Ouija Board Vol. Curiosity Killed The Cat

Originally Posted by RATxAxTAT

Play by yourself.

lol yea man, go for it
lol you guys are crazy... its not real its pretty much ur moving it to what u want it to be but u dont know it. Im pretty sure if it was real there would be alot of research and its sold a toys r us.... come on guys u guys are smarter than this
Originally Posted by Lakersfan1

lol you guys are crazy... its not real its pretty much ur moving it to what u want it to be but u dont know it. Im pretty sure if it was real there would be a lot of research and its sold a toys r us.... come on guys u guys are smarter than this

lol you could be right... by any chance you in any religion?
Originally Posted by pilo1990

Originally Posted by Lakersfan1

lol you guys are crazy... its not real its pretty much ur moving it to what u want it to be but u dont know it. Im pretty sure if it was real there would be a lot of research and its sold a toys r us.... come on guys u guys are smarter than this

lol you could be right... by any chance you in any religion?

Christian orthodox but im not very religious out all i believe and spirits and stuff but i don't believe in this bs
Originally Posted by Lakersfan1

Originally Posted by pilo1990

Originally Posted by Lakersfan1

lol you guys are crazy... its not real its pretty much ur moving it to what u want it to be but u dont know it. Im pretty sure if it was real there would be a lot of research and its sold a toys r us.... come on guys u guys are smarter than this

lol you could be right... by any chance you in any religion?

Christian orthodox but im not very religious out all i believe and spirits and stuff but i don't believe in this bs

well at least you believe in something as spirits might exist.. i just have this idea that if we believe in good then of course theres gotta be evil.. so thisouija board might seem like bs, but no matter what evil spirits are still out there.. so why wouldnt they take advantage to cause harm in any way they can byusing the ouija board as a gateway for them to achieve that..? of course its just a board but if theres enough energy around it why wouldnt it work?? thatsjust my opinion..
Originally Posted by Lakersfan1

lol you guys are crazy... its not real its pretty much ur moving it to what u want it to be but u dont know it. Im pretty sure if it was real there would be a lot of research and its sold a toys r us.... come on guys u guys are smarter than this
are you dumb? it tells people things that they DON'T KNOW. how are you "moving it to what you want it to be"?
Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

Originally Posted by Lakersfan1

lol you guys are crazy... its not real its pretty much ur moving it to what u want it to be but u dont know it. Im pretty sure if it was real there would be a lot of research and its sold a toys r us.... come on guys u guys are smarter than this
are you dumb? it tells people things that they DON'T KNOW. how are you "moving it to what you want it to be"?
My kitchen had a bunch of baskets on the wall.... like hanging.. my mom asked if my dead uncle was trying to contact us show us some way that he is. Then allof the baskets fell.... This has never happened before. it was crazy.
ayo....i swear this.... im outside of a laundry mat smokin a cig and i clicked a youtube video...
and i swear out of no where a moth comes out of nowhere and landed on my arm, chilled, then was going to land on my phone screen.
i ended the video and the moth is nowhere to be seen. i was out here walkin around lookin for it.
no moth.
thats a sign. if its not...then...idk
but i advise everyone to stay out of this thread and leave this stuff alone.
i usually dont belive in crap like this nor tell people to do, but please listen to me.
not as HBW but as reggie.

seriously. im spooked.
there was a guy in my platoon in bootcamp that said he was pentecostal and seen this old lady that had trouble walking getting possessed by the Holy Ghost and that She started running around church
Sorry dont mean to laugh but this just made me chuckle for some reason. i had a vision of a lady running around in church with a dress and someshox's.
Originally Posted by BobbyBrownpacks

ayo....i swear this.... im outside of a laundry mat smokin a cig and i clicked a youtube video...
and i swear out of no where a moth comes out of nowhere and landed on my arm, chilled, then was going to land on my phone screen.
i ended the video and the moth is nowhere to be seen. i was out here walkin around lookin for it.
no moth.
thats a sign. if its not...then...idk
but i advise everyone to stay out of this thread and leave this stuff alone.
i usually dont belive in crap like this nor tell people to do, but please listen to me.
not as HBW but as reggie.

seriously. im spooked.
you were outside a laundry mat looking for a moth.
Originally Posted by BobbyBrownpacks

ayo....i swear this.... im outside of a laundry mat smokin a cig and i clicked a youtube video...
and i swear out of no where a moth comes out of nowhere and landed on my arm, chilled, then was going to land on my phone screen.
i ended the video and the moth is nowhere to be seen. i was out here walkin around lookin for it.
no moth.
thats a sign. if its not...then...idk
but i advise everyone to stay out of this thread and leave this stuff alone.
i usually dont belive in crap like this nor tell people to do, but please listen to me.
not as HBW but as reggie.

seriously. im spooked.

I actually believe you, I'm laying on my bed on my laptop surfing NT, but when i got to this post, my lower back just got super hot out of nowhere...
dude im in La.
i aint seen a damn moth in months, its not their season and the sun was still out a bit.
shouldnt be a moth.
and i flew away and 5 seconds later i go lookin for it.
aint no damn moths around and the thing came outta the damn blue man.
Weird... not too many stories... I play with the ouiji board all the time...

My school library is haunted. Everytime i take a nap there i get sleep paralysis and have dreams where kids are kicking my couch and i cant wake up quick tostop them. I ALWAYS get a reaction from the board when im there. One of my first times i asked if i was going to buy something that day. The board said socks.I thought that was dumb but later on that day i stepped in a deep puddle, i wasn't going home the next day because I was crashing at a friends house so Iended up buying socks.. It was kinda crazy... Other times the board has been wrong... It told me one of my friends would be dying within the next few months...That never happened... Furthermore everyone i was playing with that day didnt even know my friend... theres no way they could have controlled it to say that.

Another time i was playing with the board and i asked for a sign to show it was real and the light above our table went out. Right after....
And to people who think its fake don't b so quick to dismiss it.. The board works better with the more people who touch it. So if 10 people are touching itand supposedly moving it themselves there would be nooo way to cordinate the answers it gives us... If we asked biggie smalls. "what's tupac'sbest album?" we would have A LOT trouble putting in our own opinion on the subject..
First time users just record the experience and put it on youtube. Its either going to be official or a flake...but whose going to be the ones to tryit
, Not it
For whatever reason I checked this thread again and my eyes got super itchy
Cool thread. I'm bored as hell, and I just read all of it, and there's some pretty cool stuff in here. I'm not going to try it. And for the record,I did it once when I was little and nothing happened.
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