Out of all of the stuff Kanye has done...just how big is the hole he dug?

He aint gon lose no serious points over this, but I wouldnt care if he did. Thats what you get when you trade in your OG core fanbase for that TRL crowd he wanted to be entrenched with so bad. Lets see how they ride for you....

[h1]"Is Kanye the New O.J. ?": The Real Haters Appear, In Order To Protect Taylor Swift's White Womanhood From the Rape…Uh, theRapper.[/h1]
September 14th, 2009 | Controversy,Entertainment, Hip-Hop, Media, Race, TV

Will hip-hop vocalist / producer Kanye West, as one blogger has insightfullyobserved, become the next African-American male to live his public existence as a symbol of the race divide's vitriol? Will he become a scapegoat forwhite obsessions over the threat Blackness purportedly represents?

The virtual flood of racist, expletive-laden tweets that followed the artist's brief rant at last night's MTV Video Music Awards suggest a strong"Yes."

As many know, West interrupted singer Taylor West during her "Best Female Video" honorand acceptance speech, taking the mic to tell her, and all watching, that, "Taylor, I'm really happy for you, I'm gonna let you finish, butBeyoncé had one of the best videos of all-time. One of the best videos of all-time!", referring to Knowles "Single Ladies," which had also beennominated.

West's rude and abortive outburst drew loud, droning catcalls from the audience, while an embarrassed and stunned Swift stood, shocked and still, beforebeing escorted gently from the stage.

As stated on MTV's web site,
According to reports from inside the house, once cameras cut away from the action, West flipped off the crowd and returned to his seat. Wale then said to the crowd, "You can't blame a man for speaking his mind." His words were met with boos, and Wale then said, "Kanye, I tried." During the next commercial break, Pink walked by the rapper and appeared to shake her head in disgust before security escorted her away. West remained steadfast amidst the commotion as he kissed his girlfriend Amber Rose.

West was, shortly afterwards, ejected from the awards show, as he should have been. Later, on stage, Knowles graciously brought out Swift, to let her finishher interrupted statement. (Knowles ultimately won the evening's Video of the Year award.)

West issued an apology on his blog, which was capturedand posted by this journalist before the site, perhaps overwhelmed by visitors, was taken offline.

Apparently, though, the mea culpa wasn't nearly enough. A "Kanye West is a *##+$" T-shirt, above, made an almost instant appearance on the web. (Given his penchant for self-referentialism,my thought was that West might be the first person we'll see wearingone.)


Far more troubling, however, were racist tweets that began to pop up on Twitter, the popular social networking site, posted, as one person observed, bythose "ODing on digital courage"; emboldened by the physical distanceand, often, anonymity the internet provides. (Mediaite's Tommy Christopher has also blogged about this topic, in a post that quotes this writer.) Some, like the one above, represent second thoughts by those thatwrote them. Removed from Twitter's web site, presumably by the authors, they were captured, nonetheless, by caches in other places and then saved by MEDIAASSASSIN.


Many, though, are still up, and new ones are being added, like this post, above, offered early this afternoon, in which 40-year-old David Gerds, ofHayward CA, asks someone to kill Kanye.

Is it legal to urge the murder of another person? Some of these posts call for West to be lynched. All of them refer to West as a"$*$%+%." History has frequently demoed that, when you add a blond, blue-eyed, white female like Swift to that mix, whose honor the mob isduty-bound to protect, somebody Black will inevitably water the courthouse lawn with his blood.

What is most provocative,though, is not that this is taking place in the "post-racial" age of Obama. It's that it's taken so little to move people to use this kind oflanguage, and to do it so unashamedly. "Kayla Larson," right, purportedly of the BayArea, looks like the type of sweet, friendly, neighborhood girl that's a cashier in that teen fashion store in the strip mall near you. (In fact, judgingby the background of her headshot, she may, in fact, do just that.)

I could be wrong, but in her wording and dress, she doesn't strike me as worldly. Certainly, she doesn't come off as sophisticated enough tomomentarily recall that, unless she's working for her parent's business, and plans to do this the rest of her life, posting the kind of statement she has, atop this one, is like posing nude and drunk on Facebook-thesort of activity future employers don't want to see on your resumé.

That someone apparently so doe-like would engage in speech so rancid, though, should hardly be shocking to Black people, based on experience. As well, Isuspect that those white people who say they are surprised by this level of cancer in their holds are, mostly, acting. Race is not a subject people tend todiscuss truthfully in mixed company.

So, what to do about this?

Well, certainly, there's the question of the degree to which any of these tweets violate Twitter'sown terms of service. As well, people on the service can confront, write, or write about these people.

