Out Of These Declining NBA Players, Who Has The Best Chance To Bounce Back?

Jan 27, 2001
Earlier this week, back-to-back zero point games for the first time ever in the pros. He's no longer a starter and his 8 ppg on 44% fg are both thelowest ever in his career.


Scoring, steals, rebounds, assists, and fg% have been dropping for this guy for the past 3-4 seasons. Currently giving his team 13 ppg and a little over 7 apgwith his to's still hovering over 3 a game.
. At this rate, hiscareer 14 ppg and 8 apg averages with ZERO championship appearances are definitely not HOF-worthy.


Rebounds are still solid. But what happened to this guy's scoring (10 ppg) ft% (61%)
and fg%? Even worse, the one thing you could always count on (his steals) areanemic. His assists? ONE per game. His minutes are slightly down. And Wade has been beasting. He's also suffered through a broken nose and a groin injury.Oh, and he's 32. But damn, I was one guy who didn't think it was the system in Phx that made him who he was. He would be my voteto finish with the best season out of these players listed.


Career lows or near-career lows in ppg, fg%, ft%, and 3pt%. He's playing about 2 minutes less per game than last year. But wow...


Played out of his mind to get that fat contract. Ever since then, his shooting/scoring numbers have been sliding. He's making up for it by hitting theboards and getting more steals. But is this the start of his "decline"?


7 rpg and 3 ppg??? Former defensive player of the year. His minutes and production have been heading south for like FIVE years now.


5 ppg, 2 apg, on 32% shooting after giving you 13 ppg a year ago and 17 per game two years ago. His only positive stat this year is that his ft% is a stellar100%.....

On 2-2 shooting.


And finally, it hurts me to type this. As a matter of fact, I originally left him off this list. But the numbers can't be denied. His ppg is the lowest inalmost 10 years. His rebounds are the lowest since his rookie season... in which he played SIXTEEN less minutes per game.
His fg% is the worst EVER. A man who once averaged 2 blocks per game for anentire season has just two TOTAL blocks this season so far.



But if I must put T-Mac on this list, then this guy deserves a place right next to him. From 20 ppg to 12 this year so far. Fg% and ft% at abysmal levels.


- I didn't mention KG or Jesus because both of those guys' numbers dropping are the result of them now sharing the ball with PP.
- I didn't mention Shaq b/c he's actually putting up similar or BETTER numbers so far this year than he did last year. Ditto Kidd.
- I didn't include Dirk b/c his numbers (while in decline) are still solid across the board.
- Kirk Hinrich was not mentioned b/c he will never get the chance to "bounce back" as long as Rose is there.
- Barbosa wasn't mentioned b/c I didn't want ppl to think I was picking on the Suns.

So anyway, who gets your vote as best candidate to "bounce back" this year??
Come on CP, I wanna hear what you have to say.

And no, Iggy isn't declining. Like I said, I only put him there cuz I had to put T-Mac (who IS declining).
At first I thought you were gonna go through the entire Suns roster, present and past

I'd say AI2 and possibly TMac. Andre is still pretty young and the season is barely luke warm. Tracy is Tracy and we've seen on occassion this seasonwhat he's capable of, plus I don't think he's 100% physically and mentally yet. By the end of the year (if his back holds up
) he should be back to the TMac of old.
You didn't put kobe on the list who is declining but other than that, the list is on point. Ray is on the decline, Kg is as well, allen iverson maybe butit seems like we might see a epiphany in his career with the pistons.
Even though he isn't a good shooter the sixers have been slowing down because they got Brand. Plus Young is breaking out
i think all this is affecting his numbers. He gets most his points intransition.
Iguodala's numbers are just a result of the team system. Brand and Miller are the primary options, and Thaddeus has emerged as a scoring threat. Somenights, Iggy's a fourth option.

Rashard Lewis' numbers don't surprise me at all. He never really had spectacular scoring numbers. Even in Seattle, his scoring numbers were very tame.

Grant Hill is in his 15th season. His "decline" was expected. As is some of the others on your list.

Tracy McGrady is such an anomaly. I don't even know what to say.

I think you should add STEPHON MARBURY to the list.
You didn't put Ron Artest out there SHUGES?

