Oregon is burning. Worst Air Quality in The World

Yeah will definitely be stayin indoors this weekend. Hoping it improves when I return to work on Monday since i work outdoors

Good, stay in as much as possible because that air is awful for your lungs. Has work done anything about limiting your hours outside? Perhaps they can issue you some indoor stuff for the moment, this important given the circumstances. Stay safe bro.
Good, stay in as much as possible because that air is awful for your lungs. Has work done anything about limiting your hours outside? Perhaps they can issue you some indoor stuff for the moment, this important given the circumstances. Stay safe bro.

Nah they haven't really offered anything besides saying were allowed to use our PTO if we dont feel like working in the current conditions.

But yeah this air really is bad for the lungs.. couple days ago when the air first started getting smokey I wasnt wearing a mask that day and was coughing by the end of the shift and lungs felt kind of heavy.
But yeah this air really is bad for the lungs.. couple days ago when the air first started getting smokey I wasnt wearing a mask that day and was coughing by the end of the shift and lungs felt kind of heavy.

WTH man, that ain’t cool. They want to play it like that then I’d take my sweet time and not do the usual speed of things. Let them know about how you feel after the work day is over, **** is unfair.
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Four tips for anyone dealing with the terrible air quality (I'm in SoCal). This may be common sense to most, but it's still good to post.

1) Wear a mask outdoors
2) Run an air purifier
3) Avoid outdoor exercise
4) Close windows

Ever since the fires began, my nostrils have been itching nonstop. Simply closing the windows alleviated most of my discomfort.
Four tips for anyone dealing with the terrible air quality (I'm in SoCal). This may be common sense to most, but it's still good to post.

1) Wear a mask outdoors
2) Run an air purifier
3) Avoid outdoor exercise
4) Close windows

Ever since the fires began, my nostrils have been itching nonstop. Simply closing the windows alleviated most of my discomfort.
For those without purifiers and if you have a box fan sitting around

Whenever you want to know why people support Trump this is why. They are full of hate, and he allows them to not only express it but be proud of it. They are truly deplorable.

unfortunately there’s hate on both sides, it’s sad
At least we are trending down. As an asthma and copd sufferer this has been terrifying. People thought that it was tough to stay at home due to covid and here we are stuck at home and cant even walk out of my front door without getting lightheaded.

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