OVERRATED MOVIES? *flamesuits must be worn beyond this point*

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utter crap.

"action" movie masquerading as sci-fi. 

so many plot holes.


pocahontas with aliens. boring. 
I don't think anything is overrated when it's opinion based because if a lot of people love it and you

don't, that just means a lot of people love it and you don't. There's no stats to back up what it SHOULD

be rated. That's just how I look at it. With that said, a movie that's held in high regard that I didn't like: Silence of the Lambs

a lot of people (on this board and others) get their kneepads out for christopher nolan.
Woah woah....woah. Second trilogy maybe but the original trilogy??


I also kinda agree with the Nolan Batman thing. Christian Bale as Batman is on the verge of being comically bad. The Dark Knight is the only one of those that I would consider above average and we all know who's responsible for that.
any and every transformers movie 
did you go into those movies expecting anything more than robots beating each other up? if so, then that was the problem. 
the inconsistency in the story lines, like one movie OP struggles to fight off a single decepticon and in the next he's winning 1v5. the third movie wasnt that bad i guess, megan fox's acting has always annoyed me
any and every transformers movie 
did you go into those movies expecting anything more than robots beating each other up? if so, then that was the problem. 
the inconsistency in the story lines, like one movie OP struggles to fight off a single decepticon and in the next he's winning 1v5. the third movie wasnt that bad i guess, megan fox's acting has always annoyed me
yeah i don't disagree that the story lines and acting were bad. 

but it seems like you expected more than giant robots fighting, which is not what summer popcorn movies are about. 
And they call me a troll ...
*Never returns to this thread*
any and every transformers movie 
did you go into those movies expecting anything more than robots beating each other up? if so, then that was the problem. 
the inconsistency in the story lines, like one movie OP struggles to fight off a single decepticon and in the next he's winning 1v5. the third movie wasnt that bad i guess, megan fox's acting has always annoyed me
yeah i don't disagree that the story lines and acting were bad. 

but it seems like you expected more than giant robots fighting, which is not what summer popcorn movies are about. 
yeah but i just dont like dumb movies in general. like most of the marvel movies are summer action flicks but they had good storylines (For the most part)
Blow?!? Like really. Blow? :smh:

That movie with Brad Pitt. The giving tree. A complete waste of time.

It was like a popular piece of art. If you told people you didn't like it, they would say "you just didn't get it". No ************, the movie just sucks *** and you got played into liking it.
That reminds me...Watchmen was TERRRRRRIBLE
Was it really? I had a friend tell me about the story/concept of the Watchmen and it seemed really interesting and I want to see the movie, guess the film didn't do it justice.
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