But yeah, I thought you were going through the Suns past and present lineups... very deceiving.

Out of that list, I want to say that Rashard Lewis and Andre Iguodala are capable of coming out of their "decline". Rashard isn't old yet and Ithink he's getting judged too harshly because of his fat contract. Andre needs to learn how to play alongside Brand and I think he learn before thisseason's over.
- Nash. Hands down. He's so fundamentally sound, that as his athleticism/speed/agility continue to become less evident, his shooting, and passing skills,as well as ability to run the floor, will keep him a top 5-7 pg in the league.
Originally Posted by justhotkicks

Iguodala's numbers are just a result of the team system. Brand and Miller are the primary options, and Thaddeus has emerged as a scoring threat. Some nights, Iggy's a fourth option.

Rashard Lewis' numbers don't surprise me at all. He never really had spectacular scoring numbers. Even in Seattle, his scoring numbers were very tame.

Grant Hill is in his 15th season. His "decline" was expected. As is some of the others on your list.

Tracy McGrady is such an anomaly. I don't even know what to say.

I think you should add STEPHON MARBURY to the list.
I was expecting Steph to be on the list too.
Originally Posted by doyung9

- Nash. Hands down. He's so fundamentally sound, that as his athleticism/speed/agility continue to become less evident, his shooting, and passing skills, as well as ability to run the floor, will keep him a top 5-7 pg in the league.
Good point. Add Steve Nash to my list.
Ok, but if I get banned, it's your fault.

Nash, Marion, Peja, TMac, and another Sun in Hill........all you need are some Blazers and Bibby and you'd have picked every player in the NBA that drivesme nuts.

Hill is a shell of himself, I think he's just playing out the string. Nash and TMac are who they are, but the sun is setting on them. Peja I think is alittle nicked up, I'll give him a pass for now, but if he doesn't come out of it soon, I'd be worried. He has CP3 setting him up, no reason to notknock down shots. Marion is a Suns system guy. Been tellin Zo forever, he don't wanna listen, well now he's getting exposed.

So, that leaves Lewis. I'd say he is young enough and talented enough to get it going again, in fact i think he had a decent game yesterday, so I thinkhe'll be the one that has the best season out of all the players listed.

And Shaq has looked great the last couple games. Props to that man.
But you ain't comin back to LA doggie.
Originally Posted by doyung9

- Nash. Hands down. He's so fundamentally sound, that as his athleticism/speed/agility continue to become less evident, his shooting, and passing skills, as well as ability to run the floor, will keep him a top 5-7 pg in the league.
exactly what i was going to say
Originally Posted by SHUGES

Earlier this week, back-to-back zero point games for the first time ever in the pros. He's no longer a starter and his 8 ppg on 44% fg are both the lowest ever in his career.


Scoring, steals, rebounds, assists, and fg% have been dropping for this guy for the past 3-4 seasons. Currently giving his team 13 ppg and a little over 7 apg with his to's still hovering over 3 a game.
. At this rate, his career 14 ppg and 8 apg averages with ZERO championship appearances are definitely not HOF-worthy.


Rebounds are still solid. But what happened to this guy's scoring (10 ppg) ft% (61%)
and fg%? Even worse, the one thing you could always count on (his steals) are anemic. His assists? ONE per game. His minutes are slightly down. And Wade has been beasting. He's also suffered through a broken nose and a groin injury. Oh, and he's 32. But damn, I was one guy who didn't think it was the system in Phx that made him who he was. He would be my vote to finish with the best season out of these players listed.


Career lows or near-career lows in ppg, fg%, ft%, and 3pt%. He's playing about 2 minutes less per game than last year. But wow...


Played out of his mind to get that fat contract. Ever since then, his shooting/scoring numbers have been sliding. He's making up for it by hitting the boards and getting more steals. But is this the start of his "decline"?


7 rpg and 3 ppg??? Former defensive player of the year. His minutes and production have been heading south for like FIVE years now.


5 ppg, 2 apg, on 32% shooting after giving you 13 ppg a year ago and 17 per game two years ago. His only positive stat this year is that his ft% is a stellar 100%.....

On 2-2 shooting.


