appealed to me enough to buy. The IIIs? I have the only two I've ever liked: cements and fire reds. Sowe'll see what this pack does.

- I + XXII? The Is are being over saturated right now, and the XXIIs are laughable.
- II + XXI? JUST the IIs; the XXIs overall are ugly, and the XXIs in this pack are ugly.
- III + XX? Like I said, this is a maybe; I'm just waiting to see pics.
- IV + XIX? Not a fan of either. Sorry.
- V + XVIII? The Vs have potential for me if they'r a white colorway, but I hate the XVIIIs.
- VI + XVII? Carmines: HECK YEAH. Those black XVIIs? HECK NO.
- VII + XVI? Not a fan of the VIIs. I like the design of the XVIs, but I hate the black/red XVIs. Sorry. I hated them when they came out and hate them now. Ihate all-black shoe.
- VIII + XV? This pack is going to be so laughable to me.
Two of my least favorite Jordans, in one pack.
- IX + XIV? I already had the IXs from when they retroed in 2001 or whenever it was. I heard that the XIVs quality was terrible, so this was a pass.
- X + XIII? The Xs are so bland, and these Xs were so no different. The XIIIs quality was terrible. Horrible.
- XI + XII? Like I already said, I'm waiting to see, because this pack and the III + XX pack are the only two on my radar.

They'll rake in the money on these packs, though.

But from me, I'm only interested in those white/red/gray IIs, carmine VIs, the III + XX pack, and the XI + XII pack.
4's and 19's
2's 21's
16's, 7's

if youre a jordan collector, you'll get much more than the 2 most hyped packs.
i hope your on drugs because the 7/16 is def worth coppin 16 are unappreciated w/o cover is fiyah
2/XX1 the 2's are hot and the XX1's should have been the same as the sample
18/5 is gonna b underrated but i think its gonna b hot fiyah and
6/17 would b better with white infrareds.
4/19 is ok but i want white cements more
8/15 white red and black stealth insta cop
3/20????? idc about the black cements give me the white cements and the material change on the XX's is ognna make me sick
11/12???? give me concords then i'll cop
SRY for the rant jus had to get that off my chest
hella handsome:
if youre a jordan collector, you'll get much more than the 2 most hyped packs.
Gentry Humphrey, is that you?

That's the kind of bullcrap they'd LOVE for us all to believe. "If you're a TRUE Jordan collector, you'll collect everything we put outthere with a Jumpman on it. And anything we put in a Countdown Pack will be solid gold in your eyes."

False, fellas.

I'm a Jordan collector. Know why? 'Cause I collect Jordans.
Icollect the ones I like, not whatever crap they put out. If they don't put out anything worthwhile, if they want to oversaturate the market with busy,copycat, thrown together shoes in crazy colorways, they can go right ahead... and they can watch people like me walk right on past these monstrosities withJumpmen on them.

I'm not about to buy something just because it has a Jumpman on it, so people like yourself can go, "Yeah, you're a true Jordan collector."

I prefer the 16s over the 7s. I consider the 16s one of Jordans best, especially that color scheme. Not to mention the 7s look amazing. So this makes yourtitle incorrect.
well i am coppin the 8/15 package that everybody is hatin on
any body fell me on this one????????
jamergrady wrote:
well i am coppin the 8/15 package that everybody is hatin on
any body fell me on this one????????
the only 8 i like is in that package. Aqua's r over rated and hyped and the playoffs r ok but i won't cop.
the only 15 i like is in that package and the 15 is the most underrated J ever. Every ugly shoe looks good in all black b/c u can't see the detail justthe silhouette
8/15 are my two favorite jordans ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that makes the copped x3
7/16 as well as
All copped for sure. Best packs IMO.

The 6/17 was ok until I saw the jumpman on the back of the 6's and I already have the 17's.
You're entitled to that opinion, but many will refute that argument. I think a majority of the packs are worth picking up.
for me its gon be 6/17, 7/16, 4/19, 11/12. but im trying to get the other shoes like the 3 and 4 from resellers.
If anyone is interested in size 13 XX1's from the II + XX1 package PM me, I'm definitely going to sell them once I buy the pack.
For myself

2x 6/17
2x 11/12
1x 3/20 maybe (It all depends on how the XX's end up looking)
1x 7/16 maybe (I already have a pair of OG XVI's...if I have the funds another pair to stock for now would be great)

Thats it for me....I didnt get either of the first few packs either. I been more or less hunting for OG's or 2001 XI's.
The XX is the worst sig shoe ever. It looks like they took a bunch of reject shoe parts and mixed them all together.

The 17 is foul, and I never really liked the look of the 7 so both of those packs are done.

The 5/18, and the 11/12 are going to be he only ones copped for me...
Originally Posted by Sole Emcee92

I definitely want the Carmines, but the 17's are ugly, I hate the design. I want the hares too, but the 16's are ugly as well.

If I could find someone who would sell me the shoes separately, then yes, they'd be copped.

Well, since we're talkin' real, there's no way in hell you'll get an authentic pair of the carmines for less than the $310 you'll payfor the pack.
i agree somewhat, i not a fan of the crmines, very weird looking shoe to rock wit anything, just my opinion. but 4s countdown pack is worth geting. 11s and 3s
i agree somewhat, i not a fan of the crmines, very weird looking shoe to rock wit anything, just my opinion. but 4s countdown pack is worth geting. 11s and 3s
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