My ongoing call, however, is for non-white people to develop an understanding of race that is meticulous, logical, and systematic. Racism has a sole,functional expression: White supremacy. Racism is not historical. It's futuristic. It is not going away. It is being refined. It isweaponized through deceit, secrecy, and violence, in that order. It's chief tools are not clubs, bullets, or nooses, butwords.

Most of all, however, those white people who say they are not racists, or that they are against racism, should beclearing race from the paths of Black people, like snowplows going through highway drifts. By doing nothing, or doing nothing effective, they cast racistsuspicion on themselves through their inertness. The practice of white supremacy is a system, and it involves people giving all kinds safe harbor toracists-physical, social, financial, emotional, relational, hierarchical, psychological, etc.

A commonly noted form of psychological harbor is given, for example, when one white person refuses to confront another white person whotells a racist joke, right, while not in the company of Black people. I've been in situations where, later, say, after a lecture, a white person will relaydetails of this, or some other sort of racism they've observed.

"What is the name and title of the person who did this?" I say. "Um…well, I don't really want to say their name," they respond."Who are you trying to protect?" I might then ask. In other words, this is just one way that secrecy works in the system of race: White peoplecovering for each other. There are many, many, many more.

Some will offer that, if there is any consolation in any of this, it's that most of the twitterers putting up these statements are sparsely followed.(Kayla has 16.) Of course, the fact that white people are the planetary minority, yet the racists dominate everything non-white people think, say, and doshould tell you that some minroities are the Effective Majority.

I've collected some of these tweets for your study. This sampling, of course, is by no means exhaustive, for the web, generally, or even for Twitter. AsMediasite notes, the first tweet they were able to find was posted sometimearound or after 9 pm, Sunday night. I'm fairly certain the earliest one I obtained was sent hours after that. In any event, Kanye, watch your back. As forthe rest of you, like they say at the VMAs, enjoy the show.



















People really forget that twitter is just as public as facebook...

I hope those people aren't looking for jobs anytime soon...a simple search would dead those chances ASAP...
idk what to think w/ some of those twitter comments. well, i guess as mad as people are kanye managed to get all that hated what he did.

i don't support what he did to taylor swift but i almost want to support the act after the twitter comments.

another reason why MTV is garbage.
Not to come to these d--ckheads defense but sometimes with the internet there's a magnification of a previous undercurrent. There are plenty of racists outthere of various ethnic backgrounds but the internet helps to magnify and maybe even overstate racism... I mean for most of these tweets the person probablydid a search for "Kanye N---r" and see all these but if you were to type in just "Kanye" the ratio of tweets using N-word to those withoutprobably is much smaller. The a-sholes are just regular racists that are concealed within society. Go to Youtube and see comments from the Serena Williams spatwith the referee and its the same thing..
Originally Posted by rocyaice

I don't get the up roar. Had Kanye did this %!% to a sista nobody would care. But he does it to a lil' country girl and dudes are in a uproar. Its not even that serious. He did the same %!% to Justice and no one cared lol. Maybe because it was overseas I guess. Hell Kanye helped Taylor Swift out because all I heard today was "I didn't even know who the hell Taylor Swift was". Hell her people are probably estatic by this as is Beyonce's.
right because thats the way Taylor wanted her name to be on everyones lips after the award show....even tho she did win the award...

and no reasoning can defend anyone's racist remarks...its just that moments like these that brings out people's true colors...but we all kno its easyfor people tohide behind a computer screen
Come on fam... Lets be serious. This isn't that Eminem stunt from last years movie awards, nothing was being promoted there was no reason for this stunt to be pulled. Did you see the look on that girls face? Did you see her body language? She was totally dejected, there was nothing in her that showed that she was built/equiped to handle something like that. She looked like the entire school had just saw her butt naked or something like of that nature. For him to do that to her on her 1st award ever received was some extra scum of the earth *@#+.

This is the same person who has cried on tv for feeling like his work wasn't respected... CRIED, THREW A %%**!+$ TANTRUM ON CAMERA Because he felt like they ruined his performance!!! Yet he turns around and does this to a new artist. Its not about his status in music, ##%# his music right now, its about his character as man, and unfortunately for him he has shown that he has none time and time again.

Like I said.
That temper tantrum was planned too. Kanye's whole career has been based on stunts like these. His career hasn't been some spur of themoment +*!. He plans this +*! out. Now did he plan out the Sunday show? I don't know. I just find it odd how Kanye is allowed to go up on stage without anysecurity stopping him and allowed to take a microphone from Taylor Swift and Taylor Swift is "stunned" to the point she can't speak. Then Beyoncetells Taylor to come on stage and get her moment and surprisingly Taylor is back stage waiting to come up.