And finally, it hurts me to type this. As a matter of fact, I originally left him off this list. But the numbers can't be denied. His ppg is the lowest in almost 10 years. His rebounds are the lowest since his rookie season... in which he played SIXTEEN less minutes per game.
His fg% is the worst EVER. A man who once averaged 2 blocks per game for an entire season has just two TOTAL blocks this season so far.



But if I must put T-Mac on this list, then this guy deserves a place right next to him. From 20 ppg to 12 this year so far. Fg% and ft% at abysmal levels.


- I didn't mention KG or Jesus because both of those guys' numbers dropping are the result of them now sharing the ball with PP.
- I didn't mention Shaq b/c he's actually putting up similar or BETTER numbers so far this year than he did last year. Ditto Kidd.
- I didn't include Dirk b/c his numbers (while in decline) are still solid across the board.
- Kirk Hinrich was not mentioned b/c he will never get the chance to "bounce back" as long as Rose is there.
- Barbosa wasn't mentioned b/c I didn't want ppl to think I was picking on the Suns.

So anyway, who gets your vote as best candidate to "bounce back" this year??
SHUGES...my dude, how could you?!?!?!? How could you put Tmac up there?
Naw i'm playing with you. First name that came to mind before I evenentered this thread was Tmac when i saw the word "declining players."

I think Grant Hill can still contribute but not at a high rate. With the inconsistent minutes he gets in Phoenix, it's hard for him to get a rhythm.

Steve Nash - It must be the system that takes some time to get used to cause i STILL believe Steve Nash has a lot of game in him left. Dude is one of the bestshooting PGs EVER, imo and is a great passer.

Shawn Marion has ALWAYS been an overrated player to me. He pretty much proved it to me when he was getting OWNED, SONNED and whatever other word you can usefor someone getting abused by Lamar Odom....................................on a BROKEN LEG in the playoffs couple years ago.

Peja should bounce back playing with a NBA STUD in CP3

Rashard- Not really sure what to say. He's just really streaky.

Ben and Ricky
Ben i'm shocked though that he's declined thismuch since leaving Detroit. I thought he was gonna take the Bulls deep in the playoffs when he was with them. Ricky was always wack to me. I see JR Smithheading down that Ricky path for some reason.

Iggy i think just needs to get used to playing with Brand. He should be fine.

Barbosa I feel is struggling because of the sickness and now death(RIP) of his mother. Hopefully he could bounce back but i know if i was to ever lose my mom,
man i dont even wanna think about it, but it'll be the TOUGHESTthing EVER by FAR for me to bounce back from.

Now onto Tmac....i HONESTLY feel while he won't ever be the Orlando Tmac ever again, i still believe he will be fine. I think right now, he's justclearly not 100%. Will he ever get back to 100% is the question. I mean, he shows signs of some vintage Tmac (Portland game and Phoenix game) but he'sbecome VERY streaky.

I guess to answer your question, i'd go with Steve Nash bouncing back.
Originally Posted by shoeking2101

You didn't put kobe on the list who is declining

Kobe isn't declining that's why. He's playing with Bynum and Gasol now, as well as the younger players on his team are beginning to emerge. Ihaven't seen anything that would cause me to think he's declining though.

I don't think Iggy is declining either, and Nash will bounce back IMO.
Originally Posted by shoeking2101

You didn't put kobe on the list who is declining but other than that, the list is on point. Ray is on the decline, Kg is as well, allen iverson maybe but it seems like we might see a epiphany in his career with the pistons.
kobe is declining? didn't he just win the MVP last season?

was that a serious comment?
Originally Posted by Paul Is On Tilt

You didn't put Ron Artest out there SHUGES?
I strongly considered it. But his numbers across the board (3pt, ft, steals, rpg) are all still pretty good. The only thing that he'ssuffering in is ppg and that's b/c his fg% is so low. So it stands to reason that once his fg% goes from 33% back to the 40's, his scoring will returnto normal.

Originally Posted by nycknicks105

Originally Posted by justhotkicks

I think you should add STEPHON MARBURY to the list.
I was expecting Steph to be on the list too.

True. Steph should be added. His scoring, assists, rebounds, and fg% have all dropped since '05. All that while his minutes went UP last year compared to'05-'06. So yeah, Steph's pic should be added to this post.


