open sketch thread

I used a foot template....dont know what went wrong, maybe the toebox should slant a bit more upward? Or make it longer? Cause I use Michael Ditullos templateson my small sketches and a foot template on this one. The picture got taken a bit crooked as well. I'll work at it.

Trying to help you out here, here's a few things I'd like to add....

-I always thought the sneakers generally look cleaner and more pleasing to the eye when facing left to right (lateral of the right sneaker)
But do you. You could always flip the sneaker on the computer if you feel comfortable drawing right to left. Since I'm right handed, I always found left toright easier.

-I don't know how you are taking these pics, whether it be a camera or scanner, but try to straighten em out! As you can see, the picture I posted for you,It looks a LOT cleaner straightened.


Now here's the proportions....

I layered Mike's over yours. Just something to look at...
I just double checked proportions with one of Bens designs, the pic is really crooked and the toebox is flat. I'll be abck!
Originally Posted by archiebolz

Hey guys, my laptop where I work on the footwear design got busted, I'll be heading to the service center later to get the HDD replaced (I have no backup

I had time so I decided to render manually for a change, and a break from shoe design in the meantime. I cant quite see how to incorporate this way of rendering in shoe designs... so if you have ideas, need suggestions! thanks!
Bro that is freakin BEAUTIFUL! I am a sucker for nice homes! Love the colors and the placement of everything! Good stuff.
Archie: Incorporating a style of rendering like that into shoe design wold be very difficult, since shoes don't have large open areas like in a home orroom. You could try throwing that style onto a quick sketch to give it some pop, but at least in my opinion, it would be hard to do a final render like that.

Great work BTW!
Skech incorporating the "air transfer" tech I designed for my LeBron VI shoe....this one more greared towards guards.
Nice ak47. I like your lines, it looks fast. Only quibble i have, is the name of your tech "air transfer." I believe that is a named used for a techthats made for Starter. Then again Im not sure what Starter's exact term that is used for it. But when we talk about Starter, we throw around the term'air transfer' for their tech, so I assume thats what its really called. I looked in the thesaurus to try to find some words that are synonymous withtransfer, and i didnt really see any cool terms. But I suggest looking into it.
givemeshoes, thanks man! I really appreciate it!

ben, I guess you have a point, well I just have to experiment more to find a fusion of some sort. thanks for the kind words!
arch: I googled "starter air-transfer" and nothing came up....I probably don't want to take any risks though, I'll go ahead and change thename when I think of something. Thanks for the comment.
Yeah I hear ya, I googled it too, and nothing did come up. Maybe its a generic term thats thrown around for that starter tech.
I don't think it's that serious on the "air transfer" thing guys. LOL. If you were making and selling it, yes. But it's all good. Nicesketch, Ben. I'd like to see you start playing with some different form languages. Your designs are all sort of starting to look the same for me. Don'tget me wrong- They look GOOD...just similar with the swoopy curvy forms.
I gotcha Tony. Organic forms are easier for me since I can sketch them without being conscious of what I'm doing...anything else I have to force myself todo, which is probably a sign I'm not comfortable with them. I'm gonna start branching out though...probably a pretty important thing to do. Thanks forthe comment.
That looks better Johnny. I'd work on learning how to implement your designs correctly onto a template. Try to get a feel for where things should go bylooking at some other sketches in this thread, and on KG. Right now it looks like you have carbon fiber touching the ground...that wouldn't work. The toeis still to stubby...try to elongate it and fit it in with the rest of the shoe.
Ben- No worries. Do what you feel comfortable with for a while. Just keep it in the back of your mind. I just wanted to throw it out there. Like I said,obviously the stuff looks great- Just wanna make you even stronger!~
TH, I think its very serious. I mean the whole world could crumble if ak47 were to use the wrong nomenclature. Im just looking out for him and the world'swell being...

Ok ok, its not that serious. Keep doing your thang ben.

nocomment6, not bad. That's definitely one of your better sketches/renderings. The shape is almost there, just a little modification around the toe,perhaps make it a little beefier.

Finally bought a Wacom Tablet. First sketch on it :/

Pretty difficult...

I'm still working on making the lines flow on this tablet. I went with simple shapes. Nothing too special yet.

I rushed it near the end, so parts of it look really sloppy, like the highlights. I also seemed to have increased the contrast too much, so just ignore that.Hit me up with feedback!

I'm going to be on this alllllllll day....
Never used one, dont plan on getting one. I dont know but I hink markers are just soso much better then anything PC.
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