Oso's Journey - My Dog's Battle With Cancer

Its just a dog, Go get a girl OP smh I cant believe you guys are really in here talking about this


Sorry for your loss OP. I can't even imagine what that feels like. It makes me want to go hug my dog now.
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RIP to Oso bro. Can't lie man I felt it in my heart after reading your last reply. If you read my post a couple pages back we share similar stories. Trust me man, it gets better in time and eventually you'll accept that your best friend is no longer suffering. I carry my dog's tag on my keys everywhere I go and not a day has passed in the last couple yrs where he hasn't crossed my mind.

I always told myself I would never, EVER get another dog, but my family talked me into it and we ended up getting another german shepherd. Crazy part about it was he was born a day after we had to put my old dog to sleep and he looks dead on my old dog. Acts just like him too. Never replaced and forgotten tho. We all have to go eventually and all we can do is remember all the good times.
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Man, this hit close to home. My oldest Dog's name is Oso also. :frown:

RIP to Oso. Man its hard to say that...
Sorry to hear OP. I'm glad you had 12 good years with Oso that you will always remember. I am not looking forward to the day my dog passes.
I feel your pain. A dog can definitely be your best friend as they are easier to humanize than cats due to their unwavering loyalty and overall child-like demeanor. I had a Cocker Spaniel who got Dimentia at 14. It was hard letting go of him. I know it's hard t o go through this but he's 12-years-old which is pretty old for a dog. They don't live as long as cats (especially if they are purebred). I wouldn't spend anymore money. Let him live out the rest of his days around you all and if the pain gets too bad you may have to put him down. Spending more money is risky because he is already nearing the end of his life span plus a terminal illness will only buy a little time and put you in debt. I had to put my 14-year-old cat down before (she had cancer) and although I loved her (had her since I was 8 so basically grew up with her) I must say, it was a peaceful process and she seemed relieved that she would be out of her suffering.

Best wishes.
I am sorry. I just read the entire post and realized Oso died. Your last update stirred up deep emotions in me and I can't help but cry. I feel your loss. It reminds me of when my Cocker Spaniel died.  I went away to school and left him in the care of my sister. Because he had dimentia he kept pooping around the house. My sister called up up threatening to throw him out in the street. I arranged for a friend to keep him but Lucky kept pooping in her house and he lost his eyesight. He went back to my sister's house. She began beating him and threatening to chain him to a fence and leave him. I was hundreds of miles away at school and felt helpless. I looked online and met a lady from the internet who said she rescued dogs. She came by to pick him up (my sister gave him to her). I never got to say goodbye. He was in my life for about 8 years (someone gave him to us when I was a teenager) and was my best friend. I loved him so much. He was full of love. I felt I let him down because I gave him to a stranger and he died wondering what happened to me. The lady sent me a pic of him and kept in touch with his whereabouts. She ultimately informed me, years later, that he had to be put to sleep. I hate the fact that I wasn't there for him. You stirred up these emotions in me. My older sister got her bad Karma for how she treated him....but if you know her you wouldn't be surprised that she would do that. This is why I am #teamcats. I love them a lot but no animal love compares to that of a dog.  I can't deal with another passing of a dog.

I'm female if it matters.
damn man that was really touching. i am tearing up just reading your post. i've had my dog for almost 12-13 years and i know its right around the corner for him to pass as well. RIP to oso
Its just a dog, Go get a girl OP smh I cant believe you guys are really in here talking about this
It won't let me give you a thumbs up, but I will do so in spirit.

Millions of people in this country are struggling to find food to eat... Unfortunately, there are much bigger problems
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Why even post in here if you have something smart to say. Poor bitter bastards trying to bring everyone down just because your life is in the toilet. RIP to your dog OP. He's in a better place.
really sorry for your loss :frown:

im dreading the day i have to let my dog go (hes 12 btw)..he's been with me since I was 11 years old
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:stoneface: @ all the idiots posting "It's not that serious, get a girlfriend."

You guys are trolls in a thread about a dog's battle with cancer.. if you have no nice words to say, mind your own business and keep it moving.

Dogs (pets in general) are better than people, IMO.. always there for you in a time of need.
Brought real tears to my eyes. I hope you doing okay man. Keep your head up.

Rest In Paradise Oso.
You have me tearing up (a lot)...
You/ your family were a great owner and at least he is in peace now.
Man.. I'm really sorry for your loss... Having a pet die is extremely traumatizing. It is like losing a family member.
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