open sketch thread

Celtics I personally like this one more then the previous. NIce, I don't know one thing that bothers me is how the nose is really ovel. NNice job though! LilJRD nice job, I love it! ONe question did you copy some stuff from somewhere or is that all from head??
No bird soars to high as long as it soars with its own wings.
^ Thanks nocomment6. The nose is oval because it's supposed to mimic the B2's rounded form.
I can't belive I can't get the proportions down on these... :\

This'll be my last XX2 post because I have to work on my freestyle entry for KG, so please crtique.
NICE. Whats that rectangle in the heel?
No bird soars to high as long as it soars with its own wings.
yeah that strap is pretty high.
theyd have to manufacture a bigger sized box for that xD
my own version of the XXIII done at work this morning

i have it on another post i think not bad for 20 mins. this thread inspires me to do more.
"Michael are simply the standard by which basketball excellence is measured" -David Stern
since its open sketch...most are from the 99-00 era, sorry for the quality no digital cam.

"Michael are simply the standard by which basketball excellence is measured" -David Stern
Seanperia, it needs work looks like a 14.5 more than the 23s. DoktorJ, nice job, strap seems high, but nice.^^^^Rudemiester well lines need work, but nice job.
No bird soars to high as long as it soars with its own wings.
6 pages deep? where y'all at?


No idea is original...It is never what you do, but how it is done
THESE ARE STRAIGHT FIIYYAAA!!! Way better than the actual model of the XXII. Would definatley cop if released.
^ :wow:
:. That's incredible Tokes! How much time/effort would you say you put into a sketch like that?

^^Thanks for the comment, although I'm actually a fan of what we've seen of the XX2 so far...
not enough, hahaha! i see many things i should have done better...but it took me a lil' over 30 min on an off, while watching the sunday pregame shows. the worst thing is that i could not get his kicks to fit on the page...i was pretty disappointed about that!
No idea is original...It is never what you do, but how it is done
early mj...


you would think someone who likes and wants to design kicks as much as i do, i would find a way to fit the shoes on the page...
No idea is original...It is never what you do, but how it is done
I wish I could throw some of my athletes up here..but there all at home...
I have a Vick, LeBron, Iverson...others that I forget...

And a Wade painting that I did for my little brother so he could have it before I left..
Definition for ARFF- A blocked shot or rejection.
Arffinater- One who arffs a lot.
Tokes- I feel you on the kics thing ha...It seems like for me that is my toughest part to get to look right when I put em on someone...
Definition for ARFF- A blocked shot or rejection.
Arffinater- One who arffs a lot.
Good, except for the claws...

hahaha, yeah i never get the hands quite right...just messing around though and i try not spend much time on for these


No idea is original...It is never what you do, but how it is done
Tokes- Gesture-like drawings? ha...Ive been doin g that for the past 4 classes in Drawing 1..But we've been doing fun drawing stools and boxes.......

Anyways your athletes....Like the Mj and LeBron, seem to have a "cartoon" affect...They remind me of your characters...But I love it...Not completly realistic, but still close enough with a little cartoony twist...I love that style of yours...
One suggestion on the Bron...bulk him up!...Still sweet style...
Definition for ARFF- A blocked shot or rejection.
Arffinater- One who arffs a lot.
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