open sketch thread

I had some extra time yesterday so I decided to try to clean up the sketch. I just drew right on to the same sketch and tried to make it pop more and look like a real rendering...

Not bad, I like how you did a lot of details, on the little air holes, nice stuff. MAybe try and clean the booty parta bit where you added the white onto the brown for a plastical feel, thats a bit messy. Other then that great job!
RIP Mike Szabo aka my Godfather.
Nice renderings, lovin your style, col ideas. I think the 2nd one is a bit farfetched, but nice stuff!
NIce stuff. YOur shape looks on point, maybe the booty is a bit too low cut, and there might be problems on your foor coming out, but maybe not. Other thenthat sic rendering! Love it, maybe give it more of a texture feelin cause what comes to my mind is that its made up of steel o somethin.
Nice stuff IYE2! Good to see this post up again! I haven't been doing much shoe-design related stuff lately....I'm just starting to sketch again soI'll get something up soon I guess.
Nice sketches up there. I gotta get a bit back to rendering a bit as well, been painting a lot frequently. Keep it up ya'll!
^Nice work man! What did you use to draw that?

Here's a quick concept I did today while nursing a sprained ankle (Wade 1s have BAD ankle support). It's a shoe for Rajon Rondo that's designed tobe light, breathable, and stable. Obviously it needs some work but it's my first concept in a while.

I know these are sketches of foot wear but i thought i'd share some of my work from school...
Big marley fan if ya can't tell...

Bob painting i did with gouache

Original pic on left, painting on right

Pencil sketch

This was just fun
Rendering of Skeleton

Rendering of muscles on frosted acetate

Muscle overlay on top of Skeleton


Just thought I'd share...thanks...
Dude that is awesome! I LOVE that marley painting especially!!

AK: Sorry about the sprained ankle man. But geez, you're talented--especially if that's your first work in a while. I still can't do anything nearthat good. Keep it up!
stetz23 i love your stuff
and ak47celtics if that comment's for me, i used colored pencils to color and a extra fine sharpie to outline. then i put clear nail polish over thelacelocks to make it look plastic-y
Ben: nice stuff as always, I was thinkin of doin somethin for the dude, been shooting pretty good ball this year. The shoe, I dont like how cut the RBK logoshort, maybe fix that part up. And I dont like the shape how its kinda slanted backwards. other then that, good job with the markers.
Stetz, niec stuff. That paintig is deffinately on point. How long did it take to amke that? Nice sketches as well.
nocomment6 - couple of hours because i had to mix the gouache to get all those shades of gray. did it for my color theory class.
naw, i'm going for my associate in graphic design at art institute of pittsburgh...already got one degree but would have had to go to grad school soinstead i decided to head to AIP for graphic design
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