And I don't feel for Taylor. Dudes are over here crying on some feminine +*!. I'm not speaking to you specifically but this +*! is getting out of hand.Joe Wilson goes at the president and you don't hear +*! about it. Chris Brown whooped Rihanna's $++ and Kanye is getting more backlash than any of theabove. This is ridiculous. Our society is all f'd up. What did Pink have to say when Joe Wilson heckled the president? Not a damn thing. I'm notdefending what Kanye did but he embarassed a 18 year old girl. He didn't kill one.
this was a win for Kanye. Yall just gon keep talking about it..and talking about it...and talking about it

Its not that serious.
Hell Kanye helped Taylor Swift out because all I heard today was "I didn't even know who the hell Taylor Swift was". Hell her people are probably estatic by this as is Beyonce's.
Originally Posted by SylvesterMcGrizzly

Originally Posted by rocyaice

I don't get the up roar. Had Kanye did this %!% to a sista nobody would care. But he does it to a lil' country girl and dudes are in a uproar. Its not even that serious. He did the same %!% to Justice and no one cared lol. Maybe because it was overseas I guess. Hell Kanye helped Taylor Swift out because all I heard today was "I didn't even know who the hell Taylor Swift was". Hell her people are probably estatic by this as is Beyonce's.
right because thats the way Taylor wanted her name to be on everyones lips after the award show....even tho she did win the award...

and no reasoning can defend anyone's racist remarks...its just that moments like these that brings out people's true colors...but we all kno its easy for people tohide behind a computer screen
Doesn't Taylor have a album coming out? I didn't really know who she was. Nobody I knew no who she was. And as of today? Everyone I knowknows who she is. I'm not really serious about this big "conspiracy theory" but I just said it wouldn't shock me.
Originally Posted by rocyaice

Come on fam... Lets be serious. This isn't that Eminem stunt from last years movie awards, nothing was being promoted there was no reason for this stunt to be pulled. Did you see the look on that girls face? Did you see her body language? She was totally dejected, there was nothing in her that showed that she was built/equiped to handle something like that. She looked like the entire school had just saw her butt naked or something like of that nature. For him to do that to her on her 1st award ever received was some extra scum of the earth *@#+.

This is the same person who has cried on tv for feeling like his work wasn't respected... CRIED, THREW A %%**!+$ TANTRUM ON CAMERA Because he felt like they ruined his performance!!! Yet he turns around and does this to a new artist. Its not about his status in music, ##%# his music right now, its about his character as man, and unfortunately for him he has shown that he has none time and time again.

Like I said.
That temper tantrum was planned too. Kanye's whole career has been based on stunts like these. His career hasn't been some spur of the moment +*!. He plans this +*! out. Now did he plan out the Sunday show? I don't know. I just find it odd how Kanye is allowed to go up on stage without any security stopping him and allowed to take a microphone from Taylor Swift and Taylor Swift is "stunned" to the point she can't speak. Then Beyonce tells Taylor to come on stage and get her moment and surprisingly Taylor is back stage waiting to come up.

And I don't feel for Taylor. Dudes are over here crying on some feminine +*!. I'm not speaking to you specifically but this +*! is getting out of hand. Joe Wilson goes at the president and you don't hear +*! about it. Chris Brown whooped Rihanna's $++ and Kanye is getting more backlash than any of the above. This is ridiculous. Our society is all f'd up. What did Pink have to say when Joe Wilson heckled the president? Not a damn thing. I'm not defending what Kanye did but he embarassed a 18 year old girl. He didn't kill one.

You 100 with that statement, we were discussing that in the thread in General, a boy made that same exact point and I had to put in my facebook status. Although I still don't condone or excuse his actions, the level of antimosity is extremely unwarranted it just shows that people have been itching forsomething to happen so they can vent their racist mind frame.
Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

Originally Posted by rocyaice

Come on fam... Lets be serious. This isn't that Eminem stunt from last years movie awards, nothing was being promoted there was no reason for this stunt to be pulled. Did you see the look on that girls face? Did you see her body language? She was totally dejected, there was nothing in her that showed that she was built/equiped to handle something like that. She looked like the entire school had just saw her butt naked or something like of that nature. For him to do that to her on her 1st award ever received was some extra scum of the earth *@#+.