Originally Posted by CP1708

And Shaq has looked great the last couple games. Props to that man.
But you ain't comin back to LA doggie.

Shaq definitely gets props. Never thought I'd see a game like he had last night ever again.

Originally Posted by OneTrust

SHUGES...my dude, how could you?!?!?!? How could you put Tmac up there?
Naw i'm playing with you. First name that came to mind before I even entered this thread was Tmac when i saw the word "declining players."

I think Grant Hill can still contribute but not at a high rate. With the inconsistent minutes he gets in Phoenix, it's hard for him to get a rhythm.

Steve Nash - It must be the system that takes some time to get used to cause i STILL believe Steve Nash has a lot of game in him left. Dude is one of the best shooting PGs EVER, imo and is a great passer.

Shawn Marion has ALWAYS been an overrated player to me. He pretty much proved it to me when he was getting OWNED, SONNED and whatever other word you can use for someone getting abused by Lamar Odom....................................on a BROKEN LEG in the playoffs couple years ago.

Peja should bounce back playing with a NBA STUD in CP3

Rashard- Not really sure what to say. He's just really streaky.

Ben and Ricky
Ben i'm shocked though that he's declined this much since leaving Detroit. I thought he was gonna take the Bulls deep in the playoffs when he was with them. Ricky was always wack to me. I see JR Smith heading down that Ricky path for some reason.

Iggy i think just needs to get used to playing with Brand. He should be fine.

Barbosa I feel is struggling because of the sickness and now death(RIP) of his mother. Hopefully he could bounce back but i know if i was to ever lose my mom,
man i dont even wanna think about it, but it'll be the TOUGHEST thing EVER by FAR for me to bounce back from.

Now onto Tmac....i HONESTLY feel while he won't ever be the Orlando Tmac ever again, i still believe he will be fine. I think right now, he's just clearly not 100%. Will he ever get back to 100% is the question. I mean, he shows signs of some vintage Tmac (Portland game and Phoenix game) but he's become VERY streaky.

I guess to answer your question, i'd go with Steve Nash bouncing back.

Man, you know it hurt to put T-Mac up there.
I do think he'll bounce back though. But I couldn't leave him off the list. Maybe calling him outwill light a small fire under him.
At this point, I'd take 18-6-6from him.

I agree about Nash being one of the best shooting pg's ever, but he looks TERRIBLE this year so far. He's not young and he has a history of backproblems. It's tough seeing him return to elite status again. Especially with a new offense. But if anybody can do it, it's him.

I forgot about Barbosa's mom. He gets an easy pass from me under those circumstances.

P.S. No Warriors made the list!
Most of the players listed have lower numbers, but better teammates and teams. So it is not so much that they are declining, but their teams getting better:

T-Mac: added Artest
Iggy: added EB
Marion: now plays with D-Wade and Beasley (so obviously he's not touching the ball much)
Nash: added Shaq and a coach playing towards his weakness rather than his strengths.
Originally Posted by SHUGES

Scoring, steals, rebounds, assists, and fg% have been dropping for this guy for the past 3-4 seasons. Currently giving his team 13 ppg and a little over 7 apg with his to's still hovering over 3 a game.
. At this rate, his career 14 ppg and 8 apg averages with ZERO championship appearances are definitely not HOF-worthy.


3 and 4 years ago this man was the MVP.

this thread.
[table][tr][td]Career[/td] [td][/td] [td]FG[/td] [td][/td] [td]3PT[/td] [td][/td] [td]FT[/td] [td][/td] [td]Rebounds[/td] [td][/td] [td]Misc[/td] [/tr][tr][td] Year[/td] [td]Team[/td] [td]G[/td] [td]Min [/td] [td]M[/td] [td]A[/td] [td]Pct[/td] [td] [/td] [td]M[/td] [td]A[/td] [td]Pct[/td] [td] [/td] [td]M[/td] [td]A[/td] [td]Pct[/td] [td] [/td] [td]Off[/td] [td]Def[/td] [td]Tot[/td] [td] [/td] [td]Ast[/td] [td]TO[/td] [td]Stl[/td] [td]Blk[/td] [td]PF[/td] [td]PPG[/td] [/tr][/table]