This is the same person who has cried on tv for feeling like his work wasn't respected... CRIED, THREW A %%**!+$ TANTRUM ON CAMERA Because he felt like they ruined his performance!!! Yet he turns around and does this to a new artist. Its not about his status in music, ##%# his music right now, its about his character as man, and unfortunately for him he has shown that he has none time and time again.

Like I said.
That temper tantrum was planned too. Kanye's whole career has been based on stunts like these. His career hasn't been some spur of the moment +*!. He plans this +*! out. Now did he plan out the Sunday show? I don't know. I just find it odd how Kanye is allowed to go up on stage without any security stopping him and allowed to take a microphone from Taylor Swift and Taylor Swift is "stunned" to the point she can't speak. Then Beyonce tells Taylor to come on stage and get her moment and surprisingly Taylor is back stage waiting to come up.

And I don't feel for Taylor. Dudes are over here crying on some feminine +*!. I'm not speaking to you specifically but this +*! is getting out of hand. Joe Wilson goes at the president and you don't hear +*! about it. Chris Brown whooped Rihanna's $++ and Kanye is getting more backlash than any of the above. This is ridiculous. Our society is all f'd up. What did Pink have to say when Joe Wilson heckled the president? Not a damn thing. I'm not defending what Kanye did but he embarassed a 18 year old girl. He didn't kill one.

You 100 with that statement, we were discussing that in the thread in General, a boy made that same exact point and I had to put in my facebook status. Although I still don't condone or excuse his actions, the level of antimosity is extremely unwarranted it just shows that people have been itching for something to happen so they can vent their racist mind frame.
Yea its sad. I didn't think something as frivolous as this would bring peoples true colors out. But I guess they've just been waiting forthat "white girl vs. black guy" fight to come. They got it.
Seymore CAKE wrote:
rocyaice wrote:
Come on fam... Lets be serious. This isn't that Eminem stunt from last years movie awards, nothing was being promoted there was no reason for this stunt to be pulled. Did you see the look on that girls face? Did you see her body language? She was totally dejected, there was nothing in her that showed that she was built/equiped to handle something like that. She looked like the entire school had just saw her butt naked or something like of that nature. For him to do that to her on her 1st award ever received was some extra scum of the earth *@#+.

This is the same person who has cried on tv for feeling like his work wasn't respected... CRIED, THREW A %%**!+$ TANTRUM ON CAMERA Because he felt like they ruined his performance!!! Yet he turns around and does this to a new artist. Its not about his status in music, ##%# his music right now, its about his character as man, and unfortunately for him he has shown that he has none time and time again.

Like I said.
That temper tantrum was planned too. Kanye's whole career has been based on stunts like these. His career hasn't been some spur of the moment +*!. He plans this +*! out. Now did he plan out the Sunday show? I don't know. I just find it odd how Kanye is allowed to go up on stage without any security stopping him and allowed to take a microphone from Taylor Swift and Taylor Swift is "stunned" to the point she can't speak. Then Beyonce tells Taylor to come on stage and get her moment and surprisingly Taylor is back stage waiting to come up.

And I don't feel for Taylor. Dudes are over here crying on some feminine +*!. I'm not speaking to you specifically but this +*! is getting out of hand. Joe Wilson goes at the president and you don't hear +*! about it. Chris Brown whooped Rihanna's $++ and Kanye is getting more backlash than any of the above. This is ridiculous. Our society is all f'd up. What did Pink have to say when Joe Wilson heckled the president? Not a damn thing. I'm not defending what Kanye did but he embarassed a 18 year old girl. He didn't kill one.

You 100 with that statement, we were discussing that in the thread in General, a boy made that same exact point and I had to put in my facebook status. Although I still don't condone or excuse his actions, the level of antimosity is extremely unwarranted it just shows that people have been itching for something to happen so they can vent their racist mind frame.

I don't agree...
that Joe Wilson +*@+ was the biggest piece of news on all the big news stations...
and everybody but crazy right wingers said he was wrong and basically condemned what he did...
and don't give me chris brown...
He got killed for months over that +*@+ (he deserved it though)...
Its only been 2 days...give it to the weekend no one will be talking about it by the time Sunday comes around...
Originally Posted by Dapper D

Seymore CAKE wrote:
rocyaice wrote:
Come on fam... Lets be serious. This isn't that Eminem stunt from last years movie awards, nothing was being promoted there was no reason for this stunt to be pulled. Did you see the look on that girls face? Did you see her body language? She was totally dejected, there was nothing in her that showed that she was built/equiped to handle something like that. She looked like the entire school had just saw her butt naked or something like of that nature. For him to do that to her on her 1st award ever received was some extra scum of the earth *@#+.

This is the same person who has cried on tv for feeling like his work wasn't respected... CRIED, THREW A %%**!+$ TANTRUM ON CAMERA Because he felt like they ruined his performance!!! Yet he turns around and does this to a new artist. Its not about his status in music, ##%# his music right now, its about his character as man, and unfortunately for him he has shown that he has none time and time again.

Like I said.
That temper tantrum was planned too. Kanye's whole career has been based on stunts like these. His career hasn't been some spur of the moment +*!. He plans this +*! out. Now did he plan out the Sunday show? I don't know. I just find it odd how Kanye is allowed to go up on stage without any security stopping him and allowed to take a microphone from Taylor Swift and Taylor Swift is "stunned" to the point she can't speak. Then Beyonce tells Taylor to come on stage and get her moment and surprisingly Taylor is back stage waiting to come up.

And I don't feel for Taylor. Dudes are over here crying on some feminine +*!. I'm not speaking to you specifically but this +*! is getting out of hand. Joe Wilson goes at the president and you don't hear +*! about it. Chris Brown whooped Rihanna's $++ and Kanye is getting more backlash than any of the above. This is ridiculous. Our society is all f'd up. What did Pink have to say when Joe Wilson heckled the president? Not a damn thing. I'm not defending what Kanye did but he embarassed a 18 year old girl. He didn't kill one.

You 100 with that statement, we were discussing that in the thread in General, a boy made that same exact point and I had to put in my facebook status. Although I still don't condone or excuse his actions, the level of antimosity is extremely unwarranted it just shows that people have been itching for something to happen so they can vent their racist mind frame.

I don't agree...
that Joe Wilson +*@+ was the biggest piece of news on all the big news stations...
and everybody but crazy right wingers said he was wrong and basically condemned what he did...
and don't give me chris brown...
He got killed for months over that +*@+ (he deserved it though)...
Its only been 2 days...give it to the weekend no one will be talking about it by the time Sunday comes around...

I didn't hear it. I saw girls blaiming Rihanna for not dodging Chris's fist. On some real !+%. And with Joe Wilson......he did get somebacklash. But nothing like Kanye is and what he did? That !+% is against the law. What he did was 10x's worse than what Kanye did. The backlash lasted 2days partly because people from his own party crucified him. Yet, we're on the third day and the racist comments are still here and 50, Pink and KellyClarkson are still talking about this !+%. If Taylor forgives the dude why the hell can't anyone else? Its ridiculous.What Kanye did doesn't evenwarrant an apology. Its bogus. Its like i'm in a different world. On some serious !+%. Its amazing the priority's we have in this country and i'mnot one of these dudes who just rambles about this country's flaws but i've never seen it so evident until now.
Originally Posted by lilpro4u

^he needs to be focused on wars, health care, the country's financial collapse, alternative energy, etc. Shouldn't even have commentedabout the event in any way. we really don't need the leader of the so-called "free world" commenting about Kanye's behavior on MTV. Lasttime i checked there was a crazy body count in Iraq and Afghanistan. get your priorities straight Barack.
A majority of the people that gave those Twitter comments were most likely in DC this past weekend.
geegee wrote:
lilpro4u wrote:

^he needs to be focused on wars, health care, the country's financial collapse, alternative energy, etc. Shouldn't even have commented about the event in any way. we really don't need the leader of the so-called "free world" commenting about Kanye's behavior on MTV. Last time i checked there was a crazy body count in Iraq and Afghanistan. get your priorities straight Barack.

Are you serious? You think that he shouldn't answer any question that asked to him if its not related to public policy? Not to mention it was duringdowntime off the record while they were waiting for the set up to finish so they could start the interview. You don't think he deserves to be a humanbeing G? Were you saying that about Bush, who's the reason that body count is as high as it is in the first place, posted up in Beijing for the Olympics? Are You Serious?
Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

geegee wrote:
lilpro4u wrote:
^he needs to be focused on wars, health care, the country's financial collapse, alternative energy, etc. Shouldn't even have commented about the event in any way. we really don't need the leader of the so-called "free world" commenting about Kanye's behavior on MTV. Last time i checked there was a crazy body count in Iraq and Afghanistan. get your priorities straight Barack.

Are you serious? You think that he shouldn't answer any question that asked to him if its not related to public policy? Not to mention it was during downtime off the record while they were waiting for the set up to finish so they could start the interview. You don't think he deserves to be a human being G? Were you saying that about Bush, who's the reason that body count is as high as it is in the first place, posted up in Beijing for the Olympics? Are You Serious?

I agree my dude
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