[table][tr][td]2005-06[/td] [td]PHO[/td] [td]79[/td] [td]35:23 [/td] [td]6.9[/td] [td]13.4[/td] [td]51.2[/td] [td] [/td] [td]1.9[/td] [td]4.3[/td] [td]43.9[/td] [td] [/td] [td]3.3[/td] [td]3.5[/td] [td]92.1[/td] [td] [/td] [td]0.6[/td] [td]3.6[/td] [td]4.2[/td] [td] [/td] [td]10.5[/td] [td]3.5[/td] [td]0.8[/td] [td]0.2[/td] [td]1.5[/td] [td]18.9[/td] [td] [/td] [/tr][tr][td] 2006-07[/td] [td]PHO[/td] [td]76[/td] [td]35:17 [/td] [td]6.8[/td] [td]12.8[/td] [td]53.2[/td] [td] [/td] [td]2.1[/td] [td]4.5[/td] [td]45.5[/td] [td] [/td] [td]2.9[/td] [td]3.3[/td] [td]89.9[/td] [td] [/td] [td]0.4[/td] [td]3.1[/td] [td]3.5[/td] [td] [/td] [td]11.6[/td] [td]3.8[/td] [td]0.8[/td] [td]0.1[/td] [td]1.5[/td] [td]18.6[/td] [td] [/td] [/tr][tr][td] 2007-08[/td] [td]PHO[/td] [td]81[/td] [td]34:17 [/td] [td]6.0[/td] [td]11.9[/td] [td]50.4[/td] [td] [/td] [td]2.2[/td] [td]4.7[/td] [td]47.0[/td] [td] [/td] [td]2.7[/td] [td]3.0[/td] [td]90.6[/td] [td] [/td] [td]0.4[/td] [td]3.1[/td] [td]3.5[/td] [td] [/td] [td]11.1[/td] [td]3.6[/td] [td]0.7[/td] [td]0.1[/td] [td]1.4[/td] [td]16.9[/td] [td] [/td] [/tr][tr][td] 2008-09[/td] [td]PHO[/td] [td]9[/td] [td]32:00 [/td] [td]4.3[/td] [td]9.6[/td] [td]45.4[/td] [td] [/td] [td]1.4[/td] [td]3.0[/td] [td]48.2[/td] [td] [/td] [td]3.2[/td] [td]3.7[/td] [td]87.9[/td] [td] [/td] [td]0.1[/td] [td]2.7[/td] [td]2.8[/td] [td] [/td] [td]7.4[/td] [td]3.3[/td] [td]0.4[/td] [td]0.1[/td] [td]0.7[/td] [td]13.3[/td] [td] [/td] [/tr][/table]

Yeah, I meant the past 2-3 seasons. Sue me.

Obviously, NO player will ever maintain an elite level of play forever. But the point of the thread is that just about all of these guys are in decline in someway or another. And I just wanted to know who has the best chance of looking like a "star" again once the season is done.
Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

Originally Posted by shoeking2101

You didn't put kobe on the list who is declining but other than that, the list is on point. Ray is on the decline, Kg is as well, allen iverson maybe but it seems like we might see a epiphany in his career with the pistons.
kobe is declining? didn't he just win the MVP last season?

was that a serious comment?

Bean is on the decline. Just look at the way that he plays now. Shots are shorter, the acrobatic moves he used to be able to make, he doesn't do them asmuch. Doesn't drive as much anymore especially this year, just his style of play is different to me. Maybe its just me. But you guys will see. He is such agreat player, that even when he started to decline, he started to score more because of his wicked J. But even now, as evident by this season, his J is failinghim.

True he does have a great team around him now, so his decline isn't as evident, so Im probably talking to myself but its as evident as ever to me
anyone just do a real quick skip over when they saw Ricky Davis?

Iguodala he's not on the decline and the Sixers are trying to improve so I'm sure he's comprising parts of his game - so I'll pick him.
i feel sad for grant hill's career
rashard lewis is declining, his level of play has been doo-doo ever since he scored that 100 mil contract. and likesomeone said above, shawn marion has ALWAYS been overrated in my book. its too early to tell